Wolverine has gone rogue, and it's up to you, the newest recruit of the X-Men to bring him down! Can you do it?

Wolverine has gone rogue, and it's up to you, the newest recruit of the X-Men to bring him down! Can you do it?


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Should've joined the Inhumans.

Fire Ball Projection

Prrrrrobably not. In theory, if the objective is simply to incapacitate him, if I had the element of surprise and a good vantage point I might be able to burn enough of him off that he can't move and someone can bag him.

>Umbrakinetic Whip Generation
>The power to create whips from darkness/shadow.

I think I could take him.

>Water Generation
Can I drown him?

>Consumption Psychometry
>The ability to learn the history of whatever user eats
All I need to do is find the last guy to beat wolverine, then eat some of his toenails.

>The user can manipulate the wet season (also rainy season, monsoon season), the time of year when most of a region's average annual rainfall occurs and usually lasts one or more months. Areas with wet seasons are dispersed across portions of the tropics and subtropics.
Unless he's in locked room and I flood him, I'll be dead and wet.

>Crystal Shield construction

I can basically trap him in a crystalline structure right? Like iceman? I got dis.


what the fuck

it's like i really am in a marvel comic

I can't get link to work

Can't adamantium cut through it?


If that's a super power then tumblr's the friggin' Hall of Justice.


I don't even know what that does

You should've joined the Champions.

I got you senpai

Even if it potentially could, he lacks the necessary strength for that to happen.

Might as well bring a giant ass bullseye

It's literally telekinesis but super powerfuland only applied to rotating things.


Everyone from this line up is in a team in a fight against wolverine.

Each person has to post one page from the comic we're making and post it here.


Thank fuck that gravity waves where recently discovered. Now I can just freeze his ass in time with a distorted abomination of physics at my disposal.

Pretty sure adamantium is like a hot knife through butter for most things, plus Logan is above human strength.


I'll trap him in a force field, create a blade thin enough to cut off his head and kick like a ball.

You're thinking vibranium. Besides, even if his is classified super-human it's just barely over the limit. You'd have to be in Spider-man's class.

We got:
Some Dude With A Meta Power

I honestly wouldn't think of that. I was trying to find something nicer than "Flood".

I actually have a list of hero names somewhere, back in 2014 I made over 200 names for a capes setting that I never used.

Beats using generators, desu.

>Hot Robin

Ah shit. He's not really affected by constant bodily harm and while I could probably keep him away with barrages of boulders or earthquakes, as soon as I stopped concentrating he would just shank me.


Dick took some time to come up with Nighting so he needed a placeholder

If you join
We'll win by a Landslide.

I'm not even rolling, this is fanfic and I'm the newest member so by definition I'm a Mary Sue. Victory is assured.

I just hope I get time to exploit assorted veteran members' irrational lust for me before the author runs out of steam or decides to skip to the fight scene.

Doesn't this guy have the same power as you, to a less limited extent?

I'll be Huge Katana and my sidekick can be Hot Robin


Okay, so I'll shred the nerves in his spine and paralyze him from the neck down, keeping the shards in there to prevent the nerves from reconnecting. Once we're back at the mansion and Xavier's sorted him out, I'll remove the shards and let his nerves heal.

If he somehow overcomes that, I'll flay him down to nothing but vital organs and a skeleton. It'll take a while, but he'll heal.

Yes I think I can


This shit is so vague that could be a god or any other form of broken entity. So I guess I've got this?

I get to whine at him like a faggot pussy, maybe that will help

guilt trip him about Mariko Yashida's death and make him feel like it was his fault.

>I get to whine at him like a faggot pussy, maybe that will help


Yes. Teleport him into the sky and then drop him repeatedly. He'll be knocked out, the universal method of removing brainwashing

That might make him kill you

That doesn't exactly tell you the extent of your powers, it just tells you you're from ANOTHER WORLD *spooky noises*. You could probably roll again to see what your actual powers are.

I feel like if Wolvie could be de-brainwashed by getting hit with something really really hard it would have happened a long time ago.


Yeah, I think I got this.

I got zinc manipulation. So it's adamantium vs a metal that is brittle at room temperature.

>Logan has gone mad! This looks like a job for Armageddon-man!

>looking through list of examples of beings who can destroy the universe
>examples from Lilo and Stitch


Yeah, I win.

Naw, he cuts the fuck out of anything less tough than Adamantium.

I'm fine I think

Holy shit, I thought that I was the only one who did that! I used to go over Roget's Thesaurus (the old-fashioned non-alphabetical one) hunting for names related to weird categories (frex, "Abstract Relations", "Volition", etc) and I've said too much.

So, fight until we both get tired?

>Hot Robin

Carrie Kelly?

You could lower his nutritional zinc in his body. That could give him diarrhea but it might take a few weeks, and possibly put him at risk for developing anorexia.


i got this but i'm a lazy piece of shit and don't want to read it. so i think i could beat him but not to sure since i didn't read


So we both have the ability to regenerate, BUT logan on the other hand has more abilities then me

An unending battle it seems

>The power to affect the origin of things
>Its strong enough to even beat non-existence because even that has an origin
Eh it's too powerful so I'm either going to be slapped with a bunch of shitty limitations so it's crap or job constantly

>can you do it?

Uh. Yes.


>the ability to handle all situations and matters

Yes I can.


I'll beat him with the power of friendship!!!


Basically while wolvie gets attacked by a shark, struck by lightening, struck in skull with a metorite made of regen nullifying space metals, I win the lottery and be come king of the universe, and also get dubs.


Seriously, what the fuck, powerlisting. Fuck you,


This sounds overpowered. I basically have all the powers anyone can have? Am I God, or Marty Stu?


Weird power at first but it's applications seem to be Kobik's powers overall. Theoretically I could stop him but I would be rewriting history. The problem is this like Kobik's power where it's retroactive without anyone knowing or does it completely turn the universe on it's head.

You're Legion

">User can transform parts of their body to form a weapon of their choice"
Not going to be much much use when both my arms get severed off.

Well if you had proper combat training you could make your arms adamantium and fight him that way.


Got magic so I can probably pull a win as long as I can get him isolated enough to properly dose him, and baiting Wolvie into a trap shouldn't be too hard.
Counter-brainwash if possible, put to sleep and cart to Xavier otherwise.

How limited is that power? Can you just turn your body into Apocalypse-tier indestructible armor?

Well, he cant sense my ki but he can still smell me. Rip.


I'm okay with this.

I just might be okay.

>The user can release and surround themselves in/with aether for defensive and/or offensive purposes, possibly becoming almost untouchable and granting them various abilities/attacks. The aura may also give the user enhanced physical capabilities such as speed, strength and durability.

Actually yes.

>inb4 a shield is not a weapon


Actually, since I'm just a recruit, with probably very little experience using my powers against another super powered treat, I wouldn't be able to do it, maybe if I have some kind of plot armor, like Miles, where I can unleash an ungodly powerful shock blast I could. but that would mean being some kind of special snowflake and we all know what happens to all the special snowflakes in the X-Men, right Hope?

>The user can (indirectly or otherwise) communicate with and influence their patron deities.
I've asked God if he could calm him down, or at least protect me.

Of course God doesn't exist,and if he does he fucking hates us so i'm gettin rekt

>Sorry true believer! But I'm too busy taking Peter David's soul!


Can even this defeat his plot armor?

We have any One Piece fans in here?

How well did I do?

You will need someone to actually damage him though.

>>User can summon any weapon from any location

Well, I guess I'll just summon a bunch of weapons specifically tailored to nabbing Logan. Something to deal with his healing factor, something that approximates Magneto for the adamantium, and then standard Superhero restraints because even without claws or metal bones wolverine would fucking murder me in 3 seconds flat.

I'm thinking a lighter version of the virus that burned his factor out prior to Death of Wolverine, since presumably the X-men want him alive.

Or shit, I just summon the infinity gauntlet off of Thanos' nightstand while he's in the shower, I'll put it back when I'm done.

>One Piece
That's Fairy Tail, m8. In fact it fucking says fairy tail.

Anyway, you're basically a super mechanic and that's it. To give yourself a better idea of what the power is you should've just looked at the known users.
>Fix-it Felix, Jr. (Wreck-It Ralph)
You don't stand a chance, fuccboi


Drowning is absolutely the best way to kill a Wolverine.
Look at Daken! Is he still dead? If not, where is he?

Boy am I glad that Battle Tendency showed me what to do when you can't kill someone.

>Get amazonian physique
Great, I'm shewow

That's assuming you're a level Omega mutant and have complete mastery of your powers. I'm pretty sure cosmic level weapons would be too much for a fat virgin.

>Eldritch Physiology
I got this.

Bring him down, not bring him in? What sort of suicide mission is this?
OK, I got a good strong change with this. Any slicing done around me will just happen to somewhere else. And with a chance of slicing Logan to death. Or just putting his limbs in different cement mixers. Hey, adamantium doesn't break, but it's still subject to the laws of physics as well as something that ignores those laws in a creative manner. To add to my constant running away, that is. And if not, I could strip the flesh from his bones. Bezerker or not, when he reaches zero blood, he's got to pass out.


Yeah, no. We are going with plan B, magnetize him and launch him into the sun.


Looks like I'm Forge.

I'll build a Wolverine-proof cage with accompanying flawless Wolverine-trap.

He was revived to be in Wolverines then promptly forgotten.

You should hook up with this guy


Why would I join the X-Men with the power? I should be out abusing it for my own personal gain.


But they ARE weapons user. Shield bashing people is fun as fuck.


A bit of a mirror match but without a healing factor I'm obviously toast.

Pic unrelated

Fuck off, Cap. We both know he's better off turning his and into Iron Man suits.

If I get a power I don't like, can I re-choose?


I can raise people from the fucking dead.


Maybe bringing someone Logan cared about back from the dead will convince him to change his ways?

The power to set physical or conceptual entities ablaze.
The user can set anything ablaze, even if they are non-flammable, and incorporeal matter, such as the air itself. They are able to combust even conceptual entities, such as setting a timeline on fire to destroy certain historical pieces.

Whelp, that was easy. Just burn his regeneration. He can't heal, then burn him.
Then, just for the fun of it. Burn all the worlds Religion. And, I guess, burn the world's prejudice against mutants.

Kick back and enjoy the new mutant tolerant aethist world order.

He has met his match.