Gunnerkrigg Court - Chapter 60: Page 19


Well, shit, now that it's been telegraphed, maybe Smitty WON'T die.


So can we excuse this fore-image as only being visible to ether-tuned individuals who look for it, or are we meant to believe it's always been a part of Parley's blinks and we've just never seen it on-panel

It's probably like the strings.

What did unlocking the arrow actually do?

Same thing with the strings. They only appear when someone looks into the ether, it seems.

Yeah, it's probably a safety measure so her powers don't teleport her inside a wall and object.

It pissed her off is what it did.

It may have freed Green Boy`s ghost and maybe freed Jeanne, but that still makes her a pissed off ghost swordsman.

annie saw it too

Is Jean freakin pissed because of the arrow?
I also assumed so, but eith this page I think she's just been losing it because it's the first time she's had a challenge and it's an annoying one. She seems like me getting owned at Halo when I was younger. (And then teabagged)

>Someone will die in GC before the end of the year
Fuck you 2D stan lee

I have this theory: But I'd be surprised if tome pulled something like that.

TWO teens are gun die tonight!

(citation needed)

Assuming he means this.

In that case he needs to learn some reading comprehension.
Annie didn't see Parley's teleport fore image, she saw that Jeanne saw where Parley would be.

You can literally see the foreimage on that page, and it opens with a whole panel dedicated to showing us that Annie is looking at the fight real hard.

There are TWO panels of Jeanne turning her head to where Parley is going to be.
For emphasis that this is what Annie sees.
One panel even specifically just shows the head turn while the next shows that she's looking at the fore-image.
Annie even outright says "Jeanne can see where Parley's going to teleport", not "Parley projects where she'll teleport" or something like that.
You have to have never read a comic in your life to not pick up on that.

You guys know what to do.

>Annie even outright says "Jeanne can see where Parley's going to teleport", not "Parley projects where she'll teleport" or something like that.
>You have to have never read a comic in your life to not pick up on that.
in all honesty, user, it's just an as valid interpretation and nothing in the comic contradict it.

One doesn't exclude the other.

aLso, the fact that both Annie and Jeane can see the string, something that is hidden even from normal "ether" vision, might indicate they see the same thing.

Is it just me, or is Jeanne starting to look like a certain meme?

>tfw no bf

>2d Stan Lee.
Hahaha hahahahaha

You know what? I really don't.

This is starting to fall into tactical shonen fight territory.

>character squints to see why another is turning their head
>comic artist reveals a foreimage
>not trying to communicate she can see the foreimage
The whole point is that Annie knew something was wrong in Jeanne's movements, studied the scene, and sees what Jeanne always did.

Sure, if you wanna be wrong.