Which Sup Forums related characters deserve to be on santa's naughty list?

Which Sup Forums related characters deserve to be on santa's naughty list?



>inb4 Clarissa

Did she explain it all?






Steven. I think murdering 6 people is pretty fucked up.


Barney did nothing wrong.

Princess Morebucks, and only her.

What's SHE gonna do about it, switch the naughty and nice lists?

He's not nice.

Everyone who wasted there time with this.Only based Peter gets a gift


Why were the Guardians even there? Don't they have better things to do?

I'll do you one better.

>"I can go back in time, I'll make things right Santa..."

"20 Minutes Nox..."

>No Clarissa's dad

I expected better of you.Sup Forums.

There is nothing you have that I desire, Claus. I care not about your list.


on that subject

What OTHER Sup Forums characters deserve the Permanent Naughty Plaque?

also who the hell is Stephen Fonti


Ho!Ho! Good try Skeletor, you gonna get a new scepter this year so you can play nice

She's had a bad year

Literally, anyone defending this piece of shit of a child needs to burn.

Though he deserves less the Naughty List and more the Kill List.

Isn't she the least popular sister?

Holly did nothing wrong

Marco for being a degenerate.