ITT Ugly and untalented actresses

ITT Ugly and untalented actresses

>that haircut


this pic is from 2015 but I would still fuck the shit out of her

I know it's from 2015 because of this

> ugly
Even with butchered hair like that I'd still I'd still give my left nut to watch her gag with teary eyes and running makeup.

I bet her asshole tastes like candy corn.
I like candy corn.

is her career that flatlined that she is ripping off the look of popstars?

I've only found her attractive really in that red dress with the big tiddies and in the leather black widow getup, otherwise she does nothing for me. Especially these last years

to be fair i'd give my left nut to see most actresses gagging with their makeup running, that's like the perfect visual

She was hot but regressing since 2014


What sound does it make?


someone should post the don jon clip


TT is perfect in every way.

Glad I got braces to fix that shit. It wasn't that bad but my two lower middle teeth were super rotated, food always got stuck there. Thanks for reading.

>when she pretends to be british


u shut ur mouth

