So, what do you think of my dude Captain Cold? Does Sup Forums think he's a cool guy?

So, what do you think of my dude Captain Cold? Does Sup Forums think he's a cool guy?

Other urls found in this thread:

I think he's had a legitimately great villain revamp from "joke in a parka." to iconic status.

The man who slows down the Flash is a cool concept and his brutal workhorse criminal persona is pretty rare among big deal supervillains which makes his stories refreshing.

Captain Cold is the main man

He was Cool, but Freeze was Cooler

I have no idea why Sup Forums is associating him with reddit.


>am i doing it right?

Absolutely based

I just can't bring myself to liking his costume. Especially his signature glasses.

I think he's pretty damn awesome. He may be a crook but he's got his own set of morals and rules that make him (and most of the other Rogues by proxy) quite sympathetic.

That and they're just fucking entertaining.

B-but they protect his eyes from snow blindness from his cold gun!!

He certainly livens up Flash's rogue gallery.

Always love it when we see colds warmer side

Injustice 2. It was stupid.

>captain cuck
Literally a meme character.

One of personal favorites, though I have to admit, I'm not a fan of what Johns has done with him lately. I just like the thief with a code thing who can pose a threat to Flash

Everything is a meme or a meme character. Also I'm sorry he cucked you at one point. Kind of sad considering Cold isn't that good at romance.


Captain Cold is a character who gets fans through out-of-context screencaps and power level wanking. Things like the Cold vs Freeze battle aren't written as natural stories, but events to elevate Captain Cold over characters more popular than him.

Like clockwork. Fuck off Sup Forums

user is in a romantic relationship with his mom but his mom is also a prostitute and Cold fucks a lot of prostitutes.

Like almost every DC and Marvel character at one point or another? Also that Cold vs. Freeze battle was to paint Cold as an asshole. It might actually help if you had context to those scans you were shown. For future reference.

>a character who gets fans through out-of-context screencaps and power level wanking.
So... like ALL cape characters?

>No real skills
>Steals a magic superweapon and through "cleverness" becomes super powerful
>Unscrupulous "nothin' personal kid" attitude

You know all those nip "webnovels" where the Neet becomes a super wizard through "being smart" and kills the princess instead of saving her?

That's Cold. You can see why he appeals to neckbeards.

Not everyone has an obsession to self under as characters they like, spider-cuck.

Shouldn't you be shitty up the injustice thread?

He makes the Cold Gun in most iterations. Just steals some of the material used to make it.

Go fuck off back to whichever Injustice subreddit you came from.

He usually does have a "nothing personal" attitude. Unless he's killing someone. It's personal if he's killing someone.

The Rogues get personal all the time though.

Most people.just stumble onto their powers and gadgets in superhero comics. Naturally you hate it during the few times someone proactively seeks it instead of waiting for it.

Happy holidays!

Good thread.

for you

I've liked Captain Cold since the beginning and while I get why he's got backlash from his new boost, I think he's earned it.

Why does DC love ice so much?

I'm right there with you.

He's definitely earned the backlash.

Exactly. Sadly Johns has too much power and can't write villians since zoom, everyone is a Fucking anti-hero

It's cool.


I blame Forever Evil and Justice League. It's because of that we also removed Cold from Flash on the DC CW shows and put him on Legends. I just want to Cold to be Flash rogue robbing banks. Is that too much to ask?

Who deserves the backlash for being pushed into everything more: Harley Quinn or Captain Cold?

Captain Cuck. Harley was at least genuinely well liked; she just got ruined when she got pushed so now it's popular to say you always hated her. Captain Cold has been a non-entity at best and a Mister Freeze ripoff at worst for the better part of 20 years, but suddenly Johns wants him on the Justice League and gives him powers to make him a low-rent Icicle Jr

Nah cold was good when he was just the dedicated leader of criminals who wasn't that much of an ass.Then the new 52 came and made him "muh Lisa" gave him I've powers and put him in books he had no business being in for the sake of making him look cool.

First of all, Cold was created before Freeze (or should I use his original name: Mr. Zero). Secondly, Johns didn't give Cold powers. He hated the idea so much that he gave him back the Cold Gun in Forever Evil. Mr. Zero was even more of a non-entity than Cold ever was until Paul Dini came along.

The fuck is with all the Captain Cold backlash these days?

spotted the redditor

Harley. She is fucking EVERYWHERE because Joker and Batman are names practically everyone knows. Flash gets a slight bump in popularity because of some cringeworthy teen soap opera and now everyone is losing their shit.

>First of all, Cold was created before Freeze (or should I use his original name: Mr. Zero).

>Blue Snowman - Sensation Comics #59. (1946)
>Icicle - All-American Comics #90 (October, 1947)
>Minister Blizzard - Wonder Woman #29 (May, 1948)
>Ice King - Marvel Family #82 (April, 1953)
>Captain Cold - Showcase #8 (June, 1957)
>Mister Freeze - Blackhawk #117 (October, 1957)
>Snowman - Blackhawk #134 (March, 1959)
>Mister Zero (Mister Freeze) - Batman #121 (February, 1959)
>Mister Freeze - Detective Comics #373(March 1968)
>Killer Frost (Crystal Frost) - Firestorm #3 (June, 1978)
>Snowman (Klaus Kristin) - Batman #337 (July, 1981)
>Cryonic Man - Batman and the Outsiders #6 (January, 1984)
>Killer Frost (Louise Lincoln) - Firestorm Vol 2 #21 (March, 1984)
>Icicle Jr. - Infinity Inc. #34 (January, 1987)
>Polar Lord - Justice League Adventures #12 (December, 2002)

He's forced constantly by Johns and Sup Forums fags.

That really answers my question. I don't even go to reddit, dumbass.

Okay. That just proves that Captain Cold was created before Freeze. Obviously he's not the first ice/cold themed villain.

People are annoyed because he's popular. Nothing new. three months. In comics time that means they came out almost simultaneously, since they were probably being created at the exact same time. Like the X-men and Doom Patrol, or Swamp Thing and Man-Thing.

And since both were proceeded by other ice villains, it also shows that neither is a ripoff of the tower, since BOTH are ripoffs of Icicle.

I'll agree with you there. It was just this user:

used that stupid comparison.

I sure do.

One of the best issues of the Johns run.

He does sort of seem like a "What I would do if I entered into the DCU" kind of self insert characters.

Immediately go steal some wonder weapon and then try to be some kind of badass while avoiding superhero attention, then wearing a trench coat all the time.

Don't mock the parka.

>You know all those nip "webnovels" where the Neet becomes a super wizard through "being smart" and kills the princess instead of saving her?

I actually don't know about that. What the fuck are you doing with your free time?

I wish you used a trip so I could mute your dimbass posts. You're generally awful and your meme is forced af

I think you're misinterpreting the character entirely

Nothing new there.

Besides Lobo, of course.

Do you think the backlash will get better or worse after the Flash movie?

>no real skills

He's the exact opposite of an LN protag.

>Unscrupulous "nothin' personal kid" attitude
>Cold, One of a handful of villains with an unbending code of morality

>kills the princess instead of saving her
Cold doesn't kill women and children.

EXACTLY. This guy gets it.

Remove snartfags

>Cold doesnt like Abba

WTF I hate Cold now!?

>Tortured young adult meta Cold driven by saving his sister

He'll be the new Loki, get embraced by tumblr and become Sup Forums's problematic fave.

He keeps them cool.

He's a cool customer.

Even if we could actually prove that Captain Cold only exists as some kind of self insert character, that doesn't change the fact that self insert does not mean bad.

I understand why people are wary of self insert characters given that they're like an autistic plague among fanfic writers and DeviantAuts, but the reason we hate those is because they have no depth beyond being the best at everything so that the creator can jerk off.

Captain Cold is not that, he's a permanent fuck up with emotional baggage who can't hold his life or even his gang together, but he does have a few things he believes in, his own skewed set of morals and he's not a heartless monster of psychopath. He's archetypal, yes, but that doesn't mean bad.

Literally Reddltâ„¢: The Character.

I know this is b8, but I'm gonna reply using this anyway because it's fucking great.