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Makes me wonder how sinister darkseid will look like

Makes me want a Quake movie.


Why do they work for supes?


Snyder didnt thought much about this scene, he just said that the movie was too linear and wanted something to fill in. The "reasons" came after.

The faggot just cant stop making dream sequences on everything, BvS probably had 5 flashbacks and dream sequences, and Suker Punch is Dream Sequence: The Movie.

It wasnt there for no reason, it was the third in a series of dream sequences bruce had had (you know basic rules of three) that all show him falling deeper and deeper into paranoia. This one highlights his worst fear about Superman and is immediately followed by a scene in which clark's worst fears about Batman are highlighted.

really love the design of the parademons

Stop making shit up dude.

It is like the "moby dick" symbolism, that had nothing to do with anything. This was a future vision showing that this Superman isnt so far away from becoming a dictator, and an add for a next movie.

Which one? Quake 1 or 2? Both would be pretty awesome either way.

It was very Omega. The Apokoliptan aesthetic in this movie was great.

Its a shame that the writting will probably be awful on the JL movie.

Executive meddling is literally the worst.

Parademons are weak ass bitches. How are they the troops for the ultimate evil?

>Ultimate Evil (tm)
No fuck off Darkseid isn't evil

What boils my potatoes is that Superman didn't have a new costume despite evidently being in league with Darkseid.

He totally should have had an "I'm evil now" suit

But, I guarantee you 100% what happened was that they chose to have the regular suit so that they could use shots from that scene in the trailer to mislead people

He did literally nothing wrong. Is Darkseid, dare I say, our guy?

Because they're being punished by being forced to be soldiers
So when you kills his troops, Darkseid wins



I fucking hate this. Snyder is a fucking great cinematographer. If he was just taken off of the story completely and had no input on it the DCEU would be pretty great.

>No fuck off Darkseid isn't evil
Well not any more he isn't what with him being a baby that's going to be raised right and all.

the rule of threes isnt made up, and go count, there are two dream sequences before it for bruce and none after it. And it IS followed by a scene of Clark getting the pictures of the dead inmates that were branded by Bruce (which was a set up by Luthor), thus making Batman judge, jury, and executioner-- Superman's worst fear about batman. How is that made up when its literally right there in the movie?

Also the line in the dream where Superman says "she was my world" is then mirrored later when Superman tells lois that she is his world.

So its not there for no reason.

the moby dick thing isnt real you dumb ass


I agree.

I can't wait to see what the New Genesis/Highfather/Forever People aesthetic is.
Big Barda and Mister Miracle would be amazing.

It's going to be smack over your head angelic.
Even more so than the original

>wanting New Genesis with all the color leeched out of it and filmed entirely in bad 300-tier greenscreen

Nope, Sucker Punch showed that Snyder without supervision is just painfuly bad.

He needs writers and editors, not executive meddling. Like George Lucas.

That's the point, Sup Forums retarded people like that guy jerked off with a huge theory and symbolism that turns out...wasn't true. Because Snyderfags are retarded and pretentious.

god he's gonna fuck up the new gods so bad

Yeah, and look at the quality of writers WB has hired for Justice League and WW

They have Chris "MARTHA" Terrio for JL, and literally a TV soap opera writer with no film experience for WW

Fucking wow WB

The DCEU is a trainwreck. Johns had to rewrotte WW to try to save it.

I know the rule of threes, I just don't think that Snyder had anything like you imply in mind, like the Moby dick's case.

What if everything else is dark so that when we finally see New Genesis in full unfiltered color it stands out so much more, and really leaves a strong impression?

And then he got mugged...

I unironically like those parademons.

Even Johns won't be able to save the DCEU.

He's still the Ultimate Tyrant.

This is some God level trolling.

I'm still trying to understand what Darkseid meant....

obviously he meant "I am the storm"

My only problem was Steppenwolf's design. Everything else looked nice.

We haven't seen Steppenwolf yet but the design preview of him is shit, yes

Well whatever that was in that one deleted scene needs to be scrapped.