So why can't we get this type of Superman in movies anymore?

So why can't we get this type of Superman in movies anymore?

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Because the Dark Knight trilogy made enough money to keep Christopher Nolan's cocaine bucket stocked up until the end of time.

So producers got together, and saw this success of a character who by his nature is dark and broody and gritty, and felt that the winning formula was to apply those attributes to every other character.

Mix that with the cynicism of "Oh modern audiences don't like s happy, idealistic protagonist" present in a lot of cinema, and boom. Dark, gritty and shirty Superman.

>superman sucks leo cock
statist scum

>Mix that with the cynicism of "Oh modern audiences don't like s happy, idealistic protagonist" present in a lot of cinema, and boom.

It's funny how Marvel proved them wrong 3 times and DC/WB's response doubling down on Snyder's bullshit

>most optimisitic superman we've had
>believes a fallen Batman can still be good
>gives everyone the benefit of the doubt
>believed in people to decide their opinions on their own
>even believed Zod could change
>was willing to plead with Zod to stop before Zod went full death by cop
>think this is cynical

Sup Forums has really gone down hill, full of "not muh" casuals who only understand heroes via the same handful of meme images

it is my favorite thing. are they like worried it'll look like they're losing the imaginary contest?

Any Superman who spends an entire movie angsting about if he should save people is a bad Superman.

>make a movie specifically about Batman moving from the deconstructed space of Nolan's movies to the heroic ideal
>idiots still cant grasp a basic character arc

Sad really

But he doesnt, infact he spends more time saving people then being angsty about, which only starts after the senate is blown up, and lasts one scene of him talking to lois and another of him climbing a mountain/talking to ghost pa kent.

And Superman trying to figure out if his actions have consequences and how to best be good is absolute, prime Superman.

was talking about man of steel

>believes a fallen Batman can still be good
>gives everyone the benefit of the doubt
>believed in people to decide their opinions on their own
>even believed Zod could change
>was willing to plead with Zod to stop before Zod went full death by cop

>Snyderfags think meeting these bare minimum requirements = most """optimistic"""

Next you'll defend Batman being a violent and murderous psychopath.

Because that is stupid if a metahuman or alien appeared what the hell could that cop do besides run, cower in fear or become a hostage? That is just some bullshit feel good line for Superfags to masturbate to.

Hi Zack

Make him the "Big blue boy scout" people joked about him being. Superman is/should try to be a pure soul. If some people roll their eyes at him, big fucking whoop.

My superman will alway be better than your edgy piece of shit, Synder.

Some user pointed out to me that this could be interpreted as Superman giving the coo shit for being lazy and forever ruined that panel for me.

>most optimisitic superman we've had

You realize that no incarnation of Superman has him becoming superman as soon as he gets his powers under control, right? They all involve him waiting until the right time to reveal himself.

>Call Snyder an edgy piece of shit
>Use a screenshot from the movie where he fucking lobotomizes someone

Is this bait?

are you implying the 3 captain american movies were like that?? Because they kind of weren't

unless you meant 3 out of the 20 other marvel movies...which might be the case (i haven't seen all of them)

Um, in all 3 Captain America films he's very idealistic.

>the price of freedom is high, but its a price im willing to pay
that speech was so good

He cut out Black's powers. Get back to me when Justice Lord Superman is posted.

Which is tremendously traumatizing to black and hinders his very identity as a person.

Your movie was a shitty version of a bretty good one shot, in which he just pretends to lobotomize him.

>Which is tremendously traumatizing to black and hinders his very identity as a person.
It leaves him alive and just as capable of having a healthy, productive life as any normal man.

a lot of aliens still die to subsonic lead to the central nervous system

Liking Hack Snyder Superman and calling other casuals, really?


He was pretending to go full edge just to humiliate Black and show him what happens when his "Might Makes Right" philosophy gets taken too far.

He just disabled his powers. Black didn't even feel anything until he noticed his powers suddenly went away.

In the comic, you're right. In the movie he actually takes his powers away.

>It's okay to forcefully dumb down a genius because he'll still be able to live a normal life as an idiot like the rest of us
It would easily be classified as cruel and unusual punishment by the Supreme Court senpai.

>In the movie he actually takes his powers away.

We only have Superman's word that his powers are gone permanently, and he said it when pretending to be full-on edgelord.

>It would easily be classified as cruel and unusual punishment by the Supreme Court senpai.
If the genius in question was Lex Luthor, it'd be a kindness to the world.

>>most optimisitic superman we've had

Is this a joke? Basically every other adaption of the character was more optimistic. Fuck people complained about Returns Superman being down in the dumps but even he was more optimistic than Snyder Superman.

>Next you'll defend Batman being a violent and murderous psychopath.
DKR/ what batman didn't kill in the movies

This is why getting rid of Superboy was a mistake


Anyone here frequent /tg/? I'm curious if they have posters that insist that charisma is a worthless stat too.

I do, and yeah, it comes up from time to time.

Snyderman a shit.

Any stat can be worthless if your gm makes situations in which they are so, or contrives to make them so through his power as the storyteller.

Obviously a comic book author can do the same.

Because only children want it. Superman is a Nietzschean concept that only mature, intelligent nihilists with wicked senses of humor are able to appreciate.

Movie director.

Removing a violent criminal's ability to do extreme superpowered harm to others is cruel and unusual?

To be fair, that sounds like a fucking awesome legacy.

>The most mature and intelligent people are the ones who constantly talk about how everyone else is immature and stupid.

You're a horrible excuse for a human being.

Superman is about being more than we are, not about being a teenage edgelord's idea of cool.

How else would the commoners know they are in the presence of their betters? Why do you think Superman floats in the air while watching the people suffering in the flood? So they know he is their better and that he can give them life or death as he pleases.
Also because his father taught him many things about drowning.

He saved people as Clark Kent in MoS, despite trying his best to remain anonymous and knowing that doing so would attract attention.

No but that doesn't count because reasons.

But user, what you don't understand is Muh Objectivism

I don't think you understand the morality of the superhero world.
The rights of the supervillain are more important than the rights of their victims.

Marvel sucks ass

Found the shonenfag

Hi Andre Cedeno

We need more superman talking to the ghost of his father in the next movie. A whole thing at the dining room table and have a drawn out conversation about how things are going. Then when he is done and his dad blinks out of existence, Lois walks out from the living room and asks him who the fuck he was talking to just now for 40 minutes

Captain America is not happy. He seems miserable the vast majority of the time

he's happy when he's with his husbando Bucky

yeah nah, Cap kills like a mad man, he doesn't hesitate to do damage and have casualties for the greater good, also the shit he caused during civil war because he wanted to protect his husbando, who even was trying to kill people when he wasn't under hypnosis, the winter soldier always went for the kill in every fight, even against the avengers.

First off, Cap is also a human soldier. Any killing he does is out of strict self-defense, but even he would try to avoid it when he could. Second, Bucky never attacked anyone outside hypnosis, the fuck are you even talking about?

>First off, Cap is also a human soldier. Any killing he does is out of strict self-defense

which just proofs that MCU is nothing like Superman should be, as superman isn't even allowed to kill under these circumstances, he always has to find a way. Cap also got a lot of SHIELD agents killed when he shot down those helicarriers and even before when he told them the true, causing a huge massacre, all sacrifices for the greater good and he hardly did hesitate or regret anything or even thought about it.

Being a soldier doesn't mean anything when it comes to morality. If Cap is justified in killing then so is Superman. And both Superman and Cap are idealistic in the movies, both ultimately believe in the good of humanity.

Cap is meant to be the JFK ideal citizen
Superman is meant to be the Jewish ideal moral agent

Thing is nobody likes Captain America. Nobody watches his movies for him.

>Being a soldier doesn't mean anything when it comes to morality. If Cap is justified in killing then so is Superman.

Yes it fucking does. He's a soldier from WWII, the fuck did you think he was going to do, sing kumbaya to Red Skull? He isn't killing average civilians. But he does what he can as a slightly above average human. Superman is a walking god, he has no excuse because almost nothing he does will be out of self-defense. He should always have an alternative to killing because he has the ability to do so, and you would know this if you weren't a brain damaged retard.

Then who do they watch it for? He's the only constant in all three movies, each one has a different cast.

>nobody likes CA
>lots of normies and fans hashtaging #teamcap
>literally no one on the Supes side in BvS

user, buddy...
you hooked yourself not on one but TWO baits!

Superman isn't a god by definition. He has many weaknesses and there are many things in the DC universe that can kill him. Furthermore his powers are almost all physical and they have limits, it's not inconceivable to imagine a scenario where he would need to kill someone to save innocents or to kill in self defense.

it will be back

>asically every other adaption of the character was more optimistic

Routh's Kal was a deadbeat dad who left so he didn't have to pay child support.
Reeve's Kal was a drunk bully with little regard for others who fucked with time because MUH LOIS.

It's called character development
You'll get cheesy and childish Superman in JL/MoS2

Thank all for being perfect examples of edgelord strawmen

all while ignoring Cavil's Supes multitude of problems

>both ultimately believe in the good of humanity

>The guy that literaly says the opposite of it.

lol why user

MoS2 maybe, but I doubt JL will give us that type of Superman. I'm just holding out to see what directors other than Snyder will do with Superman.

>>most optimisitic superman we've had

Cavilman's only problem was crash landing in a world as jaded and cynical as our own world. He struggled to assimilate himself and show the world his true nature out of fear of how the world would react. And sure enough, they reacted exactly like we would react. And that put all the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Charisma is strongest stat there is.

If Superman didn't believe in the potential of mankind, then he would never have sacrificed his own life on order to save them.

Not really.

Except that Snyder's Batman isn't Nolan's Batman. They're completely different characters and so contrary to WB's thoughts, they can't assume we know the history of this Batman.

Theres at least 5 different shows, tv series and movies that have this superman. You have a lot to choose from

Of course he's unhappy. He's a white, hetero man in modern day marvel.

He also rarely smiles, doesn't have fun, doesn't joke, isn't friendly and is constantly brooding.

Because that's not would Jesus would do.

Justice League is directed by Snyder user.

Marvel movies doesn't have to deal with this faggotory.

>isn't friendly

He doesn't HAVE friends, and never had.

The guy has serious mental issues.

I know, I'm saying that I doubt Snyder will give us a Superman like in OP's pic, and I'm just going to hold out hope that MoS2 will give us a fresh perspective and shine a new light on CavillMan

He died in that fight because he suddenly developed brain damage and didn't give the spear that's literally poison to him to Wonder Woman to use to kill Doomsday, or at least stab him and back off once the kryptonite got lodged in Doomsday's torso.

That wouldn't have worked because Wonder Woman had to hold him and Batman would never have been able to muster the force necessary to push all the way through.

>things that never happened

It's a shame there wasn't someone else besides Wonder Woman who had super strength in the immediate area.

So you have Diana and Clark push Doomsday onto the spear. Bruce just has to hold it steady.


Even if Superman usually has his loneliness thing he's always been friendly and welcoming.

Not anymore.

>many things in the DC universe that can kill him.
He literally can't die, he just goes into a healing coma
>his powers are almost all physical
His eye beams hurt Darkseid

You're retarded.

>If Cap is justified in killing then so is Superman.
>If a guy ten times as strong as normal is justified in killing then so is a physical god.

>That would have worked because Superman could have held him and Batman could just chill and fap.

>he suddenly developed brain damage
Snyder's Supes is always brain damaged.