Other than nuHarley Quinn, what Sup Forumsgirl could your girlfriend easily cosplay as?

Other than nuHarley Quinn, what Sup Forumsgirl could your girlfriend easily cosplay as?

Any of them, considering she doesn't exist.

You should ask her to cosplay as Sue Storm

The Invisible Woman.



"Empty Hand"

Are ships considered feminine?



we talkin about availability of costume or from scratch?

If its the latter i imagine Poison Ivy or any bathing suit type character like ms. marvel or something.

SS Enchantress is good

Jennifer Lopez


very cute.



I'm not a lesbian.


I've cosplayed a lot of non-nuharly though.

Wonder Woman.

She'd be a great Spoiler

The invisible woman


>your girlfriend

Yeah, because I'm going to post myself on Sup Forums

Wait, did I say "normies gtfo my board reee?" I meant "hey babe, whazzup, please date me"


Same body type as Sadie, right?

Literally no one cares.

Squirrel Girl but the cute one. Not the fat face ugly looking one from unbeatable.

Looks like you're wrong

My wife could be Weiss from RWBY

Which one is weiss?

Well, ah.. Not that I'd ever bring (or go) to some crummy con. But for purposes of sex, mine has dressed up as a few characters before..

Slutty lazy town Stephanie (with wig and all)
Any sailor-uniform moe blob
Rikku from ff
Most white super heroines, depending on artistic license in supstituting whatever costume with some slutty leotard-bikini thing

Also ponies, if, again, having sex-artistic license for rainbow plug, sparkle glitter, water-tats, and runny latex paint..

Also in that regard, slutty pikachu.

Maybe I should be a porn producer.

My who and a what now?

If I found yellow eye contacts I could probably do Azula after being liberated from a concentration camp.

lose the trip

;_; every time.

Fuck (You)

>Rikku from ff

If anything other than her original costume you have shit taste

Why not? If you have any social media your pics have probably already been posted here.

Came here to post this

>after being liberated from a concentration camp
Meaning what?

I like yellow bikinis..

Also, I actually get to taste. Youd be a picky eater if you didnt starve.

Meaning anorexia and vomit-worthy skelly bitch

All bikinis are good.

Nothing wrong with liking bikinis its just her original outfit was better