Starts movie as brash, loud punker

>starts movie as brash, loud punker
>ends movie as domesticated sparkly pop princess

Fucking really, normies?

Other urls found in this thread:

>It's a Breakfast Club episode

do you have any pictures of the 'after' to this 'then'? haha


I want to pork the pine

So she's Avril Lavigne?

I thought she would be good Punk waif material but sadly no

Good, punk music is ass, right next to death metal

At leats punk music is bad music, death metal is just noise.

Okay grandma.

I can agree with this, only edgy teens trying to express themselves are Death Metal """"fans""""

>trying to russle jimmies this hard

>not expressing yourself

You were obviously beaten as a child

>Any music aside from Folk, Traditional, Classical, and Anime OST

Years ago I worked at a McDonalds. Some old guy comes in and orders, and when he pulls out his wallet to pay, he pulls out a picture of Avril Lavigne. He holds the picture up to his face and says "this'll be the next Janis Joplin", and then gives me the money and puts the money away.

It was weird as heck.

I wonder if she has spiny pubes.

You ever herd of "Try Hard"? Because that's what death metal kids are doing, trying too hard to stand out.

Was that before or after she was already famous though? If you think that's weird, an old music guy in New Jersey once set me a mixtape of MCR way before they made it big while I was doing a camshow for him. He said they were gonna be huge.

What movie is she from? And what is the plot?


>mfw people actually debate the quality of different metal """"""music""""" albums

And then she did that "Hello Kitty" song.

>and then gives me the money and puts the money away.
So it was YOU that shorted the register that day! Fuck you for not paying attention.

>And then she did that "Hello Kitty" song.




Sing. A koala voiced by Matthew Mcconaughey
tries to revitalize his rundown theater with a singing competition. The main characters are him and the 5 contestants, a pig mom of 25 who was a good singer when she was younger, a gorilla who part of his dad's gang, a rocker porcupine who gets chosen while her BF doesn't, an arrogant Sinatra-like sax playing mouse who wants to win the prize, and an elephant who has stage fright.

Well, she does NOW.

Isn't there another pig who's European or something?

Paired up with mompig cuz she got boring moves

Mind break is god tier you pleb

Why did she get a makeover?

This looks much worse

It's okay you can stop projecting so much.

Awww... just because you don't fit in with normies doesn't mean you should them, user.

Please try to understand my situation, user. I'm just an oldfag that wants to have a nice conversation with people on Sup

It was only for the stage, she's still punk at the end of movie.

so she's a sellout
I guess that fits her punk aesthetic then

Not exactly, it was a combination of the punk and pop., hence the red jacket, her guitar, and her song.

I just noticed she has a beard.

It's okay, I sympathise with your pain
People just want to shitpost these days, they don't want to have an honest conversation

No, the stage show, everyone wore a costume

Sell out

What the movie first, it is actually good.

Wait, the porcupine is ScarJo?

No wonder we've all got a boner for her.

Post bunny butts please

she's an animal with fur

yeah that's the reason

not even normies liked this movie.

Hollywood always destroys anything at makes a woman unique.

this pissed me off too when I finally saw the movie.

>trying to ape off of gwen stefani's weeb phase


Illumination is the Facebook news feed of animation

Because every has-been follows certain guidelines when they want to stay in the limelight: go with what's popular at the time.

I mean, at least go koreaboo, k-pop is what all the landwhales are into now


Nah, Japan is the only major place that still sorta likes her so she just pandering hard to her last remaining audience.

>co in charge of music

Uniquity is to be snuffed out. Unique is ugly. Uniform is beautiful.

>those japanese red pandas that sang J-pop

you either die a hero....

But they're both ugly.

Punished Ash, a rocker robbed of her dignity

she never looked punk to begin with

>Power Metal still a severely underrated form of music in the public eye

It's fine. Really, it's fine.

Power metal is pure cheese, but when done right is my favorite genre of music.

>ends movie as domesticated sparkly pop princess

Uh, not really, she actually broke free from her oppressive boyfriend.

You just gotta not take it serious when recording. Once you accept the genre you realize how amazing it is.

Power Metal truly is the Fourth World of music.

that actually sounds pretty cute if i'm being desu rn

>Power Metal
>Post's anything but MANOWAR

>Mind break is god tier

only for boys

I haven't seen a single animated movie do it well

>power metal

>shitting on iced earth in their prime

That's only because you want it to happen to you

Well, yeah. Not arguing with that.

>Not liking Brocas Helm


The Glorious Burden should be given to all foreigners worldwide to give them hope for what they can someday be.

I love everything about this image.

>t. 12 year old Metal Head

dumb frogposter

>anything but based Freedom Call

>bitchy girl mind broken into a qt
Wouldn't think chicken little of all movies would have done it.

Still a cute

>That rehearsal scene.
I never wanted to protect an animated character as much as I dd then.

That's not mind break. That's mind control. Mind break is when you abuse someone psychologically until they start liking it. That girl just got zapped with some alien ray and our heroes decided not to turn her back to normal because she was mean to them. It's pretty fucked up too, but it's not mind break.

how is that a bad thing?

you are obviously an SJW feminazi special snowflake

mind break is the only morally acceptable way to ever treat a woman

it is OK

as it should

>inb4 when the sequel comes out, she's a man-hating lesbian who constantly does something to stick it to her disgusting male colleagues just because they have a penis

sweet, you're scared of me

I wanna break you and turn you into an honest woman

>started out good
>finished even better

Red pandas are native to China.

Don't ruin my waifu with that shit