BCB - Bittersweet Candy Bowl 12-26-16

Rachel needs a hug.


> jumped from Lucy to somewhere that is not the table

>Hey guys, did you know Rachel is the best??

Yes. Yes, I did know that.

Ah, but look at what we did get! A whole other drama train bearing down on Paulo from the opposite direction!

The suffering will be exquisite.

Well, seeing that angle... yeah, I will take it as more build up for the inevitable meltdown.

>Ah, but look at what we did get! A whole other drama train bearing down on Paulo from the opposite direction!
>The suffering will be exquisite.

This. In his current state of "Well I might as well go into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE!!", he's gonna turbo fuck this beyond belief

jessicas girlfriend is probably the worst character in this whole strip besides the pets.

She has lucys bitchiness without the rest of her character.


>the pets
I forgot that they even existed until I read this.

>Rachel is still wasting her time crying over Paulo

What provoked the waterworks this time, I wonder?

good thing they're not coming back.

I think, uh, Madison? Madison's problem is that she never sees the good side of anyone. As in, she's literally never around when the main cast aren't being terrible people. Usually when she's giving people shit they've done something to deserve it.

It's mostly just Paulo, I think? I mean that right there explains it. As far as she knows he's just this douchebag manwhore that her girlfriend's best friend (and all-round Best Girl) is breaking her heart over.

> As far as she knows he's just this douchebag manwhore

That's actually pretty accurate.

Maybe she was around to see pic related?

> angry dike with douchebag manwhore

Accurate too.

>Paulo directly insulting lesbians

I know Taeshi meant for this to make Paulo look bad, but Paulo's condescension here was actually fucking hilarious

If not that, the last time we saw her was when Paulo was getting salty about Sandy.

Poor Rachel and Daisy.


> By being a likable person

Paulo BTFO

>by being a likable person

> implying

At least he didn't sour grapes about his best friend having a hot gf in public. Especially near two people who he knew liked him/his bf.

It's more she is more aware that everyone around her are horrible drama-inducing people, but now has to hang out with them because of Jessica.

If most of my interactions with someone were "Hello person who reminds me to this horrible person we appreciate more" most of the time, I'd be ticked off as well.

Was Sue one of Mike's haremettes? I forget.

Mike is pretty nice, when he's not so far up Sandy's ass he couldn't find daylight with a chainsaw.

Agree with this and As far as I can tell, she has only seen the main cast whenever they are being assholes, idiots or ramping up the drama.

The fact jessica is linked to these people and by proxy has to interact with them is no wonder she is so angry.

I believe they still exist, we're just gonna see less of them

>she has only seen the main cast whenever they are being assholes, idiots or ramping up the drama.

So her image of them is pretty accurate?

So on that topic, why doesn't paulo just go out with Rachel normally? At first she's the one that refused but what about now?

Pretty much. It just comes out as weird because having a character with actual logic in a world where everyone acts like furry degrassi stands out.

Now that Lucy is back everything is up in the air. Did you not see Paulo flip out and fight Mike the same day she returned? He literally has no idea who or what he wants

Because he has serious self-esteem issues, is still clinging on Lucy coming back to him and now is dealing with his last minute retcon of liking dudes.

it's the same why Daisy couldn't be happy with Abby becase still clinging on to Mike.

They prefer to just hide deep down their feelings rather than confront them and eventually move on. And since they bottle their shit so much it ends up coming out in a huge explosion of dumb moves.

Has anyone else noticed that whenever video games come up in this series it's either Generic Game Title or "my SNES (TM)"? Who still uses a SNES in 2016?

>Muh soap opera

i love every second of it

who cares about her she is a dog

Mike was flat out known as "the nice guy" by everyone for the longest in and out the comic. The worst he's done was blow up at lucy and he's nice and civil to everyone else.

Sue wasn't in the story enough to be a Mike haremette, or at least not as devoted as Daisy

She knew he still loved lucy and if she ever came back then He'd just go for her. She wasn't exactly wrong. Her simple re-appearance caused paulo to have a bitch fit and things are setting up for him to goof up with her too.

>Paulo gets with Daisy to make Lucy jealous
>Abbey sees this and realizes now he is still hung-up on Daisy
>pic related ensues

If Abbey and Paulo got into a real fight, I really really want it to be like two cats play fighting (rolling around on the ground, hissing at each other, hair and tail standing up)

Is that why Rach is crying?


Her poor heart is having trouble enduring it.

She really is too sweet for that world. I honestly wonder if she will reach the breaking point before Paulo realizes his folly

Maybe she will in this very chapter.

It's December after all. :^)

yeah but more than likely it would be Paulo thinking he's hot stuff before he gets his shit pushed in by a raging Abbey

What's really funny is they're both similar in a variety of ways. Both have a mother gone from their life, but they deal with it in different ways. Somali cats (Paulo) are even a subbreed of Abyssinian cats (Abbey)

Lucy will inform Augustus that she has terminal cancer

That would be the last thing this comic needs

The drama does not ever end, nor should it

I definitely have breast cancer.

Lucy dies of cancer, and Mike kills himself. Paulo becomes an alcoholic and drives into a tree... with Daisy in the passenger seat. Abbey, consumed by guilt and despair, finds the biggest, meanest bully he can and commits suicide by asshole. Sandy overdoses on cocaine. David has an accident attempting autoerotic asphyxiation.

They all wake up in Hell together. It looks suspiciously like high school.


>they can purr unwittingly

This is adorable

Reminder: purring is a thing kittens do to tell their mothers that they're nursing.

No wonder they were weirded out.

No wonder he's attracted to the girl who wants children

What about grown cats?

Probably left-over domesticated behavior. What I want to see is someone get angry enough to start hissing like an angry kitty

No one's really sure. Neotenous traits are fairly common among domesticated animals, but cats might not actually be domesticated, technically speaking.

It's possible that adult house cats adopt the humans they live with as a sort of surrogate mother, and communicate with them as they would their actual mothers. Cats purr when they want their owners to feed them, and when they're stroked- which may feel like being washed (licked).

Cats have also been observed to purr when in great pain or distress, possibly as a sort of "go to your happy place" mechanism.

When are we getting more four-way dislike/sexual tension like this?

Coincidentally this was my favorite art style

My mother's cat must be an anomaly because she will have food, water, and her litter box cleaned and intentionally cuddle before going to bed with her every night. Any time that routine is fucked with she ends up pacing and yowling whenever she can.

Cats can be as moody as people

>Being frowned at can cow both Paulo and Augustus
Can Lucy claim the same?