
youtube is obsolete and outdated

flash all the way

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ees a meeracoow

old brown glue skin DLC for SBCG4AP when?

This is almost too much homestar for me to handle in one year

>write 'running'
>draw rollerskating
homestar has always reminded me of my own shit, right down to shit like that

>still using flash

no thanks

hello again, old friend

I'm not used to new Homestar coming out on not April first.
Also the video took about a minute to load, I honestly don't remember if that is normal or not.

Once upon a time when a new Flash cartoon was uploaded directly to the site, that used to be normal.

flash is the most up-to-date technology of course it takes a bit of time to load

Downloading to you at the speed of light!


I never asked for this. Also kek'd hard at Coach Z

are there any easter eggs besides the end one?

Apparently not, unless the old trick of clicking tab and looking for yellow boxes missed something.

I wish I hadn't already looked at shitty phonecam footage of this one beforehand, but it's still dang funny

>there will be nothing for the 40th anniversary

>HR might not even make it to a 25th anniversary

It barely made it to the 20th

The H-star-R will neva die!
The Brothers Chaps are young and spry!

That was great, as always

>Strong Sad, you're motoring. What's the price for flight?

fork of a pork!

>all these references to concepts that were never used and only ever posted to the sketchbook

This is the best Decemberween ever

H*R is like an old friend that no matter how long it's been since you saw each other last, it's still easy to talk and laugh together like it was just yesterday

oddly enough, with those old friends, I usually quote homestar routines

Same. It's up there with the Simpsons for the way it's influenced my vocabulary.

yeah we've learned to imitute them exobably.

The first time I saw this I absolutely lost my shit when they censored out Mike and Craig.

Also, looks like the version they premiered at the anniversary show doesn't have all the scenes that this one does.

>this mariopaint is a delicate art

>Thanks for stopping by.
>Thanks for breaking my cow lamp.


Just no.

Fuck off. Flash is fine with Homestar.

well it would be if each new update didnt make it run shittier
then again that's also true of youtube

I never noticed Homestar's wearing a shirt with himself on it

Just like Homestar all the time wears!

you know there's something I really respect about writers who can look at their old crap, see it was crap and own up to it.

and really they didn't NEED to, since H*R is already all about being intentionally limited and crummy.
>didn't I invent this cartoon?
>yeah I think so
>so howcome I can't understand a lick of it?
>what's to understand? eh steve's mouth exploded the universe, and that blonde guy did a tiny tiny dance

Okay guys
ultimate battle of semi-improvised reactions-to-amateurish-things:
>vs Little Girl series
>Halloween Costume Commentary
place ya bets!
Is Very Little Girl old enough yet to do a videro?

I say exobably way too much in front of other people.

At this point they should just make a dictionary of all the portmanteaus they've come up with

although honestly, that dictionary sbemail wasn't very funny. it was a little too meta, and forgot to do jokes other than winks and nods.

>They're really not that late
>They had to escape Alex Hirsche's Dungeon of Rape

little girl, costume commentary was never that great

>tfw realizing Little Girl is probably like 20 now

Little girl is a cam whore
Or maybe a redditor. I always get those two mixed up.

I still remember when she was an anime-obsessed teenager with her own youtube channel. I always wished I'd looked at it more before it disapparated
>never that great
bite your damn tongue, user. It has so many fantastic moments
>this one doesn't count. this one doesn't count. this one doesn't count, as, a costume
>why'd you leave out my left butt? the west butt is the best butt!
>oh a red t-shirt and a taped-on star, has anyone told you how terrible you are?
>did you eat luigi!?!
>and wet the bed

I think your rhymes are really broke
broke broke broke broke broke broke broke!


>If it isn't Gentleman Strong Bad, waiting for the Good Posture Trolley! A-ding-ding, everyone!

I like the one where the guy in the office cubicle is wearing some kind of skintight strong bad mask, and with the perspective his head looks fucking tiny

Who else here is counting down the final minutes of Decemberween?

Little Girl has a tumblr and calls herself an otaku.

Huge Hetalia fan from what I remember

>Halloween in January
>Nightmare Before Christmas

Are there any other instances of Halloween during the year that I'm forgetting?

you're late, user! you slept through it! you didn't buy any of us presents!

dangit why must she live in georgia.

Decemberween is literally just Christmas by a different name. There's nothing really Halloween about it.

Didn't they only use "exobably" once? It always stuck with me too. It just has such a good ring to it.

once or twice. t'was a senor cardgage
for some reason 'grape.. soda.. banked' has been cram-a-lammed into my head lately

>work at a store
>generally go down various aisles every day for one reason or another
>one of them is canned food
>literally every time I see the item in question think about how I'll paste away if I dinty moore

I could literally drive to the Bros Chaps in less than a day. They're Atlanta, right?

yeah. with occasional visits to LA to do this n' that. but this time of year almost certainly at home, sleeping off delicious georgia-chow for xmas
shit i mean if you drive fast enough, nonstop, you can go almost anywhere in this country in a day or two

Happy last 7 minutes of Decemberween, Sup Forums

>Decemberween is here
>Decemberween is here, today!

Radioactivity is here. Growing arms out of heads is here, today!
I am here stealing your presents. Sorry kids, today is not your lucky day.

Literally like "leave work at 4:30 be in Atlanta in time for food and sleep" close. Not close enough for dinner tho.

Why were a couple cartoons so HUGE?

They realized that people's resolutions had gone up over the years, and the old toons looked way smaller on the screen than they needed to be.

what they neglected to realize is that every homestar fan had just learned how to shift-scroll to blow up the size, and since flash vector-scales, that's literally just as good as changing the toon display size
so they stopped doing it after like two toons

>shift-scroll to blow up the size
i never considered this

guess im stupid

it's not exactly something they teach you in school, user. we've had to wrangle browsers ourselves, just by asking friends
of course now phones have killed any kind of interactivity in computers so all this studying is for nothing

I'm curious, any big name Homestar Runner fans?

They Might Be Giants


iunno, you tell me
plus y'know, Paul and Storm / Da Vinci's Notebook, They Might Be Giants, and all the TV shows to include their posters and references, from Buffy to Sarah Silverman Program

>Strong GLAD

man what a world that would have been

Is that true?

One of these days I'm gonna get as many used copies of Deep Impact as I can and give them to everyone (plus maybe a gift card which will be their real present).

You're a horrible person

How the fuck are they still good after all these years? I figured it'd be terrible by now, but it's as good as ever.

Strong Bad book edit when?

You Monster.

Okay, fine.

Just Deep Impact then.

They had a years long hiatus to think up more jokes.



I'm surprised I wasn't the only one who did this. I waited until 10PM on the dot though.


>humor hasn't changed a bit

god bless the chaps

God every Homestar cartoon is a miracle after that terrible drought.

Does the package have a TRoll in it? Or maybe a trOLL?

The first time I watched that back in IE6 or whatever, I had to close it because I was laughing like a retard for 5 minutes straight.

>snow falls down from the 'bove. it's cold when it snows
I can't even decide if I adore those or if they bore me. It's kind of both? they just stick in my head. homestar is like instantaneous nostalgia.. it somehow resonates with, and then becomes, your past experiences

That was the first H*R I've outright laughed at in a while. The part with Homestar giving the wings to Strong Sad had me howling.

Most of their other stuff puts a silly smile on my face, but this was a good, hearty guffaw.

I hope Homestar never leaves us, even if it's just a toon a year.

it's only appropes homestar should become a latter-day Peanuts, putting out the occasional special

So, is there an explained reason why they put it up as a Flash file on their site instead of putting it on Youtube like they've usually done over the past couple years? Did they just want to see how much web traffic they could get themselves without having to work with Youtube analytics to parse it?

I think the ones they've put on youtube have been the longer ones. The ones where pausing would do them some good, and loading times would be long?

It's not like they're out of practice. They're just making comedy for TV now.

Probably as a throwback, seeing as how this cartoon was a throwback to Homestar's earliest days.

>"What's this guy so excited about?"
>"Aw yeah, just got promoted to the executive cubicle. Now I can fit four to five post-its on my wall. Hey Doogan, you staying after for the LAN party?"

>You no longer live in a time when every webcomic and website tries to make up their own version of Christmas.

What was the one CAD tried to do? All I remember is that it was extra retarded.

ONLY cad did it because they were the first
i can still remember seeing the comic and my friends talking about celebrating it.

remember, cad used to be POPULAR


if I'd been thinking harder about it I would have made funny equivalent-holidays for my comic but by then I was just lazy.
and it was more fun having santa claus and making him a ninja that frequently fights a robot santa