Why did CN cancel Sym-Bionic Titan? Shit had the potential to be the next avatar

Why did CN cancel Sym-Bionic Titan? Shit had the potential to be the next avatar.

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Models were too complex to make good toys of.

Avatar was the first Avatar and look how that got treated

Being an action cartoon is suffering

Variety of reasons. Only made for contractual reasons (Genndy had done some behind-the-scenes stuff to ensure he got the opportunity to do it). No executive interest, so no toy contracts or advertising.

That's completely wrong. Each design on the show was made to be easily toy-able. Even the Titan is based off old 80's transparent plastic toys.

I guarantee if it premiered now it would have been a way bigger hit

Is there a prayer of a chance if new Samurai Jack does well enough that Adult Swim would fund new Sym-Bionic Titan?

Action cartoons are a rare thing these days and without them we're raising a generation of pussies. Truth be told there's no money in it. Never watched SBT myself, worth a look? I'm still bummed out Megas XLR is never coming back

They sold the rights to the government for tax breaks, so no.

Yeah its fucking great. One of the most Sup Forums cartoons ever too

>tfw President Elect Donald Trump makes an executive order for a continuation of Sym-Bionic Titan as a thanks to the internet dweebs who viral marketed him into office


I don't think you know how that works.

Was not that show cancalled due to the Twerk incident?

It was TV-PG.

The industry has no idea how to make money off of expensive, but widely watched and liked shows with diverse audiences with respect to age, gender, and race, along with consistently high ratings.

As stupid as it sounds, they think a girl or adult liking an action cartoon is a net loss as far as their business model goes.

>had the potential to be the next avatar
not even remotely close to wishful thinking

Fucking faggot kill yourself

Traditionally your money comes from licensing. Like Adventure Time's ratings were in the toilet since the start of season 7 but they could sell toys to kids and kitsch gifts to adults. There was little marketing potential for Sym-Bionic Titan.

Maybe it could've done better a few years later when all licensing went to mobile games. I haven't seen the show but the Magiswords marketing is great. Watch this show and simultaneously play this collect-a-thon game! Rack up your parents credit card while enjoying the program! Look at the wider world of video games where we no longer get crappy movie tie ins and instead Disney adds the newest hero to whatever f2p Marvel/Star Wars game kids are playing.

>There was little marketing potential for Sym-Bionic Titan.

How is something like that calculated wholly apart from audience size and interest? Did A:TLA have low marketing potential despite its enormous active fan community size thirsting for official content? It had about the same amount of licensing as Symbiotic Titan, plus a live-action movie that had exactly zero effort or oversight allocated to it.

Not enough color coded and easily marketable characters like in Steven Universe.

Steven Universe doesn't even have toys.

No, Pop figures don't count as toys; they're just plastic, pieces of plastic.

It was cancelled so CN could get a tax break.

wow you're wrong. If Avatar premiered now it would be cancelled after one season. Nobody likes action cartoons anymore.

That's exactly how it works

I've always thought that SU should sell anime style figures.

No Weight Gain Episode.

CN still has the rights. They just can't do anything with it except sell it or sit on it.

It managed to get its intended number of seasons and told a complete story, and successful enough that Nick actually released on DVD, as well as demanded a live-action movie and sequel series from?

Not "funny" enough. Also, bitch who did it comes from Bizarro World.

Action cartoons are a black hole of money (Come to think of it is there one currently running that isn't based off an existing license they know will make money) and it simply wasn't making enough to be worth it/


>"Hmmmm.... should I start this series with the Escape from Galaluna episode, literally one of the coolest things anyone has ever seen with a badass swashbuckling sword fight with a combination of grace and brutality? And all the characters have moments to shine in their own special way, we get a strong sense of everyone's motivations, and we get an emotional connection to their exile from their home that will reinforce the themes of non traditional family and friendship that run through the whole series?"

>"Or... I could start the series with them crash landing on earth so that the audience can have no fucking idea what is going on! Then instead of having action happen, I have our heroes....buy furniture.... rent a house...... that's what the kids are into these days!"

>"Yup, better save that Galaluna episode for a random episode most of the way through the season when only the diehard fans will still be watching."

If anything, they should've stuck it in the first half of the show.

It did have a monster tf episode though.

Avatar never had a weight gain episode.

>Shit had the potential to be the next avatar.
What does that even mean?

Why the fuck does CN keep rehashing Ben 10 then?

1. Most kids don't watch serially
2. It's so divorced from the rest of the show that it would seem like a bit of a bait and switch to go from serious Galaluna to wacky adventures on Earth

A popular franchise that people care about and want more of

An action series that, you know,

is actually good

toys ya goyim

>sequel series

that ended up getting euthanized and swept under the carpet in the most thinly veiled executive assassinations of the decade

Avatar was successful because it was anime. Sym-Bionic Titan isn't an anime.

Sym-Bionic Titan is literally a mecha anime.

Give a definition of anime that doesn't fit Sym but does fit Avatar

I believe he is talking about the stereotypical anime art style.

Like said, while Escape From Galaluna is amazing and the start of the story, it's not really a good example of what the whole show is. But it was definitely too late in the series. Would have made a great midseason finale or premier. Or Season 1 finale/Season 2 premier, since that's how those cocksuckers at CN broke the show up.

>that ended up getting euthanized and swept under the carpet in the most thinly veiled executive assassinations of the decade

I think you got it mixed with Beware the Batman.

I mean, Legend of Korra was given three extra seasons before the first one began, a good budget, and a lot of publicity and leeway.

Compared to other cancelled cartoons (Symbionic, DC Nation, Tron, Motorcity, etc) it was quite cuddled.

It didn't even have that, LOK did. What it had was an art style that wasn't triangular as fuck like ops image

>Shit had the potential to be the next avatar.
not even close

Avatar was a focused, SBT was all over the goddamn place and linear plot progression literally doesn't exist until the s1 finale

and i like SBT

I wish they'd kickstart a season two. I'd donate

What it should have been was the young lance Ender's game episode and the escape from Galaluna episode as a special two part one hour event to set up everything

SBT was way better than Avatar ever was

The can't continue that exact show. But they could make a new show in the same universe that just continues the story.

there's tons of legal loopholes they can use.


I hear that

Man I can't even look at this thread because seeing people say bad stuff about this show (and you know they will, it's the internet) just makes me sad

Shit was so good. Tartakovsky is the only cartoon creator with the balls to push the envelope

SBT works because it has the same thing going for it as Spectacular Spider-man.
It's a highschool drama that's just cleverly disguised as an action cartoon

Alright out with it. Which gem do you want to hot glue?

Avatar was treated just as well as any other Nicktoon until that long hiatus halfway through the final season.

Man fuck Nick

It wasn't that much of a disguise. Hell, didn't Genndy outright pitch this as John Hughes with a fighting robot?


While it certainly didn't have the tight plot progression that the best parts of Avatar had, it certainly had the potential to get there. Personally, I wouldn't compare SBT to Avatar as a whole but just to Book 1 of Avatar to get a sense of the potential each series had to develop.

>Being an action cartoon is suffering
This is why god invented Netflix.

I would kill for a series about Solomon and G3, how Lance's dad trained him and started the whole thing up, that would be amazing.

>that ended up getting euthanized and swept under the carpet in the most thinly veiled executive assassinations of the decade
You're confused.

The executives didn't kill Korra. They zombified it.

Korra was only supposed to be one season originally. That's why it flowed like ass with little connection between seasons. Executives demanded a longer run.

How does one seriously legally buy the rights to long canceled cartoons? Like Megas xlr, or Teenage robot?

Well it would be very difficult to persuade a company to sell an IP that they have written off for tax purposes, since any money that they make on an asset after it has been written off requires a commensurate amount of the claimed deduction to be paid back. Basically CN would lose money if they sold SBT or Megas to anybody because they'd have to give that money to the IRS and pay the costs to facilitate the transaction in the first place.

So, its just about a high price?

Well the IP would have to sell for a significant margin above the amount of the deduction they received in order to properly compensate the vendor, and since CN probably tried to claim their entire capital expenditure on the IP (whether they actually received a deduction that big is another matter) that would be a very large amount.

Also the Kimmy/Newton plot before being the Liz/Peter plot, but if Peter had taste.

Show was kinda overrated. It burned pretty bright but who knows, it could've went to shit anytime.

You could say that about literally any show that was killed before its time.

It was getting better and better though even right at the end. That's what was so frustrating about it.

The princess, spread eagle for you all...
