Thoughts on Sing

Has anyone seen this movie? Is it any good or is it just furrybait with twerking bunnies and thick pigs?

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Reviews have been fairly positive so far.




I dig the pig

It's only in the new year for the UK.

Pigs are ugly and disgusting animals


cant watch till 8th january.

i think the premise is ok, just wish these animals were designed better.

Nobody cares, Achmed.

Are there any mustelid characters in this movie?

Otters, woozles, and ferrets are a cute.

It'll do mediocre,be forgotten,bunny butt theads on /trash/ for months

Pigs are actually fairly clean, fastidious animals.

Unless you overcrowd them where they don't have enough space, they will make a very concerted effort to soil in areas away from where they sleep and eat.

Not going to watch it. The fun posting will stop within a month or two.


During the sing where Rosita comes out in her leotard, a mom actually picked up her child and walked out.

Too tired today.

Cleaver girl

That mom's no fun.

So does she do something lewd or was it just because she's wearing a leotard?

Do you consider dancing to be lewd?

It can be

It can be very lewd, like you never seen pole dancing.

There's some dancing. A bit of hip movement and angles focusing on it

It was entertaining. Like a 6-7/10. Don't see why the board hates it so much.

Plots piss and unoriginal but the characters and their sidestories are OK enough to make it watchable.

pigs have 30 minute orgasms

In her regular clothes she sings a shitty pop song with Gunther in a kitchen setting till she hops in the fridge and setting turns to black while flickers of lights shows behind the fridge rosita seductively changing showing her taking off her clothes and changing to her leotard as the song escalates to accommodate the sex appeal. That scene in general was super fucking steamy I can understand why the mom left but holy shit that was hot

I really liked it. Rosita was my favorite and Scarjo's voice is always pure sex. Johnny could have used a bit more focus.

The premise is pretty clishe but there are enough twists and turns that it isn't completely predictable. Overall pretty fun with a fantastic ending.

Shit was awesome, though a bit wierd she did it in front of all her kids.

why did they call the movie "sing" when theyre clearly acting?

it's less movie and more music video
if you like the shit they sings, you'll like the movie. you'll also be confirmed for having really bad taste. but i still love ya

This is literally the entire scene. It is hardly too sexual for a kid to handle.

I'd scoot right the hell on over and ask what she charges.

Bitch just mad cuz Rosita had a better figure.

oh my god


Like an animated version of "A Chorus Line?"

So you are the one person on the planet that hates music?

Only seen 2 previews. One started out "Oh my gosh, look at her butt" with other clips following. The second one ended with that scene but before she said butt the koala said "woah ok! that's enough of that" and the music stopped. That shit's fucking obnoxious as hell it's embarrassing.

Don't know why my post quoted the post that it did.

Accidental (You)

Is this anywhere online yet?

If it's supposed to be furry bait/twerking stuff, why are the models so horribly unappealing? They look like stuffed animals. Zootopia was stupid but at least it looked good.

Do the rabbits appear again after the audition?


I thought I saw a cute mousegirl in the trailer, why hasn't anyone posted pics of her yet?

The script of the film is available, since because Awards Season.

I only saw the McFarlane gangster mouse.

Johnny and Meena didn't sing the songs I though they would be singing. Completely let me down.

It's his girlfriend.


And this is how you know someone definitely didn't watch the actual movie.

Does the movie have a Darla Dimple equivalent?

Maybe, but ya know, soccer moms.

The males do.

Their cum starts out watery, then gradually thickens until you get a semen "pudding skin", plugging up all of their spunk to ensure a successful breeding.

No not really, there is an rich old actress lady who is kinda mean, but not to Darla's level, and she was mostly a good person just done with everyones bs.

Mike the mouse played by Mcfarlen is pretty close though. He's such an asshole that it actually might piss you off that he is legitimately a good singer.


What do they sing?

>Thumbnail: No, that's too thicc
>Fullsize: oh my
I keep finding new depths to sink to

The bottom keeps dropping out for my depravity

Working on a story featuring a thicc kangaroo. Anyone interested?

sure, why not

A little taste:

>You are user, and you are not prepared.
>After losing a bet to a friend, you agreed to let them sign you up for a personal trainer at your local gym.
>You barely exercise, so this first day is going to hurt like hell; you can feel it.
>You stand in the lobby area of the gym, waiting for the trainer to arrive.
>You weren’t really sure what people normally wore during workouts, so you just went with an old t-shirt and some sweatpants with tennis shoes.
>Minus the shoes, this is something you’d normally wear to bed.
>Just goes to show how-
>You perk up and glance over at the sudden greeting.
>Your eyes widen at the sight of what looks to be a kangaroo jogging towards you.
>She’s rather tall, cream-colored fur on her muzzle, handpaws, and thick tail wagging behind her.
>A short mop of brown hair atop her head, pointed ears sticking up on either side.
>You’re more focused on her rather generous hips.
>You can’t tell if they’re due to muscle, or something else.
>Either way, you’re hooked and you can’t stop staring.
>”You’re user, aren’t’cha?”
>Okay, NOW you can stop.

Damn dat shit.


How does... biology create such a thing?

millions of years of evolution? I mean we live in a world where there are knots, horsecocks, and not only that, pig dicks are cork-screwed like their tails to an extent.

That says nothing about elephant penises.

That's pretty tame compared some of the shit in nature.
>seahorses where the male carries the eggs and gives birth
>bed bugs have knife dicks that they literally stab the female with and can sometimes kill them
>ducks in general
>angler fish
>parasitic wasps
>spotted hyenas
Nature is more fucked up than even the most fucked up porn humans can make.

Should I ask about the elephant penis?


They huge!

There are tons of animals that utilize seminal plugs. It's not just a pig thing.

And black-footed ferrets stay tied together for up to three hours during mating.

What's the deal with elephant dicks?

Don't forget how female ferrets will literally die if they don't have sex.

you can't leave me hanging like that

Pretty much all other mammal's junk is tame in comparison to fossas

nature is cruel
Human woman got off lucky with how human men's dicks are just flesh tubes with a blunt tip.

like said.

They're big.

Ranging from 3 to 6.5 feet in length depending on the species of elephant, they're S-shaped with a y-shaped urethra orifice. But that's not all. You know how their trunks are flexible right? Well, same goes for their dicks. They can pick up and lift things, and use their huge cocks to prop themselves up. They're prehensile! Plus their average load is around 90 ml.

goodness... so... primal!

The fact that its been such a good year for animation makes it look average in comparison most other years this would have been a pleasant surprise of a film.

>The fact that its been such a good year for animation
Are you a fucking idiot?

Are you?

not him, but Sausage Party begs to differ. I wouldn't call this a good year for animation in light of that atrocity.

They basically didn't pay their animators, and threw several dozen more under the bus, leaving them out of the credits.

Sausage Party doesn't make Zootopia, Finding Dory, Kubo, and Moana stop existing. It's been a great year for animation almost fucking indisputably.

Sausage Party is the most successful adult animated film in history. It is building bridges for a better future.

Then I sincerely hope it does not carry its production habits with them. Otherwise getting a job in animation is going to be permafucked.

Didn't the human penis used to have spines on it?

damn, I forgot how good kubo looked

>muh zootopia
god damn, I can't speak on behalf of Kubo but Finding Dory was good. I don't think Moana looks good at all and I'm tired of what they did with it already, but I haven't seen it so that doesn't matter here.

Fuck Zootopia

fuck you

At least it had good looking cgi. The bunnies in op look like garbage. What's the point in sexually suggestive stuff if it looks terrible?

Isn't it already unless you're a very select few?

pop back up during the elephants song along with the bison and snail

You see her again at the prison talking to one of the inmates later. Thought that was funny.

it's difficult to get into yes. Yet if the bullshit concerning Sausage party became more widespread and flagrant, no one will want to work in animation considering.

This is a much better bunnyfu than the ones you posted, OP.

I think no one wants to be an animator in canada
When did that myth start that being an animator is a great job? Remember all the strikes at disney? Walt not giving credit to Iwerks and shit?
Let's not even start on anime animators
Always seemed like a shitty job to me

>mom didn't just leave for kid's potty break

zootopia is amazing, otherwise it wouldnt have a cult following on Sup Forums.

Jesus Christ a lion, get in the car

God, this is so cringy, I had to stop playing it 10 seconds in

I would have walked out too

If that was cringe enough for you, then you are pretty new to the internet.

Man, that one guy thinks it is really funny for some reason.

Like isn't this towards the end of the movie, when the idea of a dancing pig should have lost a little bit of that effect after the audience has pretty much been watching that for an hour already?