Bendis writing Thunderbolts after GotG

>Bendis writing Thunderbolts after GotG

>Bendis will always work at Marvel

Being a DCfag can be tough sometimes, but there's always that light.

How do you know?

Also, people keep talking about 'HYDRA War'. What is that?

I guess that confirms we're getting a Thunderbolts movie

Whatever big crossover that Hydra Cap leads to.

>>Bendis writing Thunderbolts after GotG

R.I.P. Songbird if true though.

HYDRA War is the fan name for the upcoming Steve Rogers focused event.

Next summer's big event comic. We don't actually know what it's called so we're just going with "Hydra War" since knowing Marvel's naming conventions, that's probably what it's going to be.

Captain Hydra and Baron Zemo vs. Red Skull for the Soul of Hydra with the world caught in the crossfires.

>Baron Zemo
They are bringing him back again? Fuck's sake.

Taking bets on who Bendis will ruin the most this time

Your waifu.

Did they retcon him being ruined after Civil War I?

I don't have a waifu

meant for

He is already back, user, and playing hail hydra with Steve. They are also childhood BFFs now.

New issue of Hydra Cap is out? How did I miss it?!

It happened last issue, actually. It gets exanded upon in the issue next week.

Preview was posted here

God damn, it turns out I've missed out on two issues already. And I loved them. Hydra Cap keeps being the best Marvel book right now.

Fuck Marvel so much

He will bring Hawkeye back just to shit on him a bit more.

So, not only Steve's past got rewritten.

Does anyone actually believe based Nicky wouldn't have noticed Cap was a a spy?

This is the same guy that took over HYDRA to take over SHIELD to take over and thwart HYDRA before the Red Skull's clone awoke.

kys Spencer.

>R.I.P. Songbird if true though.
implying Bendis would kill the jewish character

>implying getting BENISED is better than death

>Who are Iceman and Scarlet Witch (when she was jewish)


>marvel this desperate to rip off DC


Iceman is jewish?
Iceman is kill?

Might as well be.
Better to be a dead jew than a living faggot