Lobo Paramilitary Christmas Special story time

I don't really know why the other thread got deleted






Scanning and editing was a bitch



man everyone is sure making Lobo look like the most attractive man in the world by comparison

I like how Lobo uses the most childish of insults


They should really brush their teeth


Storytiming at 2am isnt one of my best ideas



bump for other anons






a true Christmas classic


i wonder if any kids got their hands on a copy of this back then

This is a really underrated issue.

i forgot the image

I think Lobo is pretty underrated in general,but thats the good thing about him
He wouldnt work well with spotlight



good lord that was the worst captcha i had to do

>dawg is fucking jacked




My internet is a nightmare

















annnd thats all folks
that storytime took way longer than it shouldve
hope yall enjoyed


He worked just fine in the 90s when he was one of DC's most popular characters.

Someone needs to crop out the first panel.

I did

loved it



I never got the "paramilitary" part of the title, but it sounds funny, so it still somehow works.

Thanks, OP.

Fragga bump!



sad bump

Christmas bump

Don't let the Christmas spirit die!

>Tony Moore Lobo
never thought i wanted a thing like this so much


bumping for others

>Scanning and editing was a bitch

Why so?

best christmas special

it took over 8 hours to figure out how to get 11mb of a pic down to 4
didnt help i didnt save anything in order and had to scan some things mid storytime
Thus why 51 pages took like,2 hours

>it took over 8 hours to figure out how to get 11mb of a pic down to 4

How did you do it?

waifu 2x can compress the inage with its noise reduction filter
i dont understand how it works,because it brought a 1700x2700 picture from 10 to 4,but as soon as i opened it up in SAI to trim the white spot I missed,the file size increased from 4 up to 8 as soon as I resaved it
I wonder if anyone from Sup Forums can explain this to me