
what a cutie.

Other urls found in this thread:


Don't tell me you want to fuck a crab, OP

Why do Disney crabs look nothing like crabs? I realize they don't have the most humanoid features, but Disney crabs look more like snails, not crabs at all

What website do you think you are on? Hell, the people who made the movie probably wanted to fuck the crab.

nah, none of the characters look appealing.

i liked the dr. facilifier reference.

they had no time to do proper research.

> someone hasn't been reading the threads

he was a coconut crab, dude

Tamatoa is actually pretty accurate, save for the lack of armor on his head.

F.A.G.G.O.T.: the villain

fuck, I like this so much

Literally the best character in the whole fucking movie. We needed more bowie crab

I pity the person who doesn't like flamboyant villains.

can you hit me with some more?

pic related comes to mind

and also Milo Yiannopoulos, that acts up as hateable

He's a coconut crab. Not a typical Jamaican red crab.

gotta admit combining the villain song with a fight scene was pretty clever.


Pretty much anyone voiced by Tim Curry, really.

This song wasn't good. The chorus was alright, but it was just 'harmonious talking' like most songs are today. The difference is, that's usually done over a mediocre drum and bass beat in place of an actual melody.

to be fair, plenty of Bowie songs had that exact same style.

The Bowie power level on the bridge reaches critical mass.

I never noticed because I watched the cam but did he just kiss Moana?
What the fuck.
She ain't even shiny.

combining it with the reveal Maui was a lucky orphan is even better. This movie lived on how good the songs were. Not even saying that as a negative.

Tim Curry's characters aren't really that flamboyant, just super gay and sexual.

Try watching it again. He was going "ooooh" at her like she's a microphone.

for the uninitiated
>user was like "what if tamatoa was a rival demigod and essentially pirate captain of kakamora"
>i thought it was a neat idea
>its just for fun, no bully

3 more minutes' worth to go

I need audio added to this!

it wouldnt let me upload webm with audio for some reason? i've only uploaded a webm once before this so i might be doing it wrong.

You can't put audio webm in Sup Forums but you can in /wsg/.

not pictured: anons' boners everytime you post.

When did 3D animation start looking so expressive? If it gets any better I may stop missing traditional 2D

This is really fucking well drawn, dude

when people stopped trying to make single every face anthropomorphic.

thats pretty gay
have i actually turned people onto the crab yet

thank you, sadly i wont be going back over it again with color but this is purely an endeavor in animated storyboarding, i have no actual training in true animation. BUT AGAIN THANK YOU

im trying to upload it onto youtube at the moment instead, too bad it takes 100 years

This is glorious. I love you, man.

>Based crab user is at it again

I don't even care if it's you making these threads, godspeed user

i love you too

i'm actually not even the ones making threads, i just wait around until a non-bait thread shows up so i can drop drawings off and bounce. even now just waiting for my youtube upload to finish

>based crab user

this is the best christmas ever

>have i actually turned people onto the crab yet

We both know the answer to that.

He's using her like she's a mic.

it took me about an hour and 100 errors but i finally managed it. dont say i dont do you guys any favors

Holy shit audio added makes this 1000x better! user you are amazing!

This is one of those things I wish I hadn't found out about because now I'm salty we didn't get this.

Just got back from taking my nieces to see this.

>"Maui can do anything but float"
>jumps into the ocean and swims away immediately after song is over


Pretty decent movie though. The songs were the best part.

now that i have a place to put the videos, i'll try to drop by more often (or maybe not, the fewer updates before completion the more suspenseful it gets) THANK YOU

well hopefully when i finish this we will all have a little bit of closure. i still adore what we DID get out of the scene, but this has been a blast so far.

Don't be so literal-minded, user. There's a difference between floating well enough to swim and floating so much that you're effectively immune to drowning.

Yoooooooooooooooooo, that's fucking excellent

Are you the same nigga that made the first humanized Tamatoa way back in this post?

oh shit that me
its really funny how different he looks now that i've drawn him 50+ times

i like to wonder what impact on the film it would have if this lyric WAS meant literally (of course omitting his attempt of diving off the boat), he hardly does anything IN the water otherwise.

what impact would it have if maui's weakness was a great fear of swimming? he was clearly an accomplished enough wayfinder to not worry too much about capsizing.

on that note, did maui have any knowledge that the sea was a sentient being (to some extent)? would that have created (more) friction between the two?

MOre, damn you!

Maui was thrown away by his parents as a baby and started doing all his heroic feats for humans after becoming a demigod so he could feel wanted

That's...actually pretty sad.

I personally feel like they let this plot point fall a bit flat, like there was way more they could've done with this. Because it is incredibly sad.

lassetter. he's such sucker for "sad" it's unnerving

Yeah. I hated how they just revealed it and then moved on after one pep talk considering how fucked up of a past that is.

I was expecting at least a flashback or something.

You know what, that's not even that outlandish, considering that Maui's Origin Story moment felt like it hit the same beats as the kart-smashing moment from Wreck-It Ralph.

Some very raw moment for a character(s) that seems to be resolved incredibly quickly and cleanly that makes me wonder what the buildup was for in the first place. I really would've been interested in what made Maui so desperate.

he would literally eat you alive

I actually liked that because it felt like he could move on from something as terrible as that was, and it kinda excuses how much of an asshole he was too


oh, you

>This song wasn't good.
Yes it was.


I just mean he plays that card
His whole thing is being a self-proclaimed "dangerous faggot", and milking that, and swallowing the milk to the very last drop

why are half-closed eyes to sexy, Sup Forums?

>Maui casually tries to murder a sixteen year old girl several times throughout the movie

"Hero" to all.

s-stop user thats gay

When I heard the song before watching the movie I thought Maui weakness was like in one piece where some people can't float and will just sunk into the ocean if they fall. Thus giving a reason why he was trapped in the island. If he could swim why didn't he just do it until he found another island or boat?

no idea

I feel like there are so many unused tangents in this movie, on one hand that's kind of how life works, not every conflict will have its resolution (also lots of room for speculation is fun). But on the other, I just really want some more information on these characters than what we got at face value.

That's actually pretty accurate. Maui in the myths was something of a dick.

He turned his brother in law into a dog because their fishing lines got tangled.

predatoriness and feverishness are inexplicably attractive

It's just that the whole "Maui can do anything but float" line is mentioned like it's supposed to be some big plot point but then just dropped a few minutes later.

At first I thought that he wasn't able to go into the water because the ocean hated him for what he did or something. But then it's shown that he can swim just fine even without his hook, so it's odd they mention something like that in the first place.

>20 minutes into fish dinners and chill and he gives you this look


Oh he turns into the thing from Frozen. That's neat

The script definitely could have bothered to dabble some more in Maui's vulnerabilities, which he obviously has. Considering how boisterous his personality was (with little signs of wear and tear outside of "you're nobody's hero", even on a 2nd rewatch), it feels like a missed shot that they didn't try to apply these as a counterweight.

Is the novelization any better?

Shiny on you crazy crab diamond, you.



>Soos gets ripped and bullies Connie

Is it bad that I want to eat that crab? I mean, fuck...all that delicious meat...just wanna tackle his ass with a 5-lb mini-sledge in each hand and a 5-gallon bucket of garlic simmered in melted butter. Pretty sure I don't even need to cook him as long as I devour him within the hour.

just make sure you attack his weakpoint for massive damage

That song sucked and that whole scene was almost pointless and felt out of place in the film.

The movie was kinda mediocre as well

but what would you do if he wasnt going to murder and eat you


now im not saying i want to fuck the humanized crab or anything but

Even pokemon did it better to a degree.

You now can tell exactly how many people wanted to fuck Tamatoa but weren't sure about him being an actual crab.

Makes him look kinda like King Louie

Nostalgia Critic made a huge deal about some turtle scene in this movie, even said how he and his wife were so confused by it because it was so different from the rest of the movie and the whole style changed

When was there a fucking turtle scene?

You're Welcome > Shiny > How Far I'll Go > We Know the Way

At the very beginning of the movie there's a part where Moana is a toddler and helps a baby sea turtle get to the ocean by using a big leaf to shield it from the sun and chase off the birds that are trying to get it. It's also the first time showing that she's the one chosen by the ocean.

No idea what Doug is bitching about though.

He mistook the crab for a turtle. It's an easy mistake to make when you're over 30 and stuck watching a kid's movie that you don't really want to watch.

What a ducking moron

Yeah that was the only turtle I saw and I was so confused since I watched his review before I watched the movie

To be fair, the baby turtle thing was dumb. Those turtles are eaten in the thousands every year, why would she save one? There are still going to be carcasses all over the beach.

Good God user this is impressive. Would have worked as an actual scene in the movie--though I feel like we missed a chance to make him some kind of horrifying crab-taur. The reason he is menacing in the movie is his size: once he finds out Maui is de powered, he slaps him around like a toy. It's unsettling for how casually destructive he is. But this is good too.

>Those facial expressions

Please tell me you're actually working in animation/ storyboarding.

why is head shaped like an uncut penis?

But all are top tier. I liked the opening song, too.

does anyone else want the giant crab to fuck them or am i just a bigger faggot than i thought

>the dr. facilifier reference

It's because she has thick curly black hair so she looks like a mic

Fucking lol Disney

The bio-luminescent part.

Worst villain song ever.

I think it would still be terrifying, but rather than a huge monster, the implication would be that there are other demigods about Maui's level - and they're not all friendly to humans.

I mean, it's common sense to avoid Lalotai/the kokomora, but unless you're familiar with their looks, you could meet a demigod and be none the wiser.

when he goes all blacklight glow it's similar to facilier at the end of Friends on the Other Side