When did Dilbert get so based?

When did Dilbert get so based?

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Scott Adams is kind of a tool.

He's gradually transitioned from a mentality of "pity the poor engineers" to "incompetent employees are the downfall of the American workforce". It might be true, but I don't like it.

he is californian.
So anything he does that might be considered "based" you have to take with a heaping side of salt.



> It might be true, but I don't like it.

It is true. Its always been true though. It why people always say "Good help is hard to find." Most people are complete fuckwads that cant even follow basic instructions without fucking things up.

That's not the least bit true. If that were true society would have collapsed a long time ago you cynical bitch.

Not necessarily. We're quite good at specialising. So, even a 'bad' employee can probably be competent at one part of their job, even if they are incompetent at the rest.

When you started agreeing with far-right, outdated comic strips.



You haven't been following dilbert very closely, recently, have you?

His creator went off the deep end.

Society is constantly collapsing. It just turns out that there's not really a floor.

We just sort of keep falling in weird and abstract new ways and somehow end up above where we started.

>When did Dilbert start to reflect my politics

This shit's as droll as liberal agitprop



come on hilldawgs, join in


Well, she did win. The popular vote, at least.

Having actually read his blog in the last five years and reading places like Comics Alliance and tweets of people I used to follow from comic boards, and how they reacted to Adams....

I would definitely say Adams is not the one who's gone off the deep end.

I work in a government job and let me tell you it is true. The majority of people I work with are so laughably incompetent that you wouldn't believe half the stories I could tell you. The best part? We are all paid absurd amounts of money for the miniscule amount of output most people struggle to put forth. Greeters at Wal-Mart do more for society in a day than a lot of my coworkers.

How does it all function you ask? What, are you not going to pay your taxes or your utility bills?

He did a complete 180.

How does someone go from constantly rehashing "Bosses and managers and Authority are bankrupt stupid imbeciles" to "The lower employees are irrational ones giving their poor bosses a headache."
It's sad to think about.

Adams and Dilbert has actually stayed the same this whole time. Its the world around him thats changed and gets mad at him for doing the exact same thing hes always been doing.

I fucking love me some dilbert tho.

>When did Dilbert get so based?
Wait this strip is dog crap old I remember it when I read dilbert like a decade ago.
How is this news?


You misunderstand, you see, as long as we remove millions of people from the country, then she DIDN'T win the popular vote.

But that's not winning.

Maybe humanity became stupider and it took this long to catch up.

Not if you count illegals.

When they become the bosses, managers, and authority.

Scott isn't "Far-right"
He's just Far... out.
His aforementioned insanity doesn't really fit with any political alignment. He thought Trump would win just because he's the closest analog to PhB or Dogbert and fits as one of his monologuist charismatic caricatures.

Only because of California.

Only because of California.

Well, if you're not a real democracy, then yeah.

The synergy of the collective achievements is enough to balance the sum of the many individual mistakes.

Only because of California.

>illegals can vote
Okay long john.

by a whopping 2% and it took Obama's second term to be confirmed the popular vote in February and there was a 10% gap between those two so Trump might get a 4th victory start of next year.

When the hell was America ever a real democracy?

By a hair's breath keeping civilization alive.
See ancient Rome.

Good thing the US has been a democratic republic for hundreds of years.

Not every state has voter ID laws.

You've never actually voted before, have you?

How many people will still vote for Trump when he doesn't keep his promises?
He's already backed off from persecuting Hilary and 'Draining the Swamp'. I'm curious what his campaign strategy when he's failed to fund a 2000 mile Wall or forced bordering nations monetary compensation.

You guys do know you have to space out your shitposts to your rubles, right?

>How many people will still vote for Trump when he doesn't keep his promises?
All of them.
He'll make it illegal to do otherwise and round up those gibbers.

This. So much this.

I voted for Trump so liberals countrywide would get aneurysms. I don't care what happens next so long as the SJWs remain angry.

Most people that voted for him voted for Trump, not for his policies.

Populism. And yes, Obama had something similar behind his own victory in 08.

And the US has never been a real democracy, nor was it ever intended to be.

He will give them placebo solutions. Maybe he spends more on border patrol or goes after people who illegally exceed their visa.

I think you misunderstood my post. People saying Hilary won the popular vote is very premature when the same shit happen with Romine where he had it "won" back in Nov. but come 3 months later he was the loser of the popular vote. Hilary has it that much worse so she might not keep this lead.
As to you question, Both Bush and Obama backed off/failed to meet a lot of issues in their first terms yet got reelected. The real question is who is the competition?
That Said Trump likely, nor his voters likely care. His victory was a black eye to the American political establishment, he embarrassed the GoP, and the Liberal Party. This victory has put all of Washington on it's back and they are spinning in trying to stand up again and get order. America didn't want Trump, it wanted a wake up call.

if all you have is ad homs based on geography you can just shut up and terminate your sorry racist ass

>this thread

Holy shit and I thought Sup Forums was triggered by Trump winning.

>America didn't want Trump

What sort of idealistic fairyland do you live in?

bluntly that's a good thing because a real democracy was how Hitler rose to power. Not by the people but by the near impossible mess a popular vote demands on the countries politics.

You should read the whole sentence:

>America didn't want Trump, it wanted a wake up call.

Not him. But Trump has fewer votes than the last republican candidate.

Again, whay sort of world do you live in?

If you have a diploma you are de facto a nazi.

I think what user means is Trump could have been a lot of other people in the business world just the idea that a non politician with power as long as it sent a clear message of we are done with the old ways. Keep in mind turn out was weak as hell because America ddn't want either.

What are you talking about? He had two million more.

>Sup Forums

Just checked Wikipedia, he got more than McCain and Rmoney.

But interestingly enough, Hillary got less than Obama on his re-election bid.

Again, you should read the whole sentence:

>America didn't want Trump, it wanted a wake up call.

The one where he lost the popular vote with 3 million people?

The one who has a electoral college where the electoral don't have to vote for the one who the people vote for making the peoples vote pointless because the electroals decide the election.

I only voted for Trump because he wasn't Hillary.

People voted for Trump because he communicated in the same way they do (or at least want to) - vulgar and self-serving with a hint of racism. That whole "anti-establishment" thing is just a way to make it sound nicer.

Also, turnout was higher than in 2012.

>so liberals countrywide would get aneurysms
So you wasted your vote? More Liberals, minorities and LGBT+ voted for Trump than any other republican in decade. Michigan and Pennsylvania, hugely liberal states voted for trump.
Did you really get a boner in your pants over imagined rage by people who did the same thing you did?

fuck off commie, go scour the desert for water and weed or something.

You know you could have just not voted, right?

Replace liberals with millennials

It's not that high anymore, likely just like 2012 with Romney and Obama She will have lost the popular vote however I doubt media will even cover that.

>don't you understand? 48 is higher than 46 by two! The people demand Hilary! Democracy is dead!

>the five percent who wanted neither candidate don't count in the final tally

This election was basically a contest on which candidate was disliked the most, and say what you want about Trump; he was much more entertaining than Hillary, and he sounded authentical. Retardedly, stupidly authentical, but you could say that most of the time he spoke what he thought.

That wouldn't have done anything. I specifically did not want Hillary to win, so I voted Trump. It's not as if voting for neither will prevent them both from winning the election.

Not at all. I just see more of the "muh popular vote america wanted HER" shit every time someone mentions trump or politics there than anywhere else. Maybe I just notice it more since its so blatantly off topic, but still.

Don't forget on twitter!

Why didn't you vote for any of the presidential cucks?

Literally 90% of Trump's voters voted for him because he wasn't Hillary.

Democrats will never win an election again unless they take a good long look in the mirror and figure out exactly why and how they produced such an awful, un-electable candidate when virtually any other prospect would have soundly beat Trump.

You're right, they don't. Nor have they ever, in any election in the past century.

Oh so you just got up so you could screenpost (you)'s on that one website. Gotcha.

Because we were supposed to have a federal government, not a national government.

Which came first: ranch, or Cool ranch?

>Literally 90%

That's a nice way to say 5%.


Trump is a buffoon, a flip flopper, a clown and crass as fuck. I don't think he's really going to amount to anything.

But then you look at the Dems and the other choice is Palpattine.

Democrats didn't pick Hilary.
Hilary pick Hilary, she has had her fingers in all parts of the political climate and even though the people wanted someone else she force herself in there because she thought money, bribes and threats would get her that last hat she wanted to wear. It's rather poetic that her last act in her political climb was to be struck down by the man that help her get in power more than once.

You are an absolute idiot who has been spoiled by the era he lives in.

The recount is uncovering voter fraud only from the left.

Who wants a president who can't even cheat successfully?

The question is, could have Barney beat Trump?

Breitbart is not a real news source.

> likely just like 2012 with Romney and Obama She will have lost the popular vote

>The Democrat outpaced President-elect Donald Trump by almost 2.9 million votes, with 65,844,954 (48.2%) to his 62,979,879 (46.1%), according to revised and certified final election results from all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

>But with votes still being counted, two weeks on, the Cook Political Report has his tally at 62.2m and hers at 64.2m.

>In the final count, Hillary Clinton’s lead in the popular vote of the 2016 presidential election was nearly three million votes.

I mean come on. At least try to live in the real world, man.

Probably not. He didn't even win the primaries.

>he fell for the third parties don't matter meme

Good goy. Theodore Roosevelt, George Wallace and Ross Perot had zero impact on the nation

>when you've almost 40 years in politics, are part of a political dynasty, rig the DNC, have the entire mainstream media in your back pocket, and get picked off at the post in election night by a reality TV star

no, it's 90%.

You're right, they didn't.

The primaries were rigged.

go pick up a book before it's too late for you and you become the fool you're pretending to be

Dilbert has always been based, you just haven't noticed yet.

90% of republicans, maybe. If you genuinely think that nearly 60 million people protest voted whilst voting for Trump, you are a. autistic or b. retarded.

Once again white people ruin everything. What are we going to do with them, Sup Forums? They clearly don't know what's better for them.

Yes and from the sounds of it I get the felling that your nation has failed to inform everyone on that behalf. But do us all a favour and shut up about being a democracy, in fact never speak about democracy again.

In fact your voting system is a lot more complicated and stupid then what it has any right to be.

Remember when this thread was about Dilbert?

What evidence do you have to back that up?

Yes. He was well wanted and would have likely seem less crazy. Also he didn't have 50 years of baggage like Hilary. You could ask two people why they don't like her and get three answers.