Why does it seem like cartoons got noticeably worse after 2007...

Why does it seem like cartoons got noticeably worse after 2007? Even after 9/11 things still seemed relatively stable in the West. But even if you compare 2006 to 2007, the years felt completely different. What the fuck happened?

You grew up

I forgot how long it has been since that mess.

There were always shitty cartoons, you just forgot about them

>Why does it seem like cartoons got noticeably worse after 2007?
You entered puberty

Boston pissing themselves over fucking Lite-Brite causing that scumbage Snyder to take over Cartoon Network and commiting such atrocities like CNReal and the cancellations of Sym-Bionic Titan and original Toonami.

Technically CN began heading down the live-action path in November 2005 when they began showing movies like Dumb and Dumber and Cats & Dogs, followed by their own original movie "Re-animated" in December 2006.

Snyder just continued down that path.

Lots of things. The anime bubble bursting was a big one, since that's what was proping up Cartoon Network, KidsWB, and FoxBox during a time when the internet was making kids watch less cartoons.

1986er here
Cartoons get good and bad
Beginning of the 90s? Bad.
Mid 90s? Good.
End of the 90s? Mediocre.
Beginning of the 2000s? Bad.
Mid 2000s? Also bad.
End of 2000s? Good.
Beginning of the 2010s? Bad.
Mid 2010s? Mediocre.

Just be glad you don't remember the 80s like I do.

There was an economic crash late in that year that caused a number of industries to scale back dramatically in terms of production and risk-taking. You see 2007 referenced in relation to a decline in quality for nearly all forms of entertainment for this very reason.

How old are you?

Next year it'll turn 8 years old

Back in '07, I was in a not successful TV show...


Cartoons were shit for a period in 2007 and 2008.

Then they got decent with Chowder and Flapjack and early Adventure Time, which led into the current era of cartoons, for better or for worse.

And for what it's worth, it did give us stuff like Gumball and early Regular Show and Gravity Falls and animated equine children's program and gay space rocks, so it really isn't all that bad.

The problem is that all the networks try to shove down our throats is the hot garbage like TTG and NuPPG.

A shallow point. Selective Cartoons are bad and good, some better than usual, and can find followings from the most mature audiences. Your argument may only be relevant to those who have no interest in the current line-up of shows, or for those who don't even bother because "muh reasons."


Although it's popularity does give CN the financial rewards. Still would rather have quality of shitdonald, copy n' paste quantity.


>horse show
As someone who has seen all 6 season I can safely say it's shit and is only good for those who have an unhealthy emotional attachment to some of the characters

Networks realized they weren't going to have another smash hit to sell toys with so the new cartoon train stopped

The only reason any cartoon was made was to either sell toys or some rebel billionaire funds it out of pocket. Kids spend money on other things now so the budget for new and existing cartoons was slashed.

The reality is that quality costs millions of dollars and its cheaper to import a cheap Japanese show someone already paid for than make your own. Funfact, Pokemon killed Saturday morning cartoons. The highest rated show on TV and nobody in the west was paid to make it, why bother making anything new?

I've never seen it myself, but from what I've heard its early parts are pretty good, though overrated by the fans.

Pokemon killed the Saturday morning cartoon way back in the early 2000s.

The modern dark age of cartoons happened in 2008-2009, right around the time that anime started to drop off in the west.

What caused the Anime bubble to pop in the late 00's anyway?

The rise of moeshit turned off a lot of casual fans, and more people began streaming fansubs rather than watching it on television like they used to.

The general decline of television puts pressure on high budget shows, and good animation isn't cheap even when you outsource. Also the rise of CNreal caused a diaspora of TV Animation's Finest.