Rebecca sugar is a talentless hack fraud who doesn't know how to structure a story well enough to make it interesting...

rebecca sugar is a talentless hack fraud who doesn't know how to structure a story well enough to make it interesting. her entire world is built upon "oh yeah here are some things that would've been nice to know WHEN WE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK ANY OF THIS WAS" shoehorned into the nonexistent narrative well after the collective audience has stopped giving a shit about the deeper, more complex (being generous on both accounts) aspects of the series. as long as you have some comfy filler to pad out your story arcs no one's gonna complain if they feel good watching it, right?

And water is wet, and the sky is blue.

What's your point?

I'm glad bait comes prepackaged with an appropriate image so I don't have to post one.

As opposed to what? Star Vs? Loud House? Your Japanese animes from Japan?

Your bait has only attracted Lapiven.

Steven Universe is wasted potential the show

Steven is ugly as fuck. One of the most unfunny and repulsive protagonists on a show.

Why are you so mad about it?

In what ways?

His pig nose, his curly hair, his fatness, his stupid bean shaped eyebrows. He really isn't appealing to look at.

the sad thing is that it's true

the show is fucking filler garbage, and I don't care what any SOL watching anime weeb autist thinks

It's a shame, because I love this show. There's nothing interesting happening in the later episode.
He doesn't look that bad.

>SOL watching anime weeb autist
Said autist speaking here. SU has no appeal to me whatsoever because the characters aren't cute and the stupid bullshit isn't innane and dull enough.

He does to me. His personality doesn't help either.


You don't know what that word means.

I love the show if only for how assblasted its existence makes you people.

What is filler?

that's just like, your opinion man

do SU fans live in a constant state of denial or are you baiting by pretending to call OP bait?
exactly. no one has ever said its horrible or shitty, it actually has cool characters and designs, its just the story is so fucking lackluster and never amounts to anything in the long run.
I'm not OP, but, gee, can't possibly be because of the fact the mods banned /sug/s for some reason, forcing SU fags to spam the board with multiple threads. there's easily been at least 10 SU threads in the past 24 hours.

regardless of if you're a fan or not I think we can all admit that's a tad ridiculous.

Just because he reminds you of how you look doesn't make him incredibly repulsive.

>that pic
Jesus, Rebecca Sugar's really let her self go.

That's why I said he does to me.

I see the butthurt is starting to set in.

you know openly admitting your post is bait, doesn't make this less of a stupid bait thread right?

honestly I feel like SU haters are more dedicated to the show than the actual fandom sometimes though

what is not every SU thread has the words "steven universe" in the original post? there's been tons of threads that relate to SU but don't necessarily reference it in the main post.
yeah man because that Onion episode, that cross dressing episode, that sleep over episode, all the townie eps, etc. etc. is all sooooooooo vital to the overrarching plot......

>oh no, a popular show is popular

If only you had the ability to scroll past these threads instead of bumping them with your complaining.

Hi, newfag. Filler means a non-canon episode that wasn't in the original adapted work.

Since SU isn't adapted from anything, it can't have filler. Just because an episode doesn't focus on the plot points you want it to doesn't make it non-canon.

>oh no, a popular show is popular

are all you SU fags the same? you keep saying that. didn't The Loud House beat it in ratings? Spongebob is pretty popular, too, don't see that discussed here on a constant basis. the Michael Bay Transformers movies were popular too, going by how their gross revenue, don't see that discussed a lot here, either. but SU is special because you fags like it, so all of Sup Forums has to be subjected to seven threads daily. okay, sound logic, SU fag. signing out.

>rebecca sugar is a talentless hack fraud who doesn't know how to structure a story well enough to make it interesting.
The success of her cartoon begs to differ, to say nothing of the fact that people continue to follow it.
>her entire world is built upon "oh yeah here are some things that would've been nice to know WHEN WE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK ANY OF THIS WAS" shoehorned into the nonexistent narrative well after the collective audience has stopped giving a shit about the deeper, more complex (being generous on both accounts) aspects of the series.
You can change "audience" to "me personally" in this sentence because that's what you mean. Tons of people do still give a shit.
>as long as you have some comfy filler to pad out your story arcs no one's gonna complain if they feel good watching it, right?
Oh, you're one of those lorefags who bitches about any episode that doesn't directly contribute to DEEPEST LORE. Look man, it's always been a character driven show and even the lore episodes are beholden to that. it's not that the townie episodes and such are out of place, it's that you're arbitrarily separating them when they both serve the same purpose. Plot progression has clearly taken a backseat to character development and if you don't like that then maybe it's time to watch something else. The plot is not, has not, and will never be the mainstay of the show.
>I'm not OP, but, gee, can't possibly be because of the fact the mods banned /sug/s for some reason
Yeah, that's some bullshit, and it's not just /sug/. I wouldn't bitch about it but they ban threads breaking literally no rules for incredibly arbitrary reasons and it's part of the reason moderation on the site has gone so downhill in recent years.

where is that definition from? It sounds very rooted in anime

> Filler means a non-canon episode that wasn't in the original adapted work.

wow, you're so smart. you schooled me what filler episodes are, even though 99% of people view the word has having multiple meanings. it doesn't just mean "non canon" it means any episodes that don't relate to the overarching storyline, or any uneventful episode. its basically a synonym for bottle episodes at this point.

but you're right, SU fag. because you know what a word means I must be a wrong newfag.

>stop discussing comics and cartoons on Sup Forums
Make me.

Also topical threads produce higher quality posts than generals.

Why is this show so divisive in Sup Forums? I get that there are anons who hate this show, but why is that whenever there's a thread or small mention of the show leads to flame war or some shit?

>rebecca sugar is a talentless hack fraud


A vocal minority of haters. They are extra vocal because of the hint of progressivism. But mostly it's because SJWs take those hints as the second coming of christ. Social injustice warriors more get ants in their pants because of the SJWs than the show itself, but their ire nonetheless gets directed at the show.

That's my two cents.

Just a reminder that Lapis used to be cool.

That definition is only correct in the context of anime adaptions of light novels and manga. Anywhere else filler is literally just that, filler material.

>do SU fans live in a constant state of denial or are you baiting by pretending to call OP bait?
I say a bit of both, and they have a bigger persecution complex than the jews

>didn't The Loud House beat it in ratings?
hush, you will hurt their fe-fes so hard they will call the mods

I notice a lot memes about "X is a hack". Sugar, Alex, other cartoonists

The fuck is going on?

Calling the creator of anything you don't like a hack is like calling characters you don't like Mary-Sues.


why is 80% of su posting on this board people bitching about the show

are you guys masochists

Let's hear it, which character you like got called a mary sue?

Some people used to like the show and were disappointed with where it went (and didn't go).

Broken and cool.

Probably all of them at one point or another.

The bait attracted pure love.

>Lapis and Steven are having fun at the barn on a lazy Sunday afternoon
>Peridot isn't around and Lapis shows Steven something "cool" she found.
>Steven sees that Lapis has found a few bootless of alcohol.
>Steven is excited since the gems never let him touch alcohol and wants to try some.
>Lapis and Steven start drinking and at first there not sure about the taste but soon they start to like it when there heads feel light and they start to feel all "funny"
>Lapis gets all real from the alcohol and teals Steven "You know I never had the courage to tell you but I like you Steven like a lot I would do anything for you."
>Steven smiles and says "I like you too Lapis you make me so happy you make me feel the same way I do around Connie but it feels stronger like butterfly's in my stomach."
>Lapis smiles and without noticing she accidentally knocks a bootless over.
>She tries to grab it but instead grabs Stevens hand.
>"She blushes and looks down at Steven he looks up at her and smiles warmly.
>both feel warm and nervous as they look into each others eyes.
>They move there faces closer to each other and without thinking kiss.
>There kiss becomes more passionate as there kiss becomes deeper and more lewd.
>They stop and look at each other without break line of sight.
>Steven says three words to makes Lapis "stomach" tie in a knot and her "heart" flutter .
>"I love you...."


What a (((coincidence)))

>le epic Sup Forums parentheses meme

This is unrelated but I love Lapis's facial expression; it reminds me of how I want to draw one of my own characters.

maye they are mary sues?

It will never happen because the team does not support pedophilia.

Tumblr you are not welcome.


Could someone translate op's second sentence into english?

Why did you pick that reason in particular?

waaaah why isn't the entire thing just a bunch of lore

Goddamnit you people every day it's "The Paaacing is slow!" "The pacing is too slow!" "We're not getting to the good parts!" "Why isn't Steven fighting Yellow Diamond right now!?"

Christ the only freaking fandom I can imagine that complains about show pacing as much as Steven Universe fans is... wait...


are you the same OP that was Sucrose's actual bully from high school or college from a few years ago?

its almost as if the fans became the haters because it didnt turn into a full blown serial like they were hoping

Yeah I hate it when people criticize my favorite show too.

*BROKEN then repaired. She largely still hasn't changed what screen time she's had in all honesty. I'd agree with you if they all lived at the temple but they don't. I don't get why you think she was better broken and eventually corrupted potentially? If she's your damned waifu think for a second about it.

>daily I don't understand the appeal thread

>same complaint every day
>steven universe has a shit story with horrible pacing.
>starts story arcs that it doesnt take seriously
>major villains taken out in single episodes with minor effort
>b...but character driven show!!!

then what's the fucking point of the huge universal plot we never get to?!

Daron Nefcy is a hack.

It's almost like some sort of children's cartoon show....


>then what's the fucking point of the huge universal plot we never get to?!
But we have repeatedly gotten to it. It just doesn't dominate every episode. If you had your way the show would just blow it's load all at once and be over already.

quality > quantity

i mean yeah, that would be objectively better...

if you pay attention in interviews, rebecca is trying to have the show end ASAP so she can actually wrap it up instead of having to drag shit out further and make the pacing even worse than it already is

we'll have to see if CN allows that to happen - zach did say something about being renewed for more seasons recently

They aren't the ones making vids about how Star Wars is a part of the (((Jewish))) conspiracy to castrate all white males.

But we have repeatedly gotten to it

Were five seasons in and the only action thusfar are a few monster of the week episodes, the horribly incompetent rubies and the strong terrifying jasper who was one-shotted as if she was an afterthought

Wait everyone is an afterthought

If you go left down right up left down right up raise your right arm them left arm and post "this show is anal waste" in a SU thread your favorite show that is not this show is guaranteed to get three good episodes in a season.

I've tried it and it works.

Lorefags need to go and stay go.

I can't even bother to read the OPs anymore. This guy is quite the machine. I wonder if he's the same guy who shit posted OPs about adventure time back about a year ago?

This show is anal waste

Real talk Rebecca Sugar is ugly as fuck so I agree with that part

>trying to have the show end ASAP
But the pacing was slow right from the start.

She looked semi fuckable with long non curly hair. She just plays up her ugly side trying to look like an androgynous bitch.

>She just plays up her ugly side
You're tellin' me.

The fact that someone thought this show was decent enough to be greenlit is proof that cartoons are beyond redemption