Cartoon food you want to eat

cartoon food you want to eat


I am Armenian and our food really is not very spicy. Wimpy Canadians.

I've always wanted to eat a krabby patty

So pork butts then?

I always imagined that they were sweet and honey-glazed tasting, for some reason. I don't think there is any indication that this is the Monte Cristo of canned meat, and yet...



I wanted to destroy that pizza puff.

The hey Armold eating contest episode gave me the chumbly tummers.


So...crack? Literally crack. You literally want to ingest purple crack.

I'm not going to fault you or anything. It's just a good thing Jimmy wasn't older or that episode would've gone to a dark place.




You've never had a jaw breaker? You poor thing.

Which do you mean, the hot sauce or the folded-up paper plates full of dandelions?

>the folded-up paper plates full of dandelions
What? You mean the tacos?

I'd get executed for the things I'd do to her, Who ever would kill me would cave in my skull with out mercy and with tears rolling down their face.

Those prunes with whip cream that turned Dr. Zablost into a good guy.

kanker burgers


Red Gold


Mmm, I would cook that sucker dry, chop it into chewy little squares and slather it with a nice cold bottle of catsup.


>ywn have a qt trailer trash waifu make you a lardburger

The only cute one is the blue haired one. The other two...

I kinda like the turbotard blonde one if she keeps her mouth closed, but I would like the redhead if she was blonde

wasn't it prunes in vinegar


Stop posting Plankton.

>double d eating the yellow crayon
>you are a banana
that line sticks with me


To this day I still can't imagine what the fuck that stuff is

I would think some kind of dog-food, obviously, but it's too creamy, and why the kibble parts?

My expectation is it's chocolate mousse with cocoa-puffs on top, served in a gold dish

I used to get the ones about the size of a child's fist, and they last for fucking ever.
You have to just lick at one spot until you reach the hollow core, then you work your tongue in widening circles until it gets thin enough to snap. Took me about a year to finish one as a kid.

no I did just never one that big

Chocolate can kill dogs.

Buy flantasy flan

Some people microwave them and have them melt but dear god that is extremely stupid to do. Some people would be stupid enough to bite down on them for it to explode and basically have sugar napalm melt off their face. I feel that is one reason why it is so hard to find giant jawbreakers, they take forever to eat normally and hard to do so and kids who try to cheat at it may it be with a hammer or microwave often hurt themselves.


>microwave them and have them melt
Seems to me you'd just end up with a burning hot rock of sugar.

anytime someone has a fictional drink I want it

>tfw my tongue started bleeding before I could get through one

Never again

if your trying to upset me or just trying to get a free (You) it worked

Those always did look pretty appetizing to my young mind.

It still kinda does

fuck off chink

>have big jawbreaker
>lick on it for a while
>put it in my pocket
>take it out later
my tongue was destroyed for a couple weeks working on that

Fuck jawbreakers, this is where it was at.

>you will never known what a jew jew bean is

That one movie with the zombies and the cat people on that one island. They were eating crawfish in the van. Definitely made me love crawfish after that.


DOTS candy?

They taste like ass.

The peaches and cream episode made me want them so bad, still looks good now but I'm always to lazy to drive to the store and get some.

Also Jimmy getting stuffed like that was pretty hot

Almost everything in this thread really

Also these

I heard a place in Japan makes these. They cover a bone with layers of meat and cheese

>the chumbly tummers
I'm going to start using that.

Fucking GCCX with their food porn


admit it Sup Forums, you wanted one of those


After all these years I realized why Double D reacted to the mention of milk.

>my tongue was destroyed for a couple weeks working on that
No. You want your tongue destroyed, eat ice breakers sours.

I burned through a pack ASAP and the acid literally melted a depression in my tongue because I sucked on every piece in the same spot.

That or eat freezer pops. Eating 3 of the fuckers always causes some of my papillae to turn white and fall off over the next couple weeks.

no, just you, weirdo
I want one of these

There are literally instructions online.

It's called manga meat for anyone that wants to look it up.

Eating her out must taste like maple syrup.

The fourth flavor.

I bet it was cake.

The smaller kind taste better IMHO. Also the larger kind tend to flake apart as you're trying to get them down to a manageable size so you lose lots of bits of the candy on the way into your mouth.

The pokemon food from pokemon the first movie that Pikachu eats. It looked so good and crunchy

It was just fucking blueberry

Why would blueberry be yellow? Use your head.

I don't know. I'm guessing they ran out of shitty food dye or something.

Numbah Zero said it was similar to Blurpleberry, you heathen.

I'd imagine it would be orange juice.
A pussy that secretes maple syrup would not be a pleasant experience.

They're plums. "Happy Plums".

An idiot nine year old girl made it, also she made it for Oliver, a cat. It's even less likely she'd assume cats can't eat chocolate either, being a child.

I think it was zabaglione.

Spaghetti sandwhiches are bretty good, though I bet in Texas the bread would be mediocre store-bought stuff.

I remember in Majora's Mask, there was a sidequest where you hard to get a Goron some "Rock Sirloin", which was essentially a rock in that shape
I wanted to eat that rock.

Is there any particular reason that so many Edd Ed 'n Eddy episodes featured weight gain?

I'd want it to be tough and chewy to hold up to the sauce. if it's thin or soft then it'll turn soggy really quickly and fall apart

Butterscotch or caramel, going by color.

it was banana, you fucking mongs

always had my mouth watering as a kid and even still

Looks like some sweet pussy.