/CTG/ Channel-tans General

Once Upon a Christmas Edition

Drawfags and Writefags are more than welcome to contribute

>What is a Channel-tan?
An anthropomorphic personification of a television channel.

>Why are you making these?
For the simple reason that we can.

>Why are they all girls?
Japanese -tan tradition. But we do have some boy -tans too.

>Where is the gallery for all the images?

>Where is the Pastebin for all the ideas?

>Previous Threads?

>How can I help?
If a Channel doesn't have a personality yet, then you can suggest ideas for one.
If a Channel doesn't have a design yet, then you can suggest ideas for one.
If a Channel has a personality and a design, then you can draw them.
If multiple Channels have all of the above, then you can draw comics of them interacting.

>How many Channels do we need?
All of them. but mostly those who are Sup Forums related.

And last but not least, remember to have

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Welcome to /CTG/!

(week-late reply)
Sorry, my wheelhouse as far as parodies go is a different area of media

for example, pic related

/r/ing the main three giving a present to their respective parent companies

Well that's pretty good

Merry Christmas /ctg/

do you mean something like this?




Fuck yeah /ctg/

Are we having another stream today? I missed every single one of them by falling asleep but i plan on participating today

Something like that yeah

What would they give their parents? I'm picturing CN giving her dad memes about AT&T or something of that nature.

AT&T comes to the TW house and the kids can't stand her.

That's a new kind of surrealism

>AMC gives Turner a punch in the face
>Meanwhile this is the only gift from HBO

Ho ho ho!

Merry Christmas /ctg/, here's your present.

awww yeah!

Maybe Santa Claus does exist after all

CN would probably get him a planeteer tie
Nick would get him a cd of MTV's greatest hits
Well if it's depressing Disney goes to Walt's grave and brings flowers while singing when 'When You wish upon a Star'. Or she just gives WDC money.


>HBO's gift

Seems legit

This is a Christmas miracle!

But seriously. That's pretty good, I really like the detail of her outfit.

Do you want a joke? here ya go, perfect for this thread

Oh man, the ironing is delicious

So this is what naughty kids gets for Christmas

Goddammit ABC, now I need to watch the original cut to see what I have been missing all these years

Not sure user, Sup ForumsCT said it would be hard for him to set a stream today due Christmas

I really want to understand this but my knowledge of memes is limited to wojack and pepe

Food morning /ctg/ probably the earliest I've posted but I've had to be at work from 6 am to about 5 or 6 pm all week

And with working ridiculously horrid hours makes it really hard on free time cause you just wanna sleep

I hope y'all enjoy my Christmas present to yall

Now I have to get ready for work on the last day

Hot damn turns out I must hqve been good this year

Great now I probably need to download the movie to see what I've missed over the years

Nick would probably make a gift for her father, but she can't do anything right and it's just a bunch of arts & craft supplies covered in slime when he unwraps it.

CN gives Turner the latest boxset of TTG and something cozy off Pajamagram.

Not sure how it works for Disney. She probably does all the cooking and stuff.

Sheeet, best Christmas ever

Merry Christmas, Kaze that came up great tbqh


Good morning

Fucking auto

please stop my poor heart can't handle all this booty

>Not sure how it works for Disney. She probably does all the cooking and stuff.
Walt Disney Company is a thing. I'd imagine she do the cooking

>Although originally broadcast on the CBS network from 1965 until December 25, 2000, in January 2000, the broadcast rights were acquired by ABC, which is where the special currently airs, usually twice, in December

Another fun fact is that CBS didn't share the Christmas special until ABC got the rights to it.

Disney probably hires a private investigator to get the best gift for each friend/sister/family

They truly are masters of tactics... or just evil

I and my donger thank you for this gift

I'm picturing CC giving HBO and Viacom a couple of sweaters with "Best Prospect to Santa Claus" and "Best Octodad"

... yeah I have no idea what's that but i'm guessing this is related to Ducktales reboot, amirite?


AKA CBS didn't get it because they didn't get the money in time to air it. And CBS, in typical sour grapes fashion, said it didn't really matter. She's lying, it probably pissed her off, badly.

>"A Charlie Brown Christmas" continued to pull solid numbers for CBS through last year; the show dominated its time period among adults 18 to 49 and households last December.

>CBS insiders, however, said the network "won't miss the ratings. They were pretty modest. It's a matter of tradition."

>Not sure how it works for Disney

She's doing her very best


You know the rules, time to kiss dat booty

I've been living a lie...
Does anyone knows which scenes were removed?

>won't miss the ratings

Fuck CBS you heartless cold bitch

>Nick would probably make a gift for her father

Agreed, why is she so damn cute!

I want an awkward family photo with those three.

I want to think that, until very VERY recently, everyone but CC knew who her real parents were. They just didn't tell her because HBO and Vi pressured them into keeping silent.

Well done kaze and Merry Christmas my dude


is that Toon Disney? also could you explain i'm fucking lost :/

Sounds like something Disney would do, or CN based on OP

>that mug

Oh shit, well maybe next weekend

Yeah I had a feeling

Now you know why Viacom divorced her and wouldn't merge with her a second time. He was smart enough to get out of that mess as quickly as he could.

Another really fun/interesting fact was that CBS lost the rights to air NFL broadcasts due to MTV and that Super Bowl half-time show where Janet Jackson accidentally shown her tit.

the amount of booty on this thread is beyond acceptable, you guys rock hard

>She spent most of her life looking for the answer and each person told her a different story about her origin and her parents


Trips deserves answers, but I do not find a video comparing both movies so I'll only tell you that it's a total of 11 minutes that have been omitted on television

That's nice, I'm still waiting for that cum on CN's feet request I made months ago or her feet in general

When I grow up I want to be a meme master just like you!

I thought we were skipping this weekend so I didn't work on my planned drawings as much as I should have. Fuck, shit, goddamnit, son of a cunt

Morning, /CTG/! Merry Christmas eve!

Sorry buddy but you will have to wait until next week or maybe even until next year

What presents do each of the tans get during x mas?

Hey Junkie

Welcome and Merry Christmas

It's aright Junkie. It's the intention that counts.

>CN gets fuck ton of reboots and remakes for her old shows and series
>Nick a new season of Spongebob and The Loud House and maybe, just maybe... a new season of Danny Phantom
>Sitcoms! Sitcoms everywhere! oh yeah and a new Star Wars series

>why is she so damn cute!
Because she just is. She's a sweet girl that has a monster for a father and that doesn't freak her out and, in general, has an upbeat attitude about many things.

The perfect gift for Foxxy and Stoner is Samurai Jack's new season, but we all know that will not happen this year

Cute WB-tan, user!

Hopefully Cartoon Network will get a new show and Nick a Emmy thanks to The Jungle Movie

/r/ing Walt Disney Company letting Disney Jr putting the star on the Christmas tree

>awkward family photo with those three

Morning Junkie

No matter what the others get, no one can beat Disney XD she got a huge amount of gifts this year

How much hair is under CN-Tan's hat?

Poor Charlie Brown, not even his own channel wants it

This much:


>CN's hair

Are the rainbow colors symbolic?

Good morning and Merry Not-Quite-Christmas, /CTG/! I'm actually not in agony or sleep deprived this weekend!

I'm using my productivity to work on some of my own stuff this morning, but I plan on doing some doodles- maybe some of the requests here- later today. In the meantime, as is tradition, here's a quick cutie from me to you.

Nah, just looks cool you know

'Morning and Merry Christmas Jam

Hell yeah, Netflix is a cutie!

Thanks Jam, if you're taking suggestion how about this?

There are a lot of Christmas hints on Netflix even though she's still great. By the way, Merry Christmas, Jam.

Sure! Again, it'll be later, but that's a cute one so I'd love to draw it.

I believe it's to match CN's Pink/Yellow/Blue motif in place of her cap.

The Parent companies have a Christmas party and Secret Santa's every year. This year, Comcast got gift cards/money because absolutely no one knows what to buy for that cantankerous bitch half the time(and technically she pays them for their content so giving her money to buy things for herself is a reward).

Time Warner get's a brand new Box Set of Captain Planet and 100 acres of a rainforest to protect.

WDC gets nothing of monetary value because she has everything anyways, so everybody just chips in and gives her homemade gifts. She likes the thought and cherishes them.

21st gets a brand new dog bed and wonderful chew toys(one of them is even made out of illegal ivory) He's too embarrassed to buy them for himself so they all get him doggie toys.

CBS gets a pinup-calendar of Viacom(uncensored too). Surprisingly Vi has no recollection of himself doing a photo shoot, is a little scared of the fact that she has this and wonders who the hell made the damn thing.

Vi gets a brand new CEO. He always wanted a new one, as well as one that actually cared about him and the company. Bob wants to know what's going on and why he's covered in wrapping paper.

All in all, everyone had a great time, except for Bob, who just wants to go home with his family.

>Disney Fantasia 2020

a man can dream, right?

Morning, Kaze

Thank you Jam, don't worry take your time

Lewds aside that is amazing, very well done!

Nick's hair looks fluffy asf :)

>best way to die

Netflix looks sweet and innocent but do not let her drink too much eggnog!

>WDC gets nothing of monetary value

Imagine trying to find a gift for the tan who has everything

Glad you're feeling better Jam and thanks for join us here today

Damn mega slime tits

Turner's gift sounds pretty dangerous


I don't want to be greedy but} how about a picture with CTG's Femme Fatale? CBS, Foxtel and 20th Century

they are high don't they?

>21st gets a brand new dog bed and wonderful chew toys