Why is the comic still called Iron Man if they replaced him with a black woman?

Why is the comic still called Iron Man if they replaced him with a black woman?

Did you just assume that person's gender?

I-I'm sorry, pls don't report me user-kun...


Marketing of a brand name. If they named Jane Foster/Thor as anything but Thor, the sales wouldn't be as high.

Because "Man" just means "Person" in this context. It's not a big deal. "Mankind" includes both men and women, and "Iron Man" is now interpreted to just mean "Person in a suit."


Tell that to a feminist

>Her super hero name is Ironheart
>She isn't Tony Stark
>Book is called Iron Man
I find it laughable how Marvel will talk shit in solicits and news articles but won't go all the way when it comes to the actual sales

Nah, just her AGE

Christ, that's a poorly drawn cover.


Are you blind? It has shit proportions and the background is a fucking gradient


I focus more on abstract ideas than base animal sensory concerns personally. I'd be fine with stick figures desu.


What's wrong with gradients? And how are her proportions bad? Her head, arms, and legs look like they're in the right spots to me.

i dont get this. cant marvel come up with original black characters? or original trans characters?

Gradients are lazy, and even aside from that the background is utterly bland and lifeless.

And her left arm looks tiny.

they wont sell

For the same reason that War Machine's ongoing was called "Iron Man 2.0" for a while.

This is literally nothing new. Remember Black Frank in the 90s?

At least that was the same guy. It would be ok if they just gave Tony a sex change as part of a witness protection program, but they didn't, they created an entirely new character who is a woman.

>it's got a penis

White or black, everything sells better with a well known name. Plus the change stands out more when the person is different race or gender. Like when shuri became black panther

If you would fucking READ the shit, you would know that Tony is still around in some form or another

But you don't read comic books, you just whine about black people.

>reading numarvel
Fuck off, shill. No true comic fan reads Marvel. Actual comic fans read DC Rebirth. Marvel is for comic """"""""fans""""""" (ie SJWs and shills).

Nice meme kid. I think you forgot to say "cuck" though, so I'm taking 25 points off

I'll read it again when Tony Stark is back

Put the Sup Forums logo over Iceman's head, the Tumblr logo over can't-be-bothered-to-remember-her-name's thread, then "The rest of the internet" over Spidey's.

>And her left arm looks tiny.

You don't know how perspective works??

Did you start reading comics on monday?

I'm not sure if J Scott Campell was trying to draw her in a repulsor blast pose, or a racist "OH I DONT THANG SO, HONEY" female black head swerve pose.


goodnight sweet Iceman

hes Icegay now

This. Marvel wants the diversity crowd but they also want the crowd that actually buys comics so they shove off your favorites and replace them these stand-ins.

I appreciate the pushing of Black Panther but if they want black protagonists so badly they need to promote others as well. Blade got cancelled but there's no reason to leave it at that. Give me the real Blade and have his daughter be the sidekick.

So people would continue to buy it. If it was a new title (Iron Girl, whatever) sales would be in the toilet.

That's actually the right way to do it.

>call the book iron man (or whatever)
>give new character their own superhero name so they are distinct
>flesh out character by giving them a reason to exist independent of the original

Because no one would buy the comic if they changed the name.

Because she makes me iron, man.

Repulsor blast pose. There's a version where she's wearing armor.

And Marvel is wondering why i dont read thier current comics....

Key word is stupid all genders are stupid.

I don't know what's worse, that they're naming their new Iron Man after a porn parody of Iron Man, or that they're taking away a role originally played by someone who's Asian for yet another black counterpart. I get increasing diversity, but they could've spotlighted a different race that has a lot less representation when black characters make up the second biggest majority. You can't even say it's to have a smart, black, female character when they already have Moon Girl, who they outright call the smartest person in the world.

Fe(periodic symbol for Iron) + Male(Man)
= IronMan

Most of Marvel's female characters are legacy characters, team members gone solo, sidekicks or whatever else. There aren't a huge number of major female, totally original, solo debut characters in Marvel when you look on the surface.

Carol Danvers, Kamala Khan; both legacy heroes. She-Hulk, Spider-Woman, Wasp, every female X-Men member. Jessica Jones is one of the few OC's that come to mind as completely experimental and standalone, I'm tired so there's probably more but she was hardly mainstream until her netflix show.

Marvel beat DC to the punch with blacks and minorities but Marvel had near to no female led series up until the 80's even when they had Black Panther for decades.

Maybe that's why they've gone full feminist nowadays, some kind of guilt complex or regret they never really managed to replicate the success of Wonder Woman and are still falling flat trying today.

Riris series is a direct continuation of Bendis original invincible iron man,it makes it clearer for new readers that this series is continuing off from where invincible was going

so what is that the black lady that irons tony's laundry or something?

I'm not reading it because it's written by fucking Bendis.

I'm black and I don't like riri


>War Machine's ongoing was called "Iron Man 2.0"

now that's just ridiculous

Luke Cage
Black Panther
War Machine
Miles Morales
Doctor Voodoo
Night Thrasher
Isaiah Bradley
Misty Knight
Black Goliath

Misty is my blackfu

>It's another 'Sup Forums gets mad over the same shit' episode