Hey there true believers! I feel refreshed for some reason!

Hey there true believers! I feel refreshed for some reason!

Must be something I ate.

Other urls found in this thread:


I swear to god if you are behind Carrie's heart attack, Stan!

You may have stolen Matt and Liam's souls but Fisher is going to beat you you old fuck.




Hey you guys remember that scene from Whiplash?

Aw crap. I didn't know about this.

On the upside, I saw the new Star Wars and the CGI of her at the end was rather nice. Wouldn't it be a good thing for people to remember her like that?

So young and vibrant. So full of life and promise.

Wait,who did he kill this time?


Only a recreational user of cocaine.

He's going all out today

Carrie Fisher had a heart attack

Carrie Fisher

Star Wars ep8 Delayed

The filming already finished in summer, they're in post production right now


>Stan is the Galactus, the devourer or our reality

If Frank millers blood had too much cocaine and whores for Stan to handle then Carrie's should be safe.

Does anybody actualky care about Miles Teller though?

A drumstick perhaps? Left side?

I had to google who that was

>Carrie instead of Harrison Ford

But why do we see him as a kind old man?

His purpose is to put us out of our collective misery.

Eat us Stan. Eat us all and spare us the pain.

Harrison ford is still doing stuff.
Eh, he hasn't really taken anyone I give a fuck about.

Who can stop him?

>2016 isn't over just yet
>let's take carrie fisher before it ends on christmas weekend
fuck this fucking year holy shit

The force is strong with this one.

And that's for Trankt4stic.


>Harrison ford is still doing stuff.

Why does everyone hate 2016 so much?
>Brexit happens
>Ghostbusters bombs
>God emperor takes his throne
It was a great year all thing considered.

>the brits fucked themselves
>a long cherished series got raped publicly
>a walking meme got out of control and it looks like we're on the verge of Cold War 2 because meme magic was taken way too far

It's a pretty shitty year, user.

This is getting ri-God-damn-diculous now.

Enough Stan. PLEASE.

>looks like we're on the verge of Cold War 2
Considering we've been fighting proxy wars for about 5 or six years already that only escalated because of about two decades of poor diplomacy, Cold War 2 started awhile ago, before Obama.

>ton of celebrity deaths, including bowie, prince, ali, and rickman to name a few
>brexit fucks up the EU and UK clearly has no actual plan for how they plan to separate
>a meme becomes president, is predictably not draining the swamp and is cozying up to communists
>a fuck ton of terrorism attacks on civillians across the world
So yeah this year is pretty awful by all accounts, even if you disagree with the political aspects

This year needs to just hurry up and end.

And theres still a whole fucking week left.

>muh meme politics
>some stupid movie
You didn't help at all.

>cozying up to communists

Trump's talking about expanding our nuclear weapons stockpile and Russia is doing the same. Just a few days ago, Russia tested a missile designed to take out satellites.

We have been fighting proxy wars since WWII. Most of our problems today are us cleaning up messes from the Cold War.


Stan will take trump. Mark my words

Doubt it. Loudmouthed assholes that don't critically think about things and believe they're the shit, tend to live long lives.

>what are bodyguards/aids

Please, of the all the people let him take Trump's life so that Sup Forums can go into a depressive shock.

Not him but Stan operates interdimensionally and has the ability to stop time to savor the flavor

Nothing against Stan the Man's necromancy.

>inb4 "but then mike pence will become president that is trumps keikaku"
I will personally volunteer to get electrocuted by the president if it means less zionist nuclear weapon bullshit.

He can't keep getting away with it!
It's the only way we'll live


We're talking about Stan Lee here.

is that the guy who made the batmam movie?

>Stan dies
>maelstrom of souls erupts from his chest
still waiting for it if I don't die first

>Trump's talking about expanding our nuclear weapons stockpile
Literally nothing wrong with a deterrent.
Also, at this point we are safe from about 90 (I'm being conservative with this figure) of nuclear threats.

Russia has been upping their nuclear capability since the utter failure that was the combined W. and Obama non-proliferation policies. There were a ton of loopholes and even our intelligence communities have a difficult time being able to tell definitively whether or not certain countries have been able to mask weapons tests--and yes, that's with our absurd amount of detection systems. I'm skeptical that there have been any tests, but thanks to some loophole wording in a secondary treaty that is ongoing next to START, it may not even be possible to enforce any violations.

Neat tidbit, but an expert (dude worked on nuSTART) named Brad Roberts (he's against proliferation, but he's been talking about the "case for nukes' under the current international climate) thinks Obama has been the worst president as far as non proliferation goes since, ironically, Carter. He's got some interesting seminars recorded on Youtube. Although, that may quickly change.
I still remain skeptic that Russia is our enemy, but I don't think they are our friend either. There's just been some really shitty foreign policy neglection dating back to Clinton that has stunted the development of a working relationship. I think we should be considerably more concerned with China or the Saudis (because they are the puppetmasters of conflict in the ME). After Trump got elected though, Russia has been making moves to end the cozier relationship they had been cultivating with China over the past ~3 years, and I think that's because they're gonna try and warm up to us again, hopefully with better success than in the Clinton years. Russia FUCKING hates China.

Sorry for the length, but this nuclear stuff is really important to what I do and like to share.

At least Pence believes in democracy as a foundation our country was built on

Any death of Stan the Maneater is if his own volition, hence why he has to be banished from reality. He is eternal in the existence we live in

>Pence believes in democracy

What's your agenda?

>Russia FUCKING hates China.
does it even make sense to think in terms of countries instead of businesses
I'm sure that relationships between countries in practice are not what seem to be

Stan will take us all after the nuclear war.

He tried and failed when TFA was filming. He knows now he can't take Indy out so easily.

A deterrent from what? Space aliens? We have enough nukes to wipe out mankind several times over. There is only one nation that really has a stockpile that's in the same league as ours, Russia.

Conversely, literally any nation that has nukes that they can deliver can ruin our day. It's like having a handgun vs an assault rifle. Yeah, the rifle can kill but a handgun ends lives as well and getting shot square in the chest by either has a pretty good chance of killing you.

Do you really think that will stop Dracula incarnate?

How did you not burst out laughing while typing that?

Gonna be honest, this genuinely frightens me. I don't think he actually knows what a nuclear weapon is, nor what it's capable of.

but their both the same!!1 lol!

>trump fans on this site called Hillary a warmonger
> said electing trump would avoid nuclear war
Loving every laugh

It's true though, all you need to see to know is his reaction to the Hamilton shit

>Trump goes on a Twitter rampage about how awful the cast is for voicing their thoughts
>Pence shrugs it off and says he didn't really care

That shows you the kind of people they are. Pence has the more traditional response to someone voicing their opinion, while Trump is thin skinned and denounces them. A President denouncing someone's free speech is really bad, even if he disagrees with them.

But he did Blade Runner 2049, which is worse.

Trumps gonna hate being president; he's gonna have one hell of a filter of people keeping him from saying all the stupid shit out loud that he's so used to doing.

Well, I'm interested in getting nuclear power more available to rust belt (and beyond) areas. Basically, use our natural resources for a time to fund the building of nuclear power facilities and get us energy independence while we get homes easier access to cheaper and more quality solar energy.

Basically I want energy independence for the end user. And yes Green partytards, Nuclear is clean.

I think so. China doesn't behave like a business, and their playbook is really old. Russia doesn't play by rules (what like insider trading is legal and encouraged in their exchanges).

>A deterrent from what
I probably should've expanded on that spot, but character count exists.
Lemme address your last point first. It would be absurdly difficult for anybody to hurt us with nukes, there are a few holes in our defense net, but our missile defense is superb. Our available stockpile actually isn't entirely weaponized and that is a weakness in the other, more undesirable part of missile defense. Basically, a shield needs a sword, and our sword has been getting rustier since Bush Sr., and in all the treaty mumbo jumbo, the people who would be able to exploit that, could if they really wanted to.
I'm not even agreeing with Trump exactly, but somewhere in what he's saying is maybe something rational. Unfortunately, at best, he's still stupidly cryptic.

And also yes aliens.

Pence pls. You mild-mannered conservatards are always the worst.

>radioactivity is not dangerous!

>which is worse.
Denis 'Finish Your Meal' Villeneuve is making Blade Kino II, fuck off.

>Trumptards are idiots

These are the same people who thought a big businessman would give a shit about the little guy. This shouldn't surprise anyone.

>Denis 'Finish Your Meal' Villeneuve

>I want a nuclear war
Edgy, kid.

Spoken like a true pleb.

He's got AIDS?

2obscure4me, user.

Actually I voted for Shillary, but I'm not an assbaby who thinks campaigns to get Trump out of office will ever be effective. That said I wouldn't be shocked if he got into legal trouble given the ethics issues already stacking on top of him. Pence would be a better alternative at this point

The only thing I can take solace in the election of Donald Trump is that he will likely blab if we have had contact with alieums; only for him to propose building a planetary wall.


>2016 is bad meme

Good dog.

"Star Wars" did not work. Our defense net was just to convince the Russians to blow all their money on a way to penetrate our defenses. So now, ICBM'S have all sorts of shit to defeat missile defense systems. That's why we lose our shit when North Korea starts testing missiles and shit even though they're rolling around in old ass equipment.

>Pence would be a better alternative at this point
At least Trump is just a loudmouth with a somewhat vague idea what he's meant to be doing; Pence has the potential to be a Cruz-tier theocrat.

repeating numbers for carrie

Yes, yes, you're pleased about the American elections. We get it.

The real fun here is, Trump gave an interview in which he said, "Let it be an arm's race, we'll beat them."

>US GDP = 17.95 trillion
>Russia GDP = 1.33 trillion

Yer fucking right we'd destroy them in another arms race. Our military budget is half the size of their goddamn economy, and fracking means we can crash said economy anytime we feel like it.

So, yeah, Putin was back-peddling today so fast he was leaving divots in the carpet.


Goddamn, I love Trump. That orange bastard isn't even President yet, and he can body-check 'Invincible Ivan' with one fucking sentence.

>We can beat a shitty, foreign nation in a pointless excursion of money

wow, who would have thought.


user, can you post an actual credible source?

No one is arguing that radioactivity isn't dangerous, just that the massive solar farms liberals get wet over are massively more damaging to the environment than something like Yucca mountain
>inb4 fukishema
Wow, it's almost like the US doesn't has massive swathes of geologically stable land and isn't a volcano island. Obviously we must build all our plants in California because captain planet needs to fight someone.

I still can't get over Robin Williams and Alan Rickman. This hurts more than terrorism.
>Chicago cubs

>>radioactivity is not dangerous!

I'm not that user, but that's not what he said.

This sort of shit is fucking annoying.

YES, nuclear power is FUCKING DANGEROUS.

But here's a clue: So is every kind of power, you cringing little pissant.

Nuclear power is actually the least deadly form of power we have access to, because it's so fucking dangerous, we're careful as hell with it.


There, try and educate yourself you dumb fuck.

Robin Williams died two years ago.

tweet < outright declaring she wants a no fly zone over Syria

Being incompetent is no better than being dangerously competent. And Trump will soon become a puppet with everyone around him competing for his ear, because he just repeats the last thing he was told by someone who spoke nicely to him.

>Talked about destroying obamacare
>Obama tells him to keep a couple clauses intact
>Now he wants to keep those parts

anything's better than oil at this point, fuck Saudi Arabia

Dude, calm down. You should take a vacation in Chernobyl sometime.

Because lord knows Trump's tweets are the worst thing he's done.

>And Trump will soon become a puppet with everyone around him competing for his ear

>No one is arguing that radioactivity isn't dangerous
Backpedaling again, huh? That's good.

trips and he dies 2017

in terms of warmongering, you idiot