Why do all modern cartoons look like they're drawn by children?

Why do all modern cartoons look like they're drawn by children?

Because they are drawn by manchildren and people who have some sort of mental deficiency.
That's the only way how the shows appeal to the manchildren here.

Simplistic designs are easier to animate and are more distinguishable.

I don't know. I've seen a bunch of manchildren here do really poor attempts at fanart of these characters.

>Because they are drawn by manchildren and people who have some sort of mental deficiency.

We call those artists. Real men would be working labor jobs.

Was any explanation given for why they changed the original Gem design for Stephen Univision?

>Real men would be working labor jobs.
Real men are in charge of the people who are in charge of the people working labor jobs.

Save money.


have you seen the way more macho and manly GI joe or He-Man? those guys were drawn a lot more realistically with a lot of edge, and they ended up with crappy, stilted animation and slow, sluggish action, turns out the pseudorealistic drawing style reduced the amount of frames, and the lack of deformation meant gave thw appearance of slowness, the human eye apparently cant process speed as well without some kind of blur

given that motion sets cartoons apart from comics, I would take the simple stylized look of modern cartoons over that 80s animation if it meant actual motion

But Thundercats had some crazy realistic and detailed designs and the animation was great.
All it means is that you need to contract a Japanese animation studio to do all the animation work.

The 70s-80s Filmation/Toy commercial days were just as bad and we are basically in that era again just with tube characters and uninspired CG.

You can make your characters cute, funny and lively without them being overly abstract. 40s animation is so ahead of us it's so funny.

Most 40s animation work looks like shit though, especially most stuff from Avery.

Care to provide some examples?

Yeah but modern cartoons like they were drawn by children and animated by children.

No formal education.

Most kids are entering art school with no knowledge of how to draw. Most professors are spineless and/or are just trying to push kids through classes without ever ensuring they improve.

Not all blame falls on education, though. It's a lack of work ethic and willingness to improve from the artist him/herself. Why be a good character designer or animator when middle school scribblings are the most popular thing in cartoons?

Cartoon animation during those times was incredibly smooth compared to what we have today.

There should be no such thing as a degenerate artist. Only intellectual artists.

I am so fucking sick of talentless hacks. 1 more step and we'll end up calling gothic emo kids artists.

And, what, pray tell, is the difference between a "degenerate" artist and a "intellectual" artist?

because cartoons are all about fads and simple designs are the current fad

Because cartoons are a children's product silly OP.

as opposed to old cartoons?


Goths often pursue artistic interests, though.

They look like they're drawn by children because these shows are watched and made for children and not for embarrassing, easily-triggered, entitled man children like the majority of Sup Forums.

One of the main reasons Steven Universe had heavy redesigns from the pilot was because Rebecca Sugar wanted the designs to be easier for children to learn how to draw.

You're not the target audience for these shows you fucking retards.

I remember hearing that they changed SU designs because the boarders had a hard time copying Sugar's art style

nah, that's kind of why board revisionists are a thing. Board artists have to take a test anyway, and if they couldn't bother drawing him properly, they probably wouldn't have gotten the job.

It was her decision, though. Heard it straight out of her mouth when she did a talk at my school about a year ago.

>Real men would be working labor jobs.
Historically speaking, those are called peasants and slaves.

Why do grown-ass men think that making their online avatars cutesy modern animation versions of themselves is a good idea?

Why can anime do more realistic proportions, but western productions can't?


Because they were theater shorts and not TV cartoons ya dingus.


but that not what most of those characters look like

here's gumball smiling


>This thread again

Why do you people constantly post here despite clearly not liking cartoons and clearly knowing nothing about them either

Because the new generation is just mimicing.copying Genndy's, McCraken, butch hartman's style but have no were near the same technical skill as they do.

his dad has practically the same expression

I'll admit sometimes I like the odd cartoon with terrible art like Rick and Morty, because sometimes there's a rugged appeal to it like early BC strips.

But in all honesty if you want to point fingers at where animation design went wrong, it's Adventure Time. Goddamn everything I see looks to be borrowing at least some visual element of it but it only drags the art down.
