How's Your Webcomic? #335

Last one dropped off the board
Hey it's Christmas! Have a merry. Does your webcomic do anything on holidays?
Tell us about your process. Ask questions. Get messy!

Other urls found in this thread:

Scrub Authors GOODIE Bag
Here’s a short list of sites that any new webcomic artist or writer will find handy:
>*-Struggling to find that perfect FONT? Create your own using this link;

>*-Don’t forget to brush up on that ANATOMY:

>*-What’s a list without some reference STOCK IMAGES?

>*-Here's a big fat compilation of CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCE: (surprisingly not a typo)

>Links to get a rough WEBSITE started up:
Easy to use tumblr webcomic theme:
Do’s and Don’ts for starting a site:
>Contact sheet if anyone wants to put information down, like their site and webcomic:

>DISCORD CHAT going on,
Ask for an invite in the thread.

>Wise words from John Cleese:

>Invisible Ink:

>Paper Wings

>Fonts for your webcomic on Blambot:

>Writing Resources:

>Guide to promoting your comic:

>Comics for makin' comics!

buncha bumps

I am the gayest & angriest web comic artist in the world.

That's okay, work that anger into your art

>want to learn to draw
>experience the most ungodly humiliation when i try to construction-draw and it's shit, even though when i do freehand chickenscratch garbage i'm fine with it being shit and find it pretty fun.


video of me drawing this from a blank piece of paper is rendering now, 250 minutes remaining, it will be uploaded to my youtube channel tonight

it is intrinsically more humiliating when you actually put effort into something and it gets shat on
but these threads are usually pretty constructive. after all it's not the end of the world if you suck. just something you should be aware of

im ready for my jealous butt hurt haters to come talk shit to me now senpai

i didnt get a chance to say it last night before the thread closed but this girl is fun and cute, good job on making her!

The first comic I made to test out my new microsoft surface pro!

that font's not terribly readable, but going by the word bubble shapes and placement, and the left-out words like 'of, and plurals, I assume this was just a quickie to test with

I'm sloshed and feel no issue posting some light cheesecake from a year ago; especially since my own cherry cheesecake collapsed in its tray.

Happy holidays.

aw man sorry to hear that. custards are temperamental
that's a fantastic XXXmas card right there.

really nice comic man!! i think you are actually almost as good as me now

pretty nice
I wish I had enough money for a screen tablet

is that what that is?
someone mentioned a generic cintiq in the last thread. I really want to know how either of these work.. but I've gotten so used to a normal tablet, I can't imagine I really NEED one. Plus I'd really need it to be at least 20 inches



Very sexy girl you drew there, could totally fap to her!

hmmmm.... bones complementing dewd? doubt meter is over 9000, i think bones needs to put his trip back on unless that really is bones and he is being retarded or just messing with dewd. Only time will tell

What brands of felt tip pen would people recommend I try? Just starting to draw seriously and I'd like to mess around and see what I like. Using drawabox guy's referral link, so I don't mind splurging a bit.

saw this in the last thread. sorry I didn't reply. I know some people who know a thing or two, including the guy that does this thing? but not sure if that's brushes or pens or what. I'll ask around

Don't go out of your way to research it or anything, I've got a pretty good list already - Sakura, Faber-Castell, Staedtler should give me enough to get a good feel for what I like, I was just curious if something jumped right to mind when I asked.

Logically, if no one feels too strongly, it won't make an insane amount of difference and my skills likely aren't anywhere near good enough to tell most pens apart anyway.

that thing I have where I passively pick up a huge amount of useful information without knowing it, but can't reproduce it on command, only do a good job of answering multiple-choice questions, tells me Sakura is the best. I've heard people talk about it a lot, Faber-Castell less, and the latter not at all.


>over 4 hours
>just to draw that abortion.

Anyone here have an opinion on Smack Jeeves's new look?

can you show me? I know I didnt like their old one.. was it mandated or was it just the default?
this is exactly the kind of shit I want to get discussed in these threads

>can you show me?
The new look is live:

The previous look was pic related.

This has little effect on the individual comic sites themselves since those are still based on templates and customized html, but the main site and profiles and such got a big makeover.

oh I guess that look was never familiar in the first place. i must have been thinking of drunkduck
oh, their sites are customized? okay so it's no big deal then.
good god though, those example comics on the front page...

You sound like me. And if you're like me, then chances are you're trying to construct something without knowing what it is you really want to construct, whereas freehand turns out better because you don't have any particular goal.

Sharpie, honestly. They're sturdy and they work well.

so close to getting this done on time (which is to say, only 2 days late instead of 3). Oh well, that's what I get for spending ecksmas volunteering.
boxing day comic!
I rolled this one over in my head for way too long. It was hard to decide what her ice powers could do that the room wasn't already doing.
In any case thanks to whoever reminded me to draw Sinciput from some different angles this time. Was it Space Pirate? I think it was.

at least it bumps the thread

Whatever happened to the Batman "work on your art" threads? Did everyone just go to /ic/?