This was good right?

this was good right?

i mean it seems that no one saw it but still i though it was very funny

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I saw it too. I very much enjoyed it.

I saw it too. I very much enjoyed it.

Why does that bird have teeth?

>dude capitalism is bad

Yeah it was. Pretty funny too. Still no good porn of Tulip though.

power move

I really liked it. Had a lot of little subversive things in it

I too saw it also. It was very enjoyable

It was better than I expected; I really thought from the trailers that it was about Junior inheriting the family business and we'd wind up with some sort of moral about family togetherness down the stretch. Kelsey's character being unrelated and an unrepentant asshole to the end was refreshing.

It'll probably come with time.


Not soon enough

I read somewhere that actors adlived (is that the word?) so much that the plot had to change in some parts, In some parts of the movie you spect junior to cry for not havinga family or something like that

Adlib is the word you're looking for.

this movie was great except for that shoehorned "same-sex couples getting a baby" scene. Mentioning briefly that character might be gay is fine, but ffs don't promote something that's against the nature.

Its just an okay generic 3d animation movie.

Watch it once & you gonna forget it in seconds.


While I hate things being shoved into my face and being told "YOU HAVE TO ACCEPT THIS", I really don't think it came across as forced. I mean, you see them for less than a second, so I don't think it's worth getting upset over.

it existing at all means it's forced haven't you learned that by now?

It was a nice cartoon, I liked the gentrification joke. It's too real for me.

i liked it, kids should be aware some of them have two daddies or two moms

Sometimes it is

wich one?

but but but, those stork had theet, thats against nature, why are you so hipocrtite?

Junior was a cutie.

Hated the teeth, tho.

Above average, better than Secret Life of Pets, but a hard to market family film whose humor probably aimed a little older than the audience it wanted.

Also good to see Sony Animation has somewhat internalized Genndy Tartakovsky's snappy animation style, even though he wasn't on the project.

This was made by the Warner Animation group, the guys that did the Lego Movie, not Sony. It's a bit sad this film didn't do super well because the animation is so nice, but it's obvious why it fell short.

This "babies are cute" meme needs to die


Storks was a decent movie with great animation and some fun characters put its script/story were kinda scattershot. My favorite joke outside of anything the wolves did was when Junior and Tulip were talking on the raft and then Junior just pulls out a hunting knife and just stabs the raft. It was so random but it was hilarious.

The animation should really get more praise, it does have a bit of a Looney Tunes vibe to it, which shouldn't be surprising because it's Warners Bros, but I was surprised by how well it captured it. Heck, even every time Junior was on screen I kinda just kept seeing Daffy a bit, which is funny considering a few years ago there was a CG short with him and Elmer that it kept reminding me of.

No, the animation was outsourced to Sony Imageworks.

Tulip is cute as fuck, but the movie was very strange and disjointed.

The wolves really had no business in the movies, nor did that weirdo fucking pigeon.

But yeah, I'm all about dat qt Tulip.


>outsourced animation to sony
>lego movie was outsourced to animal logic
Whoops, my bad. Forgot Warner actually dissolved their actual animation divisions.

shame, they could make return if they found out there's money in animation

but it's most likely not gonna happen we're sentenced to watch endless formulatic disney-pixar mush.

btw, any news on SmallFoot? who's gonna make it?