Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ

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That's Obiwan Kenobi

Why are you blasspheming?

You have to be a sad, sad person to shit on Dex and his diner.

Why does Attack of the Clones look like total dog shit compared to what the Phantom Menace and Revenge of the Sith?

This scene brings up something I never really thought about. Do Jedi get paid? Obiwan was buying this information does the Jedi Order give it's Jedi Masters a Company Credit Card?

it's the camera they used , 1920x1080 pixels definition

The quality of movie cgi doesn't depend on the studio or the director or even the person in charge of the cgi. It depends on the shit kicker salaried cunt who actually has to do it. Attack of the clones sucks because Wan Hai had to go back to Korea to take care of his sick mother during that movie.

Practical effects vs untalented cg animators. Personally I prefer AoTC story over TPM.

It was shot on a digital camera with 1080p max resolution and the specific effects made to match.

Literally looks like Tim and Eric.

they used a 720p digital camera

Was Daxter a replicant?

The whole movie looks unbelievably flat and dead

Why? Does a 1950's American diner motif make any goddamn sense in a galaxy far far away?

A variety of reasons.

HD cinematography was in its infancy and the cameras they were using only shot at 1080p. Lucas then cropped that image at the top and bottom to create a 2.35:1 aspect ratio, rather than using anamorphic lenses to preserve the full pixel resolution of 1080p.

CGI was still not quite "there" yet, but Lucas insisted upon cramming it into every scene as much as he could. The animation in particular was stiff and unconvincing, and yet Lucas didn't seem to have noticed. (Or perhaps he just didn't care.)

There was very little location shooting and most of the film was created using the brand-new "digital backlot" approach. (i.e. tons of blue screen & CG-augmented sets) Almost everything was shot in a studio. The Tatooine stuff was filmed in Tunisia, and SOME of the Naboo exteriors were shot on location in Italy (but some were digital backlot creations, for example the meadow with the waterfalls).

this looks awesome

>we could do a background here with some kind of interesting alien aquatic life
>or we could do blinding light emanating from the surfaces
>okay, I guess we will do that then...
everything that isn't the original trilogy was a mistake

what ps2 game is this?

Color grading was yet another factor. The film has a very odd color palette due in part to the limited range of early HD cameras, but also in part due to Lucas' shitty creative choices.

Finally, image softening and DNR were used to attain a more "filmic" image because it was believed that the HD footage was too sharp & audiences of the time wouldn't accept it. Naturally, this only made things worse, and as a result, the final film looks diffuse and almost waxy at times.

That shit was shot on a green screen and there were no actors there other than McGregor, is why



How does speaking English make sense? It's a fucking movie you dork.

that's weird I don't remember it being this bad

It reminds me of Myst or other FMV games with real actors on digital sets

Why the fuck is there a 50's themed diner? The 50's shouldn't fucking exist in the SW universe.

Fuck me
>that natalie voice

ROTS looked better primarily because all of the elements I just outlined here were improved in the three years between the films.

HD cameras were much sharper in 2003 (when ROTS was shot) and were capable of full 4:4:4 RBG capture, unlike the cameras used to shoot AOTC.

CGI improved a lot between the films as well and Lucas was able to pull off much more convincing effects with it. The digital backlot similarly improved, to the point that ROTS was shot completely in studio with zero location shooting. (Location plates from Tunisia were used for the final scene on Tatooine, but all the actors were shot against a blue screen and then composited into the plate footage.)

ROTS did not utilize image softening or DNR either because Lucas finally realized that audiences were fine with a crystal clear image and didn't need it to look more "filmic".


>Luke, my boy, did I ever tell you about Dexter Jettster and his 50's style diner? By 50's I mean the visual style of 1950s America, a country on the planet Earth, that is, a country and planet that do not exist in this Galaxy. He was a good friend.

they couldn't even get a real pear?

The table and floor are real. The rest is CGI.

Actually, some of that floor might be a digital set extension.

Master obi wan would be very grumpy

It's weird to think that a film-making genius like Lucas(seriously, old trilogy, American Graffiti and to a lesser extent THX 1138 are really well shot) could degrade into that.
How couldn't he see how shit early digital looked?
At least Mann used the shittiness and grittiness of digital for its own qualities when he did Collateral.

Did they deliberately make all the real sets look like CGI, by using barely textured, flat plastic, so they would blend better with the real CGI? If so that is both genius and retarded.

There's a scene in AOTC where Hayden forgot to bring his wig and instead of going and getting it George said "fuck it we'll CG the hair on in post"

>just tern off ur brain!
Fuck you.
No seriously fuck you.

More than that, SW takes place "long ago in a galaxy far, far away" so the 50's had to have happened in the SW's universe before it happened in ours.

I never noticed the mustache before


I can maybe see why someone would defend TPM and ROTS, but AOTC is pure unadulterated shit. There is not a single positive quality about it

CGI, writing, cinematography, acting...all absolutely garbage

because george directed american graffitti and couldnt think of anything else when it was time for creative choices. The idea is so insane that it almost works again though

I suspect so.

Even then, they still dropped the ball. Case in point: this scene from early in the film.

Pay close attention to the hallway.

all the screenshots in this thread are editted to look worse than the movies actually were

you guys are getting trolled

I think this is a stretch. Other people have stated, and explained better than I could, the original film was saved in the editing process, both the editing and rewriting of the script and the editing and reworking of every scene in the film. THX1138 and American Graffiti are fine films but they're just fine, they are only as recognizable as they are because of Lucas and hsi later work.

it looks great

The dexter jettster scene is kino

Jesus, it looks even worse on blu ray.

>the original film was saved in the editing process, both the editing and rewriting of the script and the editing and reworking of every scene in the film.
Sure enough, but the visual style and the special effects changed Cinema and how people looks at sci-fi, and it's not a hyperbole.

No, that's exactly how they look on the Blu-rays.


the only way these films could look worse was if the actors were walking in place during the walking scenes, which im pretty sure George considered at some point.

Why would they do that

Why did jango use that dart which even a fat cook could easily identify? It led obi wan straight to him.

He was a bad bounty hunter.

Wow. That is some truly awful compositing work.

not gonna lie that alien looks realer than life.

also I would nutt inside the alien poonani post the r34

Why can't someone just remake the CGI

I don't think the people who are in charge of these re-releases realize that you're not supposed to look at dated CG with a crystal clear makeover. All it does is just make the flaws and errors more obvious.
The Balrog from Fellowship of the Ring looked amazing at the time and it still looks incredible.
But ever notice how dark that huge underground city was? It was dark for a reason.


*breathes in*

That's the best they had in 2000 (when AOTC was shot). HD cinematography wasn't ready yet.

ROTS was shot in 1080p too, but the color palette and level of detail resolved had both improved drastically by that point.

What's so bad about it you fucking tard

They're not edited.

Why are there people defending this

when you realize you are starring in a film that has both 50s diners and aliums cloning bounty hunters on ocean planets

But there are movies from the 1940s that are higher than 1080p.

Fellowship action scenes all looked like a slightly sober Raimi directed them, it's that good.

Can't tell if this is a troll comment but that's because films in 1940s were shot on real film, not digital.

He doesn't exist in the same picture space as the rest of the image.

The lighting on Obi-Wan is completely different from the lighting in the rest of the scene, he doesn't cast a convincing shadow on the door behind him, he is resolved in a different level of detail from everything else in the scene (he's more blurrier), and worst of all, THERE'S FUCKING HIDEOUS FEATHERING ALL

Even Watto looks worse than he did in TPM

why does anyone ever defend something bad?

they grew up loving them

>A long time ago in a galaxy far far away
>1950's Diner
Lucas you shameless son of a bitch

Umm, how about the fact that Obi-Wan clearly looks like he doesn't exist?
Compositing is what you do in order to bring every single visual component of a shot together so that it looks cohesive and convincing to audiences.
Everything about that shot is awful.
>Obi-Wan looking hazy and having a weird white halo around him.
>Obi Wan's color palette not matching the lighting and color palette of the room
>The alien's textures look plastic and just makes it look like it exists on a different plane from the live actor

It's fucking awful.

Because they were shot on film, and film depending on the format(35mm, 70mm etc.etc) can be remastered to look as good as you see in modern blurays.
However Lucas, for ease of working with digital, decided to use digital cameras for AOTC and ROTS, and digital cameras don't shoot on film so they simply don't keep the level of detail a 35 mm film-reel has.

Film vs. digital. They're completely different mediums.

You can't really measure film in digital terms like 1080p and 4K. You can approximate its resolution, but it can't be measured in the same way. It's a totally different way of photographing images.

Actually an impressive feat though. I know it's been said too many times but these movies were actually trying to expand the Star Wars universe even if they ended up shitting the bed on the execution.

holy shit what a cringe fest that set must have been. the actors are pretty based about it however

it was shot on a 240p max res camera

>weird white halo around him
Literally every flicks now, look at the last jurassic park

When will digital have a greater "resolution" (even if not perfectly comparable) than 35mm?
Will modern movies shot in digital like BR 2049 look like total dogshit in a few decades?

Great scene. A classic.

the table, actors, and dinnerware/food are real

literally everything else is fake

Again, apples and oranges. Film resolution can only be approximated in digital terms & a lot of it depends on the film stock, the lenses, and the use of proper focus.

35mm film is approximately equivalent to 4K digital resolution, but that's an approximate figure that can go up or down depending on the aforementioned factors.

Nothing in the realm of digital cinematography can even approach IMAX yet.

It literally looks fan-film tier

Wrong, the pears are CGI.

I am pretty sure the floor directly underneath the table & the chairs is real, but the rest of it looks like a digital set extension. Either way, the lighting was digitally manipulated, as evidenced by those hideous CGI God rays.

Fellowship sucked because of the huge fucking plot hole right in the middle of the movie where they camped out at the top of the stairs with 3 options while Gandalf was having an autism moment

Then when he finally picked the stairs to try they found the great hall like 2 seconds later

Why didn't they just go down all three stairs to see which one led to the hall? Would've taken a minute tops

Unrelated, but the way Anakin's mom's head flopped back when she died freaked me the fuck out when I was a kid

Because they used an actual person for this scene.

That was a legitimately well-acted scene. One of the few in the prequel trilogy. Lucas really needed to nail that scene to make Anakin's arc work, and somehow he did it.

Anyway, here's some more shitty compositing

Please post the hallway scene. Oh God, that might be the worst shot in the entire sage.

Hes pretty good in the scene where he tells Padme what he did, too

lol that's seriously like old video game cutscene level, like Wing Commander or some shit


no wonder it looks shit

Films are still shot on real film no one uses digital

*the entire saga
