Post only kafkaesque comics

post only kafkaesque comics

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so a Heathcliff thread?

sounds okay, I already got the ham

That isn't a comic.

Someone needs to brush up on their McCloud.

if the new yorker calls this a comic then cow tools is a comic too.



Why is Larsen not given more credit on Sup Forums? These are the first comics i fell in love with

There are a staggering amount of people that don't understand his humor and spam WHERES THE JOKE whenever someone starts dumping Far Side


many artists are never given enough credit around here

I remember this was Larsen's least favorite cartoon of all time. He wanted to "crawl under a rock and die" after it was published because it made no sense.

I can post is explanation of the cartoon if anyone's interested, btw

But I get this one. It actually made me chuckle a little.

I'd appreciate that--I /think/ I get it, but I'm not entirely positive haha

From "The Pre-History of the Far Side":

"The 'Cow tools' episode is one that will probably haunt me for the rest of my life. A week after it was published back in 1982, I wanted to crawl into a hole somewhere and die

'Cows, as some Far Side readers know, are a favorite subject of mine. I've always found them to be the quintessentially absurd animal for situations even more absurd. Even the name 'cow,' to me, is intrinsically funny.

"And so one day I started thinking back on an anthropology course I had in college and how we learned that man used to be defined as 'the only animal that made and shaped tools.' Unfortunately, researchers discovered that certain primates and even some bird species did the same thing -- so the definition had to be extended somewhat to avoid awkward situations such as someone hiring a crew of chimpanzees to remodel their kitchen.

"Inevitably, I began thinking about cows, and what if they, too were discovered as toolmakers. What would they make? Primitive tools are always, well, primitive-looking -- appearing rather nondescript to the lay person. So, it seemed to me, whatever a COW would make would have to be even a couple notches further down the 'skill-o-meter.'

"I imagined, and subsequently drew, a cow standing next to her workbench, proudly displaying her handiwork (hoofiwork?). The 'cow tools' were supposed to be just meaningless artifacts -- only the cow or cowthropologist is supposed to know what they're used for

I understand the jokes, but for me it suffers from what many funny pictures with words suffer. Redundant captions. Very simplistic jokes and sometimes jokes that aren't even jokes (as cow tools are)

That is a great comic and first time I've seen it.

Farside is so huge though, i would expect some love here

the bus is great

I'm not entirely sure what is happening here. Is he an actor who's playing a man on the bus in a theatre?


"The first mistake I made was in thinking this was funny. The second was in making one of the tools resemble a crude handsaw -- which made the already confused people decide their only hope in understanding the cartoon meant deciphering what the OTHER tools were as well. Of course, they didn't have a chance in hell.

"But, for the first time, 'Cow tools' awakened me to the fact that my profession was not just an isolated exercise in the corner of my apartment. The day after its release, my phone began to ring with inquiries from reporters and radio stations from regions in the country where The Far Side was published. Everyone, it seemed, wanted to know what in the world this cartoon MEANT! My syndicate was equally bombarded, and I was ultimately asked to write a press release explaining 'Cow tools.' Someone sent me the front page of one newspaper which, down in one corner, ran the tease, 'Cow Tools: What does it mean? (see page B14)' I was mortified.

"In the first year or two of drawing The Far Side, I always believed my career perpetually hung by a thread. And this time I was convinced it had finally been severed. Ironically, when the dust had finally settled and as a result of all the 'noise' it made, 'Cow tools' became more of a boost to The Far Side than anything else

"So, in summary, I drew a really weird, obtuse cartoon that no one understood and wasn't funny and therefore I went on to even greater success and recognition.

"Yeah, I like this country."

Global rule of being kafkaesque: if you can understand it, it's not kafkaesque.

Only post kafkaesque comics.

Some other user's fresh OC

Sorry for the long dump. I had to type and transcribe all that word for word out of a book. Hope that didn't take too long for you guys. Anyhow, hope the explanation helped.

The Far Side is really good though, in my personal opinion the best comic to ever grace newspaper funny pages. I'd say it's better than Calvin and Hobbes, though I know that's probably sacrilege around here. Anyway, I'd highly recommend everybody here check it out.

If that's what we're aiming for, we should get some Quino up in this shit.

I always assumed he didn't think most of the stuff he did was funny or made sense. They are entertaining though


Most of the stuff he does is funny and makes sense. People are just stupid for not getting it. This one though, this one really didn't make sense

He's a normal guy who steps off the bus, to find himself in a play. He looks behind to the bus he just stepped off, but it's a prop in the play.

around february we had a bunch of Quino threads, it was glorious

It did in retrospect. Problem is, "Cows are dumb and their tools would be dumb too" only qualify as a joke in Larson's mind, and people were looking for a joke they missed.

Do people really not get "Sneed's Feed and Seed?"

If it's "Formerly Chucks," then to get the joke, just think of what "Feed" and "Seed" would sound like if you were to keep the first letters and make they rhyme with "Chuck" the way they already rhyme with "Sneed."

The joke isn't actually that funny, imo. He just thought it was.

His other stuff is terrific, though.

Yes, they do, but like everything else in that picture it still gets constantly posted by people who don't get it or are trolling.

>He's a normal guy who steps off the bus, to find himself in a play. He looks behind to the bus he just stepped off, but it's a prop in the play.

>kafkaesque: the word Kafkaesque is often applied to bizarre and impersonal administrative situations where the individual feels powerless to understand or control what is happening.

now that's kafkaesque!

Again, I get this one. It's actually pretty good. Does this not make sense to the rest of you guys?

It's a "square," "straight-edged" family, and the little boy is being scolded for drawing something that wasn't straight edged at all:

... oh. Ok then. So should I stop trying to explain the cartoons people "don't get?" Is it not actually helpful?

Don't start.

You're completely right though.

You'll catch a newbie that doesn't know every now and then, so keep doing it if you want to. I just wanted to point out "Sneed's Feed and Seed" is Sup Forumsmmon knowledge at this point.

Call me a unenlightened dweeb, but was there actually a joke to get here? I vaguely recall that episode had people repeatedly not getting it and I always thought that was the joke.

Otherwise I simply don't get it

There was a joke there.


Saw it coming and still fell for it. Shame on me, I guess

Far Side's problem is that it doesn't have any kind of presence online because Larson has an kinda understandable reason for refraining from posting his comics online. The downside is it means a lot less exposure.

the joke is people who dont understand what kafkaesque is

Le Dump

>Larson has an kinda understandable reason
What is the reason? I never read the letter or whatever.

Don't forget you're here forever

I guess its time for Le BUS





I...uh, what?

I love the Bus comic series, You sir are a great man.

I like this


Ignore this man and keep posting!


thank you





It's a metaphor, essentially a take on shakespears "all the world is a stage." Even the simple act of a man getting on, standing, and getting off the bus is itself a presentation and an act for all those who are there to witness.











> When you spend your whole live trying to get on and off a reality warping bus and you develop your own reality warping powers that allow you to escape from prison with a bus.





Goddamn I love it, post more






>l' expresso
I want that mug. And the planter.




Okay the bug person is definitely a reference to kafka's metamorphosis, this is trying to be Kafkaesque.


more like he knows the laws of the universe and he is using them to his advantage


I unironically want that Bus planter for my apartment window.

My sides




This is pretty good


No cow tool touching, ma'am.
