Zack Snyder's 'Dawn of Justice' was once slammed by critics and the average basic American audience

>Zack Snyder's 'Dawn of Justice' was once slammed by critics and the average basic American audience
>Now it is considered a classic and perhaps the most intricate and thought provoking film, studied by scholars and students alike.

>"What do I think about a reboot? I can't really say no to whoever the studio gives that helm to. I put my soul into it, I did my time. But it's been 15 years since it's release, so I'm not opposed to the idea of a new take on my characters!"-Zack E. Snyder

Were humans really this primitive?

Slap a Christ allegory or two into your movie and critics and academics will jack off over it for decades.


There are no christ allegories, no one in the movie is an allegory for christ dummy. There are about 3 christ images referenced in the movie used to key us in on how people are viewed/view themselves in specific scenes.

What a dystopian future you describe, time traveling OP. All the other movies were erased from history except Dawn of Justice and Ghosbusters 2016? Terrible indeed.

About reboots...what do you think about the MCU reboot?

>Now it's considered a classic...
Fake news is illegal now, user.

...what the hell do you think a Christ allegory IS?

Are you pretending to be from 2050 or something?

>>Now it is considered a classic and perhaps the most intricate and thought provoking film, studied by scholars and students alike.

Was getting caught a part of your plan?

Are you living in Flashpoint OP?

>Snyderfags completely 100% unironically believe that one day people will see his movies as kino
It's actually pretty sad.

They'll see his movies as German?

imagery =/= allegory senpai

>>Now it is considered a classic and perhaps the most intricate and thought provoking film, studied by scholars and students alike.
Just because you say it doesn't mean it's true.

It's really fucking easy to make a movie that will get pretentious jack offs to worship it, there's pretty much a checklist for it.

>considered a classic
>perhaps the most intricate and thought provoking film

>Now it is considered a classic and perhaps the most intricate and thought provoking film, studied by scholars and students alike.

Kino is a meme word user, it just translates as "cinema".

and manga translates as comics, won't stop retards pretending there's a distinction

Not him but look up the word "allegory", it doesn't mean what you think it means.

Me am too not from Htrae.

>That same laugh every time
>over acted like crazy
It's like Jlaw's "tripping".

>Now it is considered a classic and perhaps the most intricate and thought provoking film, studied by scholars and students alike.

>>Now it is considered a classic and perhaps the most intricate and thought provoking film, studied by scholars and students alike.

you fucking idiot

>Now it is considered a classic and perhaps the most intricate and thought provoking film, studied by scholars and students alike.

Except it's not...

Only in Germany.

Snyderfags believe this will happen

> average basic

Ohhh user

>Now it is considered a classic and perhaps the most intricate and thought provoking film, studied by scholars and students alike
what a load of bullshit

Now that is a nightmare future.

I believe this may have probably happened if BvS came out before the Internet was a thing.

Not now though, of course