/DChad/ General : Big daddy Batsuit Edition

Discuss all things dceu comfy

>JL is a month away
>Aquaman wrapped filming
>SHAZAM in pre production



now this is a good thread

lol I'm so cute and awkward just like Yennefer Lawrenze!

feels genuine coming from Gal. she can't speak english that well

W-will they?



Bitch has terrible feet. Even Cara has better feet than that bitch.

Was it autism?

How autistic do you have to be to consider yourself a Chad when you spend your days on Sup Forums

Isn't she married

no it fucking doesn't and she speaks english fine, you're fucking retarded if you think ANY celebrity is being genuine whenever cameras are facing them, they're in a constant state of acting

Yes. But women just can't help it around Cavill

How did this 6/10 old ass soccer mom type get castes alongside hot hollywood alphas?

Call me that again and you're going down.

Those were tranquilizer bullets. They're just sleeping.




DChad reporting in.
How's everyone's day today? Just finished watching pic related.


How was it?

It was pretty good. I love Constantine, so having him get a prominent role with Batman was pretty cool.

>rubber bullets i promise
Nah but come on they def survived that

Why is Batman the chad of super heros?

This isn't a dcchad thread it's a dceuchad thread. The difference is dceuchads like unironically shitty movies

Hope this gets adapted one day

I spotted the marvel fag

>This isn't a dcchad thread it's a dceuchad thread

They won't adapt it, it doesn't have Batman.

Agreed. I think it would work better as a show, but they really need to use it.

Marvlet detected

She must have been wet

That was pretty good. I'm curious how they're going to handle live-action JL: Dark.

>I'm curious how they're going to handle live-action JL: Dark.
Wait, is that on the table?

i'm almost done with my 15,000 word essay on BvS. how's everybody doing.

Pretty good.

glad to hear it. final JL trailer should be soon, can't wait for more second coming/revelation imagery


He's rich.

Pretty funny comments to be honest.

>admitted BvS was too smart for his brain to wrap around

I'm excited for it. I just REALY hope Whedon didn't change too much from Snyder's work. The comparison shots aren't looking like the Snyderkino I come to expect.

Are you 12?

Oh but it does...

>Snyder actually defended this

That stupid argument that if Batman killed once he'd never stop again is fucking stupid.

>batman is secretly gay

What did (((she))) mean by this?

Only for Superman.

I don't think Snyder is aware of anything at all. He must be a really cool dude if the cast is defending a man this deep into the spectrum.

>watching children's entertainment + product placement


>numale detected

I hope we get a Justice League vs Suicide Squad movie adaptation as teased in SS since that's the best chance for a live Lobo right now.

It's in the front side of the table.

Now that It is a huge blockbuster for the studio, I'd expect Muschietti to be drafted to it as soon as he's free.

JL would win in less than 5 minutes. Literally the only powerful guy SS had was Diablo and now he's dead.

And Enchantress but she ain't coming back said Cara.

SS could recruit some potentially powerful guys from the comics like Dr. (people only remember I'm a rapist) Light, too bad most marketable bad guys are Batman villains.

Seconding this. Her roastie status is evident in her destroyed tootsies. Only the most cum drunk whores neglect their feet. See Paris Hilton, Ariel Winter, Lindsey Logan and Spring Thomas as examples.

is this image real?

>good goy! If you don't pay to watch my cinematic universe of interconnected movies about children's toys then you're a numale! Don't forget to buy the extended edition!

Jokes on you. I don't even watch movies or shows, I just come here to shitpost.

Yes. Why do you think we're the chads of capekino?

>not watching a movie just for some Snyderkino
plebs, your kind aren't welcome here.

Jesus Christ I hate capeshit. Mods better delete this general


>they're making generals now
Fuck off back to


So what's up with Batman and Wonder Woman being front and center in everything? Are they the main guys or something?

According to Ezra Miller they're the dad and mom of the group.

well yeah kinda. Supes is dead, so they're the two trying to form the league

>batman doesnt kill people

I dunno I got this from r/DC_Cinematic

That makes sense.


So are they going to fug or something?



DChad Gens have been a thing for awhile newfag. In fact, since the phrase was coined. back you go

that official??? havent seen this one before


Not sure what's worse, watching Capeshit, or pretending you're a 'chad' by doing so

Wait, people unironically watch capeshit?

Look guise isn't this funny xdd

This thread is so cringey

No they'll just have longing stares and such. Batman belongs either with Talia or Zantanna.

I think the best arc would be the time travel arc in justice league the bad guy tried to be a god then we get to see old bruce, terry and other interesting plotlines.

That sounds retarded

>all the butthurt marvel numale pajeet with their low effort one liner shitpost ITT

>i've never read the post-Jason arc

>Batman belongs either with Talia or Zantanna.

>Literally just got married to Selina Kyle, a much better character than both those whores

Fuck off. The only reason I'm gonna watch Justice League is Boss Whedon

Catwoman is a terrible character and Tom King's run has been awful. He turned Batman into a depressed beta fuck-up that can't do anything without the help of Catwoman. I mean, Batman needing Catwoman to defeat Bane? Really?

>also marrying a literal prostitute that wanted to fuck your adopted son

Total cuck.

Hopefully his post-production changes will shine through

>calling either Zatanna or Talia whores
>when Catwoman was canonically a prostitute told sold her body and flirts/fucks with any male character

Kill yourself with your murky colorless aesthetic. The future is bright and beautiful


Talia is forever Bruce's true love, cuck.

>Call me that again and you're going down
only thing I'm going down on is your mom

Why would a handsome and accomplished billionaire marry an ex-prostitute?

This is all the marriage talk makes me think about it. I just don't get it. It's so unrealistic.