So Trixie is the mom?

So Trixie is the mom?


how's camp sherwood going?

Either her or Tootie.

isnĀ“t Vicky the mom?

Pan was shown

Everyone is having an orgy

looks like Tootie

Remove the glasses and it looks like Trixie though and the boy has the same shade of black as Trixie

I'm pretty sure Hartman made it intentionally unclear so that it could be either Trixie or Tootie

although how long has it been since either actually did something on the show at this point?

fuck it's just like the question of whats under Double D's hat.

Hair, what else?

Chugging along nicely, seems to be setting up an action adventure vibe for the nights and comfy SoL for the days

A real, non-cartoon scalp

Wait guys...who is Deep Toot?

Not Asain enough to be Trixie.

In the live action films, which is a separate canon ending, Tootie is the endgame.

And in some online game thing, there is a note that Tootie would name her kids Tammy and Tommy.

Its obviously from Tootie.

Trixie never was even seriously considered endgame, and apart from one episode, she is just a bitch.

And the wishology trilogy


This is a pretty pathetic attempt at a shipping war thread.
Try it again five seasons ago.

That picture is upside down

This user made a point

No Poof or Sparky. Non canon.

There is no way you can look at that girl and think "that looks like Trixie" unless you're a cuck or a hopelessly delusional Trixie/Timmy shipper.

Even though I like Trixie, her only good episodes involved little to no shipping, because otherwise it was just making her look bad. It boggles my mind that some people vehemently supported that couple. Though I'm pretty sure OP is being ironic.

but that would put the worst people on top rather than the best

No hair, from the chemotherapy

I like to think of it as "the future based on everything up to season 4" will make things end up like Channel Chasers, and "the future based on everything up to season 8" is the live action films.

Obviously the future is based on how the characters have been throughout the series, so I always find it interesting that in CC he gets over fairies at 18 but in the live action films he has them at 24.

The next future glimpse we see will also tell us if Chloe (and sparky i guess) changed his character for the better, will he be completely dependent on them still or will her friendship with him help them both grow up more quickly

I dont remember channel chasers well but I remember there being an evil future Timmy and a good future Timmy. I think if thats the case there could also be a Chloe future Timmy

But we didn't have Chloe back then.

Well I think the Bad Future was changed to a good future, but yeah, I would think there's a Chloe future, as the potential futures change as more lore is added to the series. I heard the live action films would have been an official finale if the show didnt continue, like Channel Chasers.

I also hear they actually arent that bad, which almost makes me want to watch them.

Who was the Emo one again?

Molly from Wishing Well. I really liked the episode and wish they'd return.

That bait would get a lot more (you)'s if you didn't make it so obvious with Mary Sue being in it.

Except her appearance in that one episode was fantastic enough to make up for all of that.

>Mary Sue
>he actually believes Youtube
top puf

Wanda is a bigger Mary Sue than Chloe

Wanda is constantly shit on by Da Rules and Cosmo. There's nothing Suey about her.

Wanda has no flaws besides liking chocolate too much, is always right and is constantly called the smartest one in the group. Several episodes have shown that they cant function without her. She's smart, always knowing the situation and how it relates to the rules, and very capable in battle.

Chloe is constantly shat on by Timmy and Wanda, who have both called her insane, and a large chunk of the plots are about her being completely wrong in her effort to help. She's also really quick to just completely lose control of her emotions.

I mean, I dont hate Wanda at all, but she's certainly more "mary sue" like than the new girl everyone loves to hate

I really love how Butch posts glimpses from the production on his tumblr. and youtube. It's really nice to see.

Stuff like alternate titlecards or storyboard images. He's a real chill guy


Not uncommon to have a kid that looks more like their aunt/uncle.

I look more like my mom's brother rather than my mom.

Wanda is portrayed as an annoying nag. I haven't watched the show in years but I assume Chloe is well liked by all the characters at all times, right?

One knows he has FAIRY GOD-PARENTS!

Is this show still going? I feel like I haven't watched it in 15 years but every now and again updates on the show get filtered to me through Sup Forums. Something about Cosmo and Wanda having a baby, and also now there's a girl that shares Timmy's fairies for some reason?

is this whole thread either just fucking around to be funny or is everyone that stupid and not obviously know its fucking tootie.....WHO else wears those fucking glasses.

unfortunately....yes and its worse than ever

Yes, Trixie is the mother of Tommy, Tootie is the mother of Tammy.

No, bith Timmy and Wanda find her to be a nusiance very often. And Wanda is portrayed as always right, so the the fact that's she's a nag doesn't mean much since she's right in the end and should have been listened to.

Season 10 isn't even the 4th worst season, much less the worst


this is the new left-leaning Sup Forums for ya


I honestly find it hard to believe someone is familiar with the show but unfamiliar with Poof

Don't be a retard

Fairly Odd Parents is just one of those shows with a heavy nostalgiafag fan base so they actually remember Trixie as being good for more than 3 or so episodes

No it wasnt

Could be Vicky.

The girl has Trixie's hair