Why didn't Snyder make super man fun like Singer did? Super man returns is amazing

Why didn't Snyder make super man fun like Singer did? Super man returns is amazing

I love Routh as superman

It's not realistic

people used to hate Superman Returns until Man of Steel


>bright blue
>but red is nearly brown
>this makes it more "realistic"

because fuck logic, I guess

i love every superman movie except quest for peace

Explain please?

Superman should be black in Singer's movie. Nigga ran out on his kid.

Bright red is too "cartoonish"

It's the exact opposite of what Synder did to the suit

both are stupid

John Wesley Shipp aged like fucking milk

>not wanting bright coloration
IMO bright colors make more sense, since it will focus a villain on them instead of civilians, and bright primary colors have a morale boosting effect

i always liked superman returns. overall the casting and story were pretty solid. i think singer is a boring director in general, but I would have preferred to see an expansion of his work as opposed to what we have now.

Because apparently Superman has to be edgy too or he won't be cool like Batman. and they just made him fucking worse.

Just hire Kurt Busiek to write a proper Superman or Grant Morrison.

Dean Cain is my Superman

Edgy Supes is the worst supes

Not feeling the color of that suit.

It was maroon, not red. It's somewhat similar to what DCW did to Supergirl and to The Flash's costumes.

Superman is one word

People didn't feel that way at the time. People kept saying that it was an outdated love letter to Richard Donner Superman.

Hindsight is 20/20 I guess.

Returns is garbage

Byrne best Superman writer