I don't really know anything about She-Hulk but I was wondering are there any mangas about her actually Lawyering...

I don't really know anything about She-Hulk but I was wondering are there any mangas about her actually Lawyering? Like a full trial series and all the testimonies are told through flashbacks? Has she ever defended a villain? Maybe one comes to her saying they were framed? my google fu is weak.

fuck my ass

Pretty sure you're talking about Slott's run, where they even used comics as legal documents, as they were just retelling of real events.

This isn't the manga board, weebshit. Fuck off.

Why the heck is she transformed? Her strength isn't going to help her at all in court and being angry only hurts your arguments.

slice of life Jen?

There's in arc in Charles Soule's run where she and Daredevil are in court against each other in Captain America's trial. Kind of interesting because Soule has a background in law.

It makes her more assertive, which can be very helpful in court

She's basically always transformed, except when working out

Jen hulks out when she's scared, not angry.

It's a confidence boost for her. She's not nervous or scared of anything when she's Hulked out. Also it's just kinda her default now.

she was also basically the Deadpool of the 80's with her series having constant fourth wall breacks

There are two story time threads in the archive. Go there now and start reading.

Is good.

Kill yourself.

Shulkie thread?


She-Hulk is dead, bury it.

Who thought this art was a good idea

This art is good though.

>Charles Soule

I have a theory about She-Hulk. Which was created by a man, right? And at the time in particular I think 95% of comic book readers were men and certainly almost all of the comic book writers were men. So the Hulk was this classic male power fantasy. It’s like, most of the people reading comic books were these people like me who were just these little kids getting the shit kicked out of them every day… And so then they created She-Huk, right? Who was still smart… I think She-Hulk is the chick that you could fuck if you were Hulk, you know what I’m saying? … She-Hulk was the extension of the male power fantasy. So it’s like if I’m going to be this geek who becomes the Hulk then let’s create a giant green porn star that only the Hulk could fuck.

>fucking your cousin

i think she's having a stroke in that big panel

What's funny is that she was only created because Bionic Woman spun off from Six Million Dollar Man, and if the company that make the Hulk show did something similar, they would end up owning the female Hulk. So he created She-Hulk, wrote the first issue, then passed it off to others.

Fuck off, Millar.

Jews do it all the time. Why do you think mental and physical illness are so present in their communities. The only reason they have hybrids is to try to get rid of Tay-Sachs killing 30% of their kids.

Jen doesn't like who she is, the mousy little girl that's no fun and spends her time studying instead of having fun. She likes who She-hulk is, the popular beautiful super-hero that everyone loves, admires, and can do fun stuff! As a result Jen spends most of her time as She-Hulk instead of Jen.

Shitter at Comics as a whole. A sudo-professional Comic Book expert I know personally has stated profusely that She-Hulk is Marvels #1 Female Slut? Is that true Sup Forums?

This right here. Marvel was afraid the Incredible Hulk TV show would make a She-Hulk character and own it, so they made their own She-Hulk character first. No other thought then create this character for licensing reasons was put in her origin.


I want a She-Hulk: Green Lawyer series for the sole purpose of getting Shulk/Walters into business suits and pencil skirts 24/7.

Please. It is my fetish.

I wish Marvel invested in cartoons again. They missed an opporunity to make a Harvey Bidrman attorney at law type series with She Hulk as the main star, and Emma Frost as a Mentok type judge.

I've got some bad news...

Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Oh, right.
Well, maybe the artist will give her fewer muscles?

It doesn't even have to be She-Hulk in the pencil skirt. Just any woman with great legs.

Absolutely not.

Isn't there a series where She-Hulk pretty much is a lawyer defending super heroes of New York?

At least the interior artist doesn't draw everything so fucked up.

Oh fuck that's fucking hot.

Her eyes.

>weebshit better than stylized art
I bet you hate Unbeatable Squirrel Girl too.

whos her love interest?

>artist can't into bilateral symmetry

Anything with a pulse. Except the Hulk, because whatever Goyer says, that shit's gross.

And Juggernaut

Is this the same artist? Actually wait, this is Frank Cho isn't it?

I like how strong She-Hulk is drawn. Strong but not disgustingly strong.

Does She Hulk love being a cocksleeve, or is she into cuddling?

This does diminish the boner.

Varies depending on the author. Usually she has no problem with it as She-Hulk and is embarrassed about it as Jen.

All of the above, but one thing to note is that an underwear model of all people said she wasn't deep enough for him.

So because some ethnic group does it, and you admit that it leads to problems...is it a good thing in your mind?

Perfect She-hulk.

Perfect looking She Hulk you mean. What if she's characterized like shit?

I don't read comics so it's fine.

This entertains me greatly.

There's a back-up story that ran in Solo Avengers #14 where she's presenting a legal brief but keeps getting interrupted to go fight Titania.

Is there a less consistently shaped character than She-Hulk?

A page from She-Hulk.

That was Goyer, not Millar.

I like to think of She Hulk as a prototype Female Muscle Growth Character. Artists tend to draw her as either very fit and tall, or muscular and friendly.


Why do I get Harvey Birdman Attonery at Law vibes from this comic? I can't stop reading She Hulk's lines in Bird Girl's voice.

does she do manlets?



I love that one

>singularity has a belly button

Why did you have to tell me that?




Has this series started yet?




God, Pete and Jen have the best dynamic. There aren't enough stories of them just being bros.

Peter x Jen is my ship.

Next week.

Masie Williams in this biiitch.


>You will NEVER walk straight again
Could be hot






>because Soule has a background in law.

That art was weird.

Why the actual fuck would you do that to a perfectly good coat fastened by a single fucking belt that fit in the first god damn place?

Fucking hell, Goodwill is a thing, bitch.

>you will never walk straight again
>I thought that was what Jean does to people

I can name 3 manga about mountain climbing and 4 about French aristocracy, I'm sure there mangas about Lawyer.
Jokes aside, Jen being a lawyer is important to her character but honestly takes backseat to all the superhero shtick, honestly Slott and Soule are the only one that gave it an earnest focus, instead of it being an afterthought.



Okay, now we need sexy, confident Jen. Question is if she's /fit/ or not.


I now have the urge to poke it but at the same time I'm scared that it's really just the best way my mind can comprehend some sort of supermassive distortion of spacetime threatening to rip asunder at the slightest disturbance.

This is the fucking greatest. I need more Awesome Andy.


I did not sleep with the Juggernaut!
Who keeps saying that?!

Every post-Byrne She-Hulk run is like that.
