/STD/ Discovery


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Cant wait until Orville is cancelled.

The longer STD is on air, the faster the ratings are dropping for Orville. I will be jumping for joy when Orville is cancelled and STD is picked up for not one season but 3 since its an anthology.


Vote for STD to show you support Diversity and LGBTQW+ rights. Star Trek has always been about promoting liberal policies and ideas being a show about about a communist utopia so vote for STD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Motherfucking science! Edition

>3 more years of STD threads

Faggots need hanged.

Shoo shoo orvillle bumlicker

>there'sso many interesting people on this ship I'm sure you;ve made tons of friends



We need more images hating on Orville and their fans to teach them that STD is the only real scifi and we must work to get Orville thrown off the air because STD is losing viewers to Orville.

Make more memes, support diversity now and teach those Orville fans a lesson about trying to watch a show competing with STD!!!!

This show is so fucking cool! Fuck yeah Star Trek! FUCK

You are pathetic as fuck son. Did you get tired of shitposting about your waifu in the Orville generals?
We get it. The show triggers you to no end.
Get a life instead of acting like a retard.


It's all one guy or the same couple of guys. If you notice, every time and anti-STD post is made in this thread the unique poster count doesn't increase.

I actually got uppity for a while there looking at Saryu's list of great captains because the show makes it so easy to forget that this is supposed to be a prequel, pre-Picard, pre-Kirk. Like there's nothing at all about the show that could remind me that it's meant to be earlier in time. Why did they make it a prequel? It doesn't add anything to the story, and the production makes no effort to fit into the existing timeline. It just seems so pointless and the cause of so many problems.

OH HA HA HA! Because it's like a sexually transmitted disease! SOOOO FUNNY!

>Faggots need hanged.
Your mad that a black woman is the first black person to be an officer in star trek user?

awwwww how cute.

still haven't found a decent stream of last week's ep

>poll created by ray_ripley
So this is what an Orville shill looks like. I can't say I'm surprised.

Why don't you pay for CBS All Access if you're such a big fan

>saying fuck

>on star trek

no, that's it. I'm done. It's over.

it's like saying fuck on the news, or at your grandmothers' house.

Shameful. I agree with the results too

Oh my god, why do I even bother with this show? This episode was terrible. I don't even know if I'm going to continue on with this shit next week.

>multiple posts of mine are in this screenshot

agreed, the swearing and the bad writing, the creature floating into space and jumping ... ugh this is not trek.

>20 discovery fans on the whole board

1. This episode had some weird as shit things I kind of loved
2. it would have been more interesting if they got stuck behind enemy lines in Klingon space even if that's cliche

>beats the shit out of your feminism

beating the shit out of the female klingon was one thing, but making her scream incredibly womanlike reinforcing her femininity right after was kind of.. lol

not gonna be easy to find people who want to torture themselves.

>This is the orville audience


>the klingon captain has,..taken a liking to me
she was a rapist
>he doesn't even have the right number of organs for you...

I'm enjoying it because it's so bad

I bought a MOON for you STELLA!

Why couldn't they just use traditional warp to get out of Klingon space? I get they had to use it to get in, they had to get to the prison ship in time, but once they got Lorca and took off at warp speed they'd be free and clear, right? Can you be attacked in warp?

>My name is Lorca
>I sit in the captain's chair
>I'm a few ranks above you
>Yes I think you've seen me before
>If you hear something late at night
>Some kind of trouble, some kind of fight
>Just don't ask me what it was
>Just don't ask me what it was
>Just don't ask me what it was (it was probably the tardigrade screaming and i won't tell you no matter what so stop asking)
>I think it's because I'm angry
>I try not to talk too loud
>Maybe it's because I'm crazy
>I try not to act too proud

I'm not even a "hardcore" fan or anything. I've seen TNG, DS9, and most of TOS, so I get the general premise of the series. STD is literally Trek in name only. Could have been rebranded as some generic sci-fi shit and it would still be terrible.

klingons can go to warp and follow them, and yes you can be attacked in warp

Is The Orville the next Rick and me-me?

Guys, does it make STD better if you watch it believing that they're a Section 31 ship?
They're clearly black ops and Lorca acts a little bit like Sloan in some ways.

yes that is the point i think, the discovery is their secret weapon. on top of that, there is no prime directive.

discovery fans on the whole board
interns at CBS have to do something to keep busy

No, many of the problems aren't just related to how stupid, unlikeable and irrational the characters are

STD is one of those awful things that decades from now we will be watching and discussing how it destroyed the star trek IP.

Maybe that isnt a bad thing that STD is the worst show out there right now, if another netowkr like FOX buys the IP from CBS since it will be so cheap then we can make orville a legit star trek show.

I thought Section 31 was created after first contact with made with the Borg in TNG

>dat ending


>being this plebshit
Section 31 is part of the Starfleet Charter.

So the guy who came back with Lorca is 100% a spy for the Klingons, right?

>shrinks itsself by getting rid of all its body water

>returns to full size in the vacuum of space where there is nothing to replace the water

that's dumb

getting hyped for an std is like getting hyped for aids user.


Orville doesnt handle real topics like the cast of STD who are brave enough to take a knee against America showing they are revolutionaries speaking truth to power showing the true strength of diversity.

Lorca's gonna be PISSED

He's the albino Klingon.

What does that have to do with you being a faggot?

The last episode of Orville was unwatchable. I couldnt even finish it and turned it off about halfway through.

Why wasn't this just done after VOY/DS9/TNG?

Why did STD need to be a prequel? Maybe I'm missing some ST lore but why couldn't they just have some Klingon war in the future?

Its utter shit. The characters are boring and flat, the story is uninteresting and forced, itsnothing like what star trek should be about and the sooner they cancel this trainwreck and replace it with an actual star trek show the better.

Because shoehorned callbacks to TOS are more recognizable to non-fans than anything from the VOY era

Toasting the new Star Trek series and all the great captains of star trek.

>Why wasn't this just done after VOY/DS9/TNG?
>Why did STD need to be a prequel?

Because JJVerse Trek is the only Trek that mattered for almost ten years now.

/DSC/ is currently the show I look forward to watching the most every week.

Please tell me what cuttently airing show you look forward to.watching the most every week.

Well done

Space is full of water user


Ok ko. Im from Sup Forums and am only here because my dad watches discovery and i fucking hate it. Its the only good cartoon that CN actually airs.




The last episode of The Orville was complete garbage. The show finally did what everybody expected and went over the edge into non stop cringe HURRLOL JOKES. I mean it was incredible how awful the last episode was.

Section 31 is a part of Enterprise bucko. It's a large part of Reed's character

But Lorca doesn't sit in the captains chair. He stands.

STD finally gave birth to how the klingons should look. At last we can shut down anyone who tries to show up at a con dressed up as the old style klingons by shouting them down as racists for not using the look from STD.

The brave actors got rid of the use of the klingon language from the show so they could be free to improv using grunts and guttoral dialog to mimic their feelings which doesnt need to rely on how its said since the original Klingon language was oppressive to minorities since it forced actors to learn some dumb language that isnt even really real.


link to ep5?

i'm okay with them being space-orcs but they could have left the space-mongol clothes.

How will they ruin pic related?

>Creature jumping away in space means this was not trek

Every one of you whiners must have never watched an episode of star trek in your life. Im convinced you are all meming shitposters and at least one of you here is underage.

Are there really 2 eps out tonight or am I getting trolled?

why is dwight playing such a campy character on a serious show? MUH IMMERSION

So I dont understand, in previous episode the drive used a nipple clamp but this time it was a breasts spike. How does this spore drive magic work?


Would set up recon post in holy temple to spy on her in the shower

anyone else spooked by that ending shot? I was honestly not expecting it and it spooked me.

It runs on pain.

*Searches your holy temple*

>I was not expecting it

I was totally expecting it because we all know the Federation ends up abandoning the Spore drive. It litetally cannot be viable.

On the physical level, basically what said.
That being said, the "science" behind it is hilarious.

>Have plant in botany bay
>Plant grew to have literally infinite long roots that encompass every single point in space (Must have had plenty of water)
>To go somewhere, you simply follow the roots to it

Now a reasonable individual might propose the question of how you move to a specific point on the roots of a plant, if the entire plant is moving with you, but we're in the kind of world where the first english speaking Klingon of STD is from the island from How To Train Your Dragon if her accent is anything to go by. And the Captain of a vessel that can go anywhere at any time with no effort whatsoever somehow ended up in the middle of nowhere in a shuttle going at impulse, while transferring himself between Starfleet Command and his own ship that apparently was some-place completely different doing fuck all. So reason need not apply.

Yes, and Lorca 100% knows about it.

so the tardigrade didn't need the federation developed technology to warp? What the fuck is that dumb shit

what does spore drive have to do with that mirror shot?

>It litetally cannot be viable.
It must be pretty damn unviable if neither the Borg nor anytone V'Ger encountered managed to make it work.

tardigrade DNA makes you connect to the fungal network, therefore the engineer guy is now a wibbly wobbly timelord

>"STD is real star trek"
>everything is different

is the new episode out yet?

Because its obvious there will be significant side effects in putting a human into the Spore drive.

The story and mystery.for us viewers is not does the spore drive work, but how does it fail. Thats what we are watching to find out.

Don't worry, they will introduce Section 31 and everyone will suddenly love this show and claim it's great Trek forgetting that Section 31 was in the JJ Movies and that's the only reason it would be in STD

been out for a few hours

was pretty spoopy m8. Not sure how neither of them noticed it, however - Did both sides of the 'mirror' brush their teeth the same (opposite, I guess?) way?
oh absolutely, dude was banging kilnks? Fucking spy right there.


TOS isn't real trek, tho. It was more of a prototype concept to Roddenberry at the time. Only TNG is genuine Trek.

this thread is fucking dead, is anyone talking about the episode?

ok come on that was a really great episode, and the Ripper sequence was beautiful

I fucking loved Stamets laughing like an idiot after he navigated the spore drive.

Which one?
The one where the creature that dehydrated to the point of only possessing 1% water suddenly re-hydrated itself in the vacuum of space?

Neither the first black officer by series air date nor the first one by cannon timeline.

I actually liked this episode. Hopefully the show continues to improve.

spores are a hell of a drug, it just made me really happy to see him free.

I've seen it but Sup Forums is full of pirates and the torrents arent out yet.

All I have to say is Lorca is gonna be fucking pissed.