When will DC bring it back? Will we see it in Young Animal or Vertigo?

When will DC bring it back? Will we see it in Young Animal or Vertigo?

Any dream creative teams you'd like to see if it's brought back? I'd like to see francesco francavilla and Jock do some work.

Anybody know if the Vertigo series from 2008-2011 was any good

they're reprinting some of it so maybe

Humberto Ramos and Chuck Austen

Going to post some covers

Happy Death Day!

I like this one

I think a female write definitely deserves the book. Like Gail Simone or Marguerite Bennett. Maybe Amanda Connor.

WHAT'S THIS? A thread on Sup Forums woefully underpopulated by BEES?

Why specifically a female writer? It would be nice to have more female creators in comics but I don't know why you'd think a female writer deserves this comic.

dude needs some honey and tea stat

Maybe they could bring back House of secrets too.

There needs to be more anthology style comics brought back. All I can think of at the moment is Dark Horse Presents, Island by IMAGE, Heavy Metal and 2000AD

Really? That's good to hear. DC seems to be getting better with reprinting some of their older material at the moment

Jesus Christ. Well done

wait... is the firing squad made up of bees, or do they fire bees? or do the fire AT bees?

You can see it(sort of) in Black Hammer.

Also, people don't like anthologies in this day and age.

... shit, I want to know what the deal is with the Game Room.

They recently had a very small cameo in Midnighter & Apollo,

Nah, it was weak shite.