What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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creative burn out towards the end
slow flanderization of mabel

They had a few good mysteries which made it seem like they put actual thoughts into the rest of the show.


Twin Peaks syndrome. Solve the central mystery of the series halfway through season 2, and spend the rest of the show directionlessly stumbling around in the aftermath of that revelation.

There was the apocalypse, but it was a letdown

Too much wasted time on romance and ship-teasing.

Also this artist has some cute stuff. Thanks, OP.



Thing is, the drive behind the show had always been twofold. Discovering more about the mystery of the town/author, and the dynamic between Dipper and Mabel. Without one, the other became stranded and weak.

And tons of fan service for the fatchasers.

Which is why Weirdmageddon 2 was so shit, right?

Come to think of it, the final final episode didn't really have either, with Dipper and Mabel basically serving as one character.

Is manlet stilll making a cartoon for FOX or did he jump ship for Detective Pikachu?


Any news on what it's about?

There will be like 3 years until we get news. Even if you go on a studio just for a visit, you have to sign a contract to not talk about anything that is being developed.

>Be 13
>Look 7

What did Alex mean by this?

That Dipper and Mabel are Mexicans

the main villain was never a real threat
they beat him twice before in comedic ways
his only show of power was jobbing time baby
yet they still played him off like a big bad
he always felt like the lacky of a bad guy, not a bad guy himself

They should've made pinescest canon. At least then the show would've been remembered for being the first incest positive cartoon of the 21st century.


Hey, twitterfag. Luna is worst Loud and her episodes sucked.

Calm down Henchouse.

I was confused when I first watched this. I thought they were 8, which made sense for Wendy to casually sidestep Dipper's feelings. But they say they're 12, nearly 13 and then it doesn't make much sense at all.

When I just turned 13 I was taller than many 15 year old girls and I could have dated Wendy no problem. The Pines twins are like doorknob height.

As some other people have basically said the show peaked about halfway through season 2. If your emotional climax happens too early everything else will pale in comparison.

Pacifica's massive breasts.

Not enough of them.

Still, from an age point of view it wasn't a 'we can never cross that line' thing. They even make mention of Dipper watching porn. Had they made them the age they looked then it wouldn't have brought up any issues.

>>not massive ass
But hey, I like both and she has both.

Lincoln isn't very tall himself. In fact, he's barely taller than his three years younger sister.

Bill seems like the kind of villain who always goes out like an asshole.

Dipper looks 8 and Wendy looks 19

Ford is a cuter shota than Stan

Pepper Ann was 12. Arnold was 9. The cast of Recess were 10.

Meanwhile Star is 14. The Pines twins and Connie are 12 going on 13. Finn is 13.

>Finn is 13


>not liking the wilder and rough type
>liking nerds
Ford is for bullying and only bullying.

Ford is a wild and rough nerd, the best of both worlds

Wasn't it said that he's 15 at this point?

I thought it was the best of the three personally. The last was the real let down, jesus christ that CGI action sequence was more horrifying than anything BIll ever did.

I guess you have to really like Mabel to like part 2.

Cipher was such a good concept for a villain, but yeah, the execution was really fucking weak. I am still bummed out to this day they didn't use this cut song/sequence:


Which would have really added to the character. In the end the pacing was very off and both the way Cipher was defeated and even the evil he caused were really underwhelming and made the show feel like the children's show it was.

What was so bad about using the Mystery Shack to fight Bill?

>made the show feel like the children's show it was
>children's show feel like children's show


Mabel never learned anything or grew as a character
Dipper was given the chance to grow but the show wouldn't let him be wholly his own person and was stuck carrying mabel and being told he liked it
Stan's memories came back way too soon


Just the reverse. She is easily my least favorite of the main cast, and got worse as the show went on since they made her more and more of a 'lovable retard' until that's basically all she was.

I liked Weirdmageddon 2 because it had substance. There was actual character growth and it even dealt with the classical theme of paradise, it was a sublimation of myth with a real lesson to be learned that was both deep and useful regardless of the medium.

It also solved the building conflict of the show at that point, leaving Gravity Falls, all the characters were ready to move on yet they still had the final episode to do...the latter felt extremely hamfisted and inorganic and you saw garbage like Wendy becoming a fucking superhero or Stan unable to put shit aside for 2 minutes while the fate of the world is literally on the line...oh, and of course, there are zero real consequences at the end undermining the meaning of the big sacrifice. It was horrible storytelling that offered nothing interesting.

Being a children's show doesn't excuse it from being shit.

Don't act like it didn't throw some very adult curve-balls and was generally much more sophisticated than your average children's cartoon. The finale had a very different tonality, it was now exceptionally unsophisticated because they had no good way to wrap it up.

It looked atrocious and worst of all reduced these magical edritch horrors from another dimension into a fist-fight. It was stupid in every way.

Holy shit this.
When I first saw him I thought he was gonna be the servant to the real big bad when I first saw him.

He's an alright antagonist but he really isn't any better then any other villain of the week type of character.

Bill was LITERALLY one big fat "Screw You Dad!" A childish villain of zero substance and not much believable threat.

The fuck is with this janitor deleting honest opinions on this show too?
>Yeah I'm going to spend Christmas Eve defending my cancelled cartoon from modest criticism!
Time to re-evaluate your life choices.

He was a Faustian character, and he often used his powers in a way that was macabre enough that it made you think here is a villain who would really get his hands dirty.

When it finally came time for him to take the stage it was one disappointment after another sadly. His ultimate goals were...flat, to say the least. I honestly thought the creator of the show didn't know what to do with him at all, he only knew how the show ends with the kids leaving and a few one liners which he wanted to throw in (which were all that were decent about the finale).

>wanting the worst ship

>here are zero real consequences at the end undermining the meaning of the big sacrifice

To be fair the network probably wouldn't let that happen because it would be too sad. I think the writers probably would have committed to it if they had been able.

What deal did Gideon even make with BIll in the jail that allowed him to somehow possess Time-Lemongrab?

Why couldn't Bill leave Gravity Falls?

Why didn't Dipper just give his 20s girls don't chick psychopaths speech earlier in the show, if it'd work so easily?

Were there ever any real stakes?

>his only show of power was jobbing time baby
>literally has the ability to go back in time and stop Bill from ever tricking Mabel
>chooses a direct confrontation instead
really fires up the ol' neurons


I think if they let them randomize the orifices on a human face and make a joke out of a miner literally committing suicide to deliver something, they can let Stan re-learn his friends/family.

Those things were treated as (dark) jokes. Stan losing his memory was more serious.

But that's not true. Laura Palmer was always just a hook. It was the directionless stumbling around which the entire story was based around. The problem was that the hook became the central focus so no one cared after that.

I think the character growth in part 2 was handled poorly

>not giving dipper a boyfriend
>not giving mabel the comeuppance she deserves

>not giving dipper a boyfriend
But then who would Sup Forums self insert as?

What would you say she deserves? I'd say she at least deserves to be forced to admit what she did to the whole town.

She's just a little girl, user

If you don't stop a kid from being a dick in childhood they'll grow up to be an even worse dick.

You are now Dipper. What would you say to Mabel?

>inb4 kill yourself

Dipper's just as young as she is(technically younger, even.) and he has to be responsible for his bad actions, so why not her?

I will never fully forgive you for Dippy Fresh.


Young (For the job) creator plus creator trying to micromanage the production results in creator going nuts.

Hirsch lacked the experience needed to run a show.

That it stayed good for a season and a half is impressive.

Divided by two and add 7 and her minimum date range is 14.5. When you are that young even a year or two can lead to a lot of differences in life experience.

>not wanting to see the purity of boyzu ravu

Yeah and when Dipper does something slightly selfish, he has to admit he's wrong and apologize to everyone. Yet when Mabel literally causes the end of the world, she doesn't even get a slap on the wrist. She gets nothing. She gets no comeuppance. No one even tells her, "You shouldn't have done that."

But when Dipper doesn't return Candy's affection, he's shown as the villain and even gets punished.

I think he's supposed to be 16 or 17 at this point.

He's 17-18

>Yet when Mabel literally causes the end of the world

didn't happen

He's short for his age. And scrawny.

I suppose, I just remember a 16 year old girl going out with a 14 year old boy at my school and nobody batted an eyelash. Probably would have been different if the genders were reversed, but eh.

Must be a culture thing, where I grew up it would have been assumed she had trouble getting with someone her age.

Did happen.

That's because Alex is a hack. I'll bet that entire situation came up because women would cry on his shoulders and he would comfort them without getting any.

I'm sure she learned the error of her ways without having to be told

Hirsch is a SJW nu-make cucklet (manlet + cuck). You could see it throughout the show, all of the characters who 'kick ass' are exclusively female.


didn't know Grunkle Stan was a female

If she did, there's literally no indication.

>Yeah and when Dipper does something slightly selfish, he has to admit he's wrong and apologize to everyone. Yet when Mabel literally causes the end of the world, she doesn't even get a slap on the wrist. She gets nothing. She gets no comeuppance. No one even tells her, "You shouldn't have done that."
She shouldn't have done what? Get tricked? Are you retarded?

Stan? Ford?

He's not what he seems, after all.

Constantly bumble and lose.

I thought Dipper, Ford, and Stanley had some of the best "kick ass" sequences in the show.

All the girls did was pull levers/push buttons.

Alex is a genius

>You could see it throughout the show, all of the characters who 'kick ass' are exclusively female.

You're either kidding or didn't watch the show.

What about McGucket?

The reason the trick worked is because she's a selfish and irresponsible moron.

Stan is literally A FUCKING WHITE MALE.

Its not like Dipper hadn't been tricked by Bill before.

Ok, that scene is the 1 exception, and let's be fair, it's vs brainless zombies. Every other time Stan looks like a silly bitch.

And everytime Ford is about to pull out his space-gun or whatever, he fucks it up. He constantly loses somehow.

Meanwhile Wendy is doing somersaults and throwing axes, Mabel and even Pacfica are the ones to save everyone, etc...