Is this a lovestory between a a space arab and a space latino?

Is this a lovestory between a a space arab and a space latino?

Arabs and latinos aren tlocked in aa century old war so no

yeah but the war is clearly between two different planets with a diverse population. So that shouldn't be a relevant factor

They were

Well... the Spanish were

What SW comic is this?

The graphic novel adaption of Dark Saber.

OK, thanks.

nigger don't get tricked it's clearly the new guardians of the galaxy run. don't buy it's just sjw bullshit.

Didn't intend to; the art looks lazy.

No, it's a love story between a space poo in loo and a space Jap.

A space jap and space mulatto actually

So it's not SW but SJW?

It's Saga by Brian K. Vaughan.

would explain why it's such shit

No it's very obviously a space Indian and a space Pole.

Movie when? By Abrams preferably?


it's a goat and a fairy

or a demon and an angel

>or a demon and an angel

Why is BKV so overrated?



yeah I said Latino

And this guy is clearly Arabic

But we just had this thread guys.