Sup Forums Christmas Cheer Thread #20

-1 Night Warning Edition-

What's this? What's this? There's Sup Forumshristmas everywhere.

We're at 100% gifted! Hear that? 100%!

Grab some cocoa, turn on the Christmas music, get comfy, and hang out with some Sup Forumsmrades as we share stories and get into the holiday spirit.

As previous years share your Amazon wishlist and some random user may purchase a holiday gift for you. Be sure to gift another user in return so we can spread the cheer far and wide.

Ungifted lists:
All lists:

To get your wishlist code open you wishlists on Amazon, then click on the name on the left side of the page it will update the URL at the top to be registry/wishlist/#########
We just need the ###########

Missing Address: When viewing your list, click "List settings" in the upper right hand corner. From there click "View details" on the wishlist you are using. On this new page in the middle will say "Shipping Address". Mark "Use an existing shipping address" and select the address you want to use (most likely your home address). Below that check the box "Third party shipping agreement". Click on "Save Changes" and you're all set!

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

Anyone have plans for the big day?

If the roads aren't too bad I'll be driving 2 hours to my mother's house. Thankfully I'm not staying the night up there, too busy with shitlings and dogs. And I've got all of my roommate's gifts all wrapped up to stuff under the tree tonight.

Pic of two of the gifts I made for the roommates. Soos' shirt and a Warhammer 40k Inquisitional Rosette, which is also a 16 gig thumb stuck

Happy Christmas Eve my boobies! I hope all goes well if you can't crack my puzzle by Wednesday I'll probably post results. I hope all is going well!

Just a reminder the puzzle is still live! You can ask for help if you so need to
Alright folks here it is my final puzzle!
Everything you need to answer the riddle is in this post (well in a way). This puzzle is so easy to do all you have to do is answer my question. But before you do that you may wish to read this - My original puzzle write up from last year. - Puzzle 2 - Puzzle 3 - Puzzle I did as a warm up a few weeks back - Puzzle 1 Xmas 2016 - Puzzle 2 Xmas 2016w

12-40 111-7 1503-1 5-100 20-25.
32-18 43-16 4-106 21-24 137-6 425-2
664-1 4-106 21-24 1633-1 1575-1's 494-2

Answer in the following format "Oh Mighty Riddler the answer is "

Before we get started yes that 's is in there on purpose. This one will take all of your cunning, or is it counting? Oh well who can tell. Get cracking!

616-Muslims celebrate Christmas too, because they're all-inclusive over at the House of Mouse, even when it doesn't make sense.

>Fulton Sheen
I totally misread this as "Futa Sheen" and wondered how long Charlie Sheen's had a doujin following in Japan.

Someone went up and beyond the call of gifting and purchased a Xbox One Wireless Controller off my wishlist, 1NVJ8QWRBXRRK , on 12/12/16.

I've contacted Amazon since I hadn't seen it and was advised that it's marked as delivered. They can't help me so if the purchaser is around I would recommend to contact Amazon and get a refund.

Streaming on my vaughnlive channel.

We're finishing up George C. Scott's Christmas Carol.
Next up is A Muppets Christmas Carol!


is she even really Muslim besides the no pork thing?

It's a really well written book.
I recommend it, in a non-preachy way.

>Next up is A Muppets Christmas Carol!
And so it begins.

Still that that's super cute. Think I'll repost mine for funzies.

And my list as well: VJ9BT1OBNF7

Hey guys. Sorry about canceling the stream, I figured everyone was busy in Elusive's stream or just out and about.

Just dropping my wishlist, and wishing you guys a Merry Christmas Eve. F2H67ST7SEVM

>that that's
think that's*

>100% gifted

Posting with impunity.

Merry Christmas eve everybody!



what's everyone's plans for the night?
any Jewish anons celebrating Chanukah?
any anons spending tomorrow with the company of fellow Sup Forumsmrades?
What do Muslims do for the holidays?

I plan on spending most of the day tomorrow storytiming
I prefer quiet a quiet christmas so its the best way for me to spend it
also phone calls to loved ones


what stories are on the itinerary
I'm going to be here

Everybody's favorite christian manga Serenity
something I look forward to every year

eddie should win the serenitybowl.
Most chemistry

A lot of people seem to think so but I still have hope for lori

Merry Christmas Sup Forums

you're that user? I love you

merry christmas
its not quite that time here yet but i know some of you future folk are celebrating

Blog time: I'm from the US and I used to watch the movie The Snowman all the time as s kid and we had lots of decorations and the book. Over time though we lost all of it. I haven't met a single person out of my family that has ever seen let alone heard of the film. For the longest time I thought it was just an old movie that was lost to the ages.

Then today I found a thread on Sup Forums about it. Apparently it's HUGE over in UK and most of Europe and even has a sequel. I immediately messaged all the people I knew from the UK on facebook, tumblr, whatever asking about the movie. I guess they show it on "Channel 4" Christmas Eve every year and is pretty much a staple of UK Christmas time.

Honestly my Christmas has been made. I love the film so much and it's so great to know that it's being loved.

Shit I totally missed out on this thread, gdi.... might as well try posting my list either way.


Hope everyone is having a great Christmas, especially if you're stuck having to spend it alone.

Hope everyone's night is going well.


Hope everyone has a good Christmas tomorrow.

Anyone looking forward to any Christmas specials?

AHHHHHHHH ungifted!

Askin' again because I still want to ART--does anyone have the Grievous/Grinch parody that was posted in one of the WAY earlier threads?

We talked about The Snowman in an earlier thread. I'm American and I thought everyone knew about it?

If I recall correctly, that was a Zum thing. He may be able to assist you.

Muppets is over, and shutting the stream down for the night.

But yeah, I heard of the Snowman and from the USA here

>any anons spending tomorrow with the company of fellow Sup Forumsmrades?
>I plan on spending most of the day tomorrow storytiming

I plan on reading storytimes for Christmas.
You guys are all I have, and I wouldn't change it for the world.

Had some food with the family and watched Home Alone 2 together. Everyone was pretty tuckered out, so I just played some Overwatch with SDU while everyone else went to bed. After presents in the morning we mostly just hang out, so I'll definitely be around tomorrow here and there.

I don't know what this is, but I just looked it up and it sounds like something that I would not enjoy.

So many have played throughout the month that I think I've watched all the Christmast specials I'd have wanted to already.

>it up and it sounds like something that I would not enjoy.
thats what everyone says
it tends to hook people with its characters and then the feels happens

Scribs, it starts out lame then gets kinda nuanced then gets interesting.

I don't know if my heart can take it.

the ending is pretty brutal

>500 dollarydoos
Thanks, padre

What did/will you get for Christmas?


I gotcha, dudemar. Sadly, I never got around to working on any more in the threads.

>All the Wookiees in Kochirho liked Life Day a lot
>But General Grievous, his body all circuits and steel, did not
>Grievous despised all living things in this joyous time
>To exist and be free was their treasonous crime
>It could be that his head wasn't anchored just right
>Or perhaps that his joints were fastened too tight
>His breath, it ran short with no exertion at all
>For his breastplate, though sturdy, was three sizes too small
>Whatever reason - his head too loose, his joints too tight
>He awaited the battle, itching to fight
>Glaring down from his bulwark, his cruel eyes aglow
>He watched the festivities and his hatred did grow
>For he knew every Wookiee celebrating below
>Was a stone in his path and they HAD to go

I've got more from Sup Forums this year than I'll get from friends/family.

But what about the Wookies?

Aha! I knew we had more...

>"Master Obi-Wan! Master Obi-Wan! Tell us the story of how Grievous stole the lightsabers on Life Day!"
>"Younglings, I'm deep in meditation at the moment. Can't you have Master Yoda tell it to you?"
>"When Master Yoda tells it, the rhymes don't work at all."
>"What about Master Windu?"
>"He adds a lot of expletives about the general's mother when he tells the story and we're only younglings after all..."
>"...very well."

>Then he thought up a plan! A horrible plan!
>"I know just what to do!," Grievous said, eyeing Kashyyyk's green globe
>Then he crafted a makeshift headdress and robe
>"What a grievous idea!," the cyborg beamed with a hum
>"With this Sun-Ta disguise, I look just like Jedi scum!"
>"I'll *koff* need a tauntaun...," he wheezed with a hack
>Alas, there were none to be seen 'til The Empire Strikes Back!
>His cunning mind racing with thoughts, he said
>"If I can't find a tauntaun, I'll build one instead!"
>So he sent for a Clanker, one which looked quite brassy
>Then welded two durasteel horns right onto its chassis
>Next he fashioned a sack from a cloak not yet destroyed
>And to a banged-up old speeder, he hitched up the Droid

>"Master Sun-Ta, why? Why are you taking my lightsaber? Why?"
>But do you know, the old General was so wicked and vile, that he rasped out a falsehood told with cunning and guile.
>"Foolish padawan!," Grievous did deride
>"There's a sliver of kyber here that won't light on one side."

After a month of 10 hour days, and 6 day weeks at the box factory, I'm happy to warm my cold bones by the fire and commensurate with my fellow Sup Forumsmrades over our shared interest in holiday haranguing. whats everyone drinking tonight?

We'll be your family any day user.

A seasonal tradition of mine.
Attended Silver Surfer: Requiem on Xmas Eve a couple years ago as my first storytime, and the first thread I ever posted in after a year of lurking.

Let's begin.

Currently drinking a Moscow Mule. I know it ain't a cup made of Silver, but copper is shiny enough for me!




Ah, I pick many a moscow mule mug at the box factory



Who else is celebrating the birth of our lord and savior, Tony Tony Chopper, today?


Screw your sacrilege.
Praise Alvis.

He killed for your sins.


>whats everyone drinking tonight?
Just cheap beer.
>Silver Surfer: Requiem
10/10 storytime





Thanks! It won't be done this Christmas, but I got a kick outta these, so I'd like to do some drawings.













A couple of nice books from generous Sup Forumsmrades. I know for sure one thing I'll be receiving tomorrow is a prop replica of the First Blade from Supernatural, which is all I asked for.

I thought my brother and I were going to drink white russians together, but he clocked out early, so it's just green tea for me.

I don't follow One Piece, but a friend of mine does. I saw it when it was on like Fox Kids over a decade ago, but more recently on Toonami when it was some kind of roller skating competition arc. Now, whenever he talks about it I bring up the roller skating arc and it drives him up the walls. I love it.





Heres my code, Merry Christmas gang






>I bring up the roller skating arc and it drives him up the walls.
There are two types of people in the world: Those who enjoy the Davy Back Fights, and those who hate fun.





Accept Alvis into your heart

Pleasure to be drinking and storytiming with you fine folks throughout the year. Christmas is my favorite Sup Forums season, and there's no better board to spend it on.





