ITT wasted potential

ITT wasted potential
cool design, cool character, cool truck/bat mobile, cool support characters
cool cool cool yet shitty stories that didn't lead to anywhere

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At least he got his own cartoon

What did you expect? Him fighting Darkseid?

Hal as a rouge lantern in space was a really neat idea, probably one of the few good ones (besides mechbats) to come out of DC You

Gordon turning 40 years younger was odd.

Jim sucked at being Batman but he was really good at being Iron Man.

Batman and all of his sidekicks are supposed to be master martial artists but the artists and writers fucking suck at fight choreography so it never really comes across well.

One thing I liked about Jim as Batman was how all of his fights involved shootouts and clumsy brawling, ie stuff that the artists were actually kinda good at, so his action scenes were a lot of fun and it made him stand out from the others.

>using a shark as cover
Goddamn that was a fun couple issues

Kingdom Come's design for all the founding members. They look cool as shit as if they ascended to godlike beings. Batman included

Bart Tor had potential it's just that writers kept magnifying his snobbinesh Andover complicating his backstory(Religous future terrorist/freedom fighter!!).Has Barry even spoken about his previous kid flash to his new one,does Red Wally know?Does Barry even care Bart Tor is missing

>mfw I genuinely don't remember one single thing about that issue

Barry just met with Bart once to find information about speedsters and Bart was so arrogant he ran so fast he ran out of Earth's gravity. That's their only meeting I know of anyway.

That one Justice League issue where he had to keep the orphaned baby space monster company while it died was pretty solid and a good story for Jim. Him being a dad and making the Leaguers just leave because this really was just a job for a sad old man who used to sing his son to sleep at night really hit me in the feels.

The show looked gorgeous, with its Patrick Nagel inspired character designs and neo-80's setting. The synth soundtrack by Night Club was also pretty rad and Pizzaz was a great character.

It was all weighed down however with very hit-or-miss writing and dumb low-grade humor. If the show was a bit more serious and focused more on action and ACTUAL cop stuff (instead of having the characters fucking off almost every episode to do something else), it probably would have been better.

Why did he have a mowhawk? I didn't read any of the current Batman books at the time but I did read Nightwing and didn't know that Batmech pilot was supposed to be Gordon.


The glove was honestly so cool, i'm so mad they didnt let him keep it for longer.

DCyou all up was pretty terrific though, i loved how drastically they tried to change everything. Felt refreshing

You don't have an issue number do you, kind user?

Those two issues in Detective Comics where he teams up with the Justice League were pretty snazzy. Honestly made the whole run pretty good imo

It would of been better if it lasted longer though. They cut it too short because of everybody bitching which sucked.

#45 and #46!

Just to clarify, the two issues referenced are in Tec, not Justice League. The League just happens to show up in those two issues.

It was awful. Change for the sake of change is when you ran out of ideas.

Many thanks.

What were they thinking?!

This would have worked better as a ongoing elseworld, like if bats died year 2

>cool cool cool yet shirt stories that didn't lead anywhere
It's like you didn't read any of Synderbats from new 52 before Jim became Cop-Bat.

am i banned

Yeah, its so much better now that everything new and interesting they tried has been written out, forgotten or reverted back to how it used to be

>A yellow journalist obsessed with self image and demagoguery, a trope more relevant now then ever
>A perfrct foil to Howard's no bullshit attitude
>Didn't even show up in the latest Howard series

Dr. Bong should be a guy who plays both sides of the aisle, running a Huffington Post and a Breitbart trying to stir as much shit as possible to benefit him.

>Fucking awesome design
>Doesn't do shit
>No hand to hand combat
>Doesn't even get to use his dual handguns outside of cutscenes
What was even the point?

I forgot about this
Could one just jump on this without knowing previous continuity?

>We never got a James Jr. VS Batbunny story

yeah you should be fine

Tek Knight?