

Truly, these are the end times.

>all those people making shitty jokes in the responding tweets

What happened to humanity?

Huh, I just listened to a bunch of George Michael after watching Keanu last night. That's a bummer.

Did he leave a careless whisper before he died?

2016 had to get one last death in before it went

Here's to 2017

>Last Christmas and Wake me up before you go-go were his most famous songs
>Dies on Christmas
>Can't wake up anymore

Damn Stan is ruthless

I thought it was Carrie


Don't even joke about that, princess Leia is basically on her way out too, she might go before the end of the year.

>Changes his mind about Carrie Fisher
>still decides to feed on Christmas day

damnit, couldn't you have held out until 2017?

Ya just had to find someone to replace Carrie, didn't you Stan?

>Implying he's not saving Carrie for dessert

Someone stop him

>still thinking he can be stopped by anyone but Jack
You poor deluded fool

Looks like this was his...

...Last Christmas

It truly was his Last Christmas , but you Gotta Have Faith , that he's now in Club Tropicana .

>Someone stop him
You can't stop an eldritch abomination user

I hear the Queen is sick as well. New Years they'll sound thr final bongs...

>last death
Nigga we had Rick Parfit yesterday, Carrie almost the day before and George today. He isn't stopping till New Years at this rate

The Queen is going to be 2016's last victim.

Screencap this.

shell be fine

hell be fine

This is the worst meme on Sup Forums.

Could've posted the animated video to Shoot The Dog or the one where he was basically a living precursor to Superior Iron Man if you wanted to make this Sup Forums related.



It was an honor to serve with you men

Celeb death's always cluster at the end of the year.

Grim Reaper procrastinates through the summer then in December he has to clear the backlog.

She'll outlive her son.

Screencap this.

Stan took Carrie Fisher.
Queen took George Michael.

They did a deal a couple months back.

>eating souls with AIDS
Jeez, Stan. Were you that hungry?

Queen will exit from Brexit.

Everyone knows that Stan Lee only feeds off Sup Forums-related people's souls.

Everything else is beneath him and cannot sustain him at all.

Someone will screencap my post.
Screencap this

Sup Forums happened, it has created a generation of emotionally stunted people who are tripping over each other to be harder and edgier than everybody else.
Pretending to experience "the lulz" when treating people like shit.
It's the future, shit people being shit.

His original plan was Carrie but the force was strong with her and Stan had to make a quick change of plan

>Giorgios Kiriacos Panayiotou
Greek food. Yum.


Dark humor helps cope with disgrace, tumblrinas.

2016-2017 Death

Carrie Fisher
Bruce Forsythe
The Queen (Charles becomes King then dies)
Clint Eastwood
Ian McKellen
Maggie Smith
Elton John
Brendon Fraser

He was off to a flying start this year though.

lol sadness

Holy shit, remember this shit right here way back when, about 2 minutes ago?
It actually fucking happened, holy shit.

Posts ending in D u b s are the souls he will take in 2017

Nothing wrong with with a bit of gallows humour

I'm betting on the Queen and Stan.

There's gallows humour and then there's being a shit.
If you can't tell the difference you're probably one of the emotionally stunted people.

>Brendan Fraser

>Clint Eastwood
>Ian McKellen
Don't you fucking dare


You poor soul.

I think Brendon's alimony is ending soon which will give him a life force boost

I am sad at George Michael's death, but his songs becoming hilariously ironic is funny and I'd the only silver lining.

>Clint Eastwood
Drumpf supporters usually deal with the Devil for longer lives.

Stan is that you? You're killing me!


>sexual deviant is more butthurt than usual