How come she doesn't look like squidward?

How come she doesn't look like squidward?

And also, how many of you would fuck her?

Why doesn't Spongebob look like his parents?

Spongebob's parents just had different faces.

But this one, the pic related doesn't even have hands.

She's an octopus, he's a squid.


Different species of octopus.

She had to be shaped differently/less anthromorphic in order for the gag to work.

>how many of us would fuck her

I think about 9 would be her limit.

Because he has autism. In the episode where he turned "normal" he lost the squared shape.

Ah ha, no.

But Squidward's an octopus

I would finger her inkhole.

It always bugs me how all the background characters are fish. Very little variety in undersea life.

That's because other lifeforms are the niggers of the sea.

Which episode is this?
Also how come two of the girls look like spongebob?

Its from Sailor Mouth its at the part when Spongebob swears in the KK


Been a long time.


Squidward doesn't have hands.


Squidward is an octopus. Octoward doesn't roll off the tongue as good.

But Grimsby...