Is Daenerys a hero? She did free all of those oppressed people

Is Daenerys a hero? She did free all of those oppressed people.

>duhhh muh peepul are starving
>*burns food wagons*

No, she's a crazy person with hot thighs.

It was a pretty big Catch 22 moment, slavery sucks but that entire country's economy was based on it, freeing all the slaves was actually worse for everyone including the slaves, and she refused to listen to any alternatives.

she's a qt, thats what she is

This. Same reason southern slavery was not entirely wrong

Could've been a nuanced character growing to understand the complexities of leadership, idealised decisions and the complexities of compromise

instead it's a white saviour

>this is what southerners actually believe

She's THE hero shitlord. Every potential criticism against her is just sexist.

In the books I thought her story was going to have a 'the road to he'll is paved with good intentions'kind of message. She is a good person at heart but she's also retarded and leaves a trail of chaos in her wake. After watching the latest series however it looks like she's just going to yass queen slay her way to killing the white walkers and the iron throne.

She bounces back and forth from being really attractive, to doing absolutely nothing for me. I dont know what it was about the lighting in the cave during that scene with Jon, but she looked hot as hell there.

>she's a hero shitlord
>daenerys, mother of dragons, kaheeli of the great grass, the unburnt, meesa and the shitlord hero

Daenerys never did much for me, although she is looking fine this season. It's Emilia Clarke who is the hottie to me. It's becomes Emilia is allowed to smile and have an upbeat personality (which is her best feature).

you can't destroy a society's establishment without a replacement and expect shit not hit the fan

also she has a weird sense of entitlement

"I am not my mad father, I am not responsible for his crimes!"

"I am the rightful ruler of the seven kingdom because my father's throne was usurped! and it's my birthright to take it back!"

I really like her in season 1 and season 7. Her not being a frothing frustrated ruler suits her better. When jon humbles her it really suits her character.

>it's another Sup Forumstard doesn't understand that if people are genuinely oppressed (like being literally enslaved), helping them is actually a good thing episode


Sup Forums has this cool feature when you can link to the post you want to respond to so you don't come off as a passive-aggressive baby.

>She did free all of those oppressed people.
>necessarily bad
we oppress paedos and rapists but i guess we should stop because muh fredum
ever heard of haiti? Thats what daenerys wants to make. You cant just remove the people whove been ruling forever and instantly replace them with the slaves because the slaves have no idea how to rule.

Yes, but intentionally or not, she's a retarded one.
>Hey my lovely slaver/rapist husband, how about you get me some boats to get dat Westeros you don't even care about?
>Oh no, I didn't know there will be slaving and raping involved D:
>Hey Astapor, you're all free now. Your government is dead and I'm fucking off with your army. I'm sure everything will be fine.
>Oh no, Astapor got retaken by slavers? WHO COULD HAVE GUESSED? D:
>I'm kind of bored of this liberator crusade, hey random mercenary who has been advocating for genocide, violence, and a little bit of slavery for as long as I have known you, and who cares or knows about nothing but money and killing, how about you take over from now on? Yeah, I'm serious. LITERALLY WHAT COULD GO WRONG?
Her heart is in the right place, but she's stupid, impulsive, capricious, and completely uncritical when it comes to her counsel. She's be a shit queen. Hell, she already was a shit queen.

>Her heart is in the right place
i wouldnt even go that far, seems like she just wants people to be in awe of her, damn the trail of bodies she leaves behind.

her real life counterpart would be Gengkis Khan, we all know what happened to him...

Jon did blow her the fuck out.

you're not responsible for your fathers crimes, cool, then im not bound to my ancestors oaths

she's nothing but a mere tyrant

Targaeryns conquered the 7 kingdoms by force
She now seems to think that when someone does that to her family, that's a different scenario.

She's dumb as hell, cognitive dissonance at its worst. She's also a terrible ruler.
>hurr durr I'm not a politician I'm A KWEEN

She's ultimately one of the most morally grey characters in the book series.

The TV adaptation does not do her justice.

>She's ultimately one of the most morally grey characters in the book series.
She's also like 15, so when she fucks up it's a little more believable than the 20+ nincompoop in the OP

Yeah and most of them literally beg to be slaves again

Most of the elders*
also checked


Id take her in a heartbeat

How does she feed all of her dothraki, unsullied and followers?
Does she have an endless supply of gold that follows her wherever she goes?
What is her taxation policy?

Her face is pretty. But yeah, she's overrated as fuck. 7/10 face, 5/10 body, 6/10 overall.



>she thinks she being the legal heir to her father doesn't equate inheriting the medical history
Jesus what kind of loser tries this hard to find something to be critical about?

It's not just the insanity. Her father lost his family their the rights to Westeros by making the mockery of the established laws, breaking his contract as the protector of the realm, and generally being an awful human being.
>my father getting dethroned doesn't count, I'm still the legal heir to the throne!
>but him getting crowned totally does count, which is why I'm his heir!
It's a retarded bit of doublethink. She can't be her father's heir because her father left her with nothing to inherit. She's an usurper.

>breaking his contract as the protector of the realm
You tried

You're right. Being the protector of the realm means getting to publicly roast a warden and jerk off while his skin is melting and his heir is being strangled. As is ordering another warden to break guest rights to kill his foster children/other wardens. Come on user. I know the show has a boner for Targs and is trying to make the rebellion seem illegitimate, but use your head. You cannot be the protector of the realm when you are literally doing everything opposite of protecting the realm, down to plotting to burn it to the ground. When Rheagar threw his military support with his father, all Targ rights to the throne were forfeit.

I'd let her free my dick if you know what I'm saying

A better question is how this thread has stayed up for so long, I thought the mods despised anything /got/ related

C'mon user you should have added "from my pants"

Sorry I'm not that fluent in English

what are you fucking gay?

No why? Because of the filename? Rather odd conclusion to draw.

Jon will turn her around.

The captcha was pics of boats.

Jon is such a boring charisma void. At least Dany has been known to be entertaining due to her retarded decision making. Jon has just been mumbling at his feet for seven seasons now. No growth, no arc, no personality, just going with the flow.

How did she help them?

>legal heir
i dont think you understand law there sweety

>implying any conquest slavery is wrong
you were just going to kill them anyway, slavery is a step up from that

meanwhile in the books she's besieged plagued and starving
bravo d&d

Is she going to free all the oppressed peasants in Westeros too? What about her castrated brainwashed cuck soldiers? Or is she okay with slavery as long as it's not called slavery?

Shes gonna get fucked until 70% of Westeros share her DNA?

lol who cares, I have three... I mean two dragons nigga

Actually it would be America
>invade the Middle East with the goal of spreading Western ideas of "freedom" "justice" "human rights" and "civilization"
>it backfires horribly, hundreds of thousands die, and the average citizen ends up being worse off under Western rule than under the control of brutal despots who understood the culture and people
>make use of bloodthirsty savages (dothraki/Mujahideen) to fight your enemies, be shocked when they eventually turn on you
>"If you're not with me then you're against me"

>overthrows the established order of an ancient city
>tries to implement western policy and creates chaos, influencing a terrorist organization that begins slaughtering said "oppressed people," this terrorist organization gets all sorts of help from other people who also hate the westerner.
>pull out a few years later and declare victory, leaving an enemy that was worse than what you started with
>fuck off back to the west and tell everyone how much good you accomplished overseas
>bring a bunch of formerly oppressed people to the west so you can show all the white people how normal and relatable they are but nobody buys it and it creates a xenophobic environment where the newcommers wont assimilate
>yfw Dany is Bush/Obama administration


No but Daemon Blackfyre the rightful king of the seven kingdoms was.

>kills millions
>to save thousands
she's a fucking idiot she is

Tywin was the only man keeping the kingdoms stable and the only capable man to continue ruling them
and shit only started to go to shit because the midget killed him

you cant disprove this

>the entire war of the 5 kings was because he was a terrible father

>targ fucking shit

the entire war happened because Cersei was a bad mother. He was the one who cleaned up after her

no the targ conquest was keeping shit together and once the dragons/targs died it was just a lag period until the various ethnic/political divisions reformed. IE there in no inherent value in a unified westeros to the various groups that live there

Aeris was the one who fucked it all up though
Tywin was the one who was doing all the work to keep shit together

No, it happened because Tywin was such a shit father he was completely oblivious to his children fucking each other. If Jaime and Cersei aren't fucking the war doesn't happen

she's white m8 and her family lived in the west for 300 years she's got just as much claim to being western as the United States.

yeah I agree that tywin could keep things together for a while longer, but the union is illogical is my point. The north cannot be invaded without dragons so why should they want to pay taxes to the crown?

>Implying there would be any better man to sit on the iron throne then an iron man

Because the North is pretty much fucked during the winter without the south

The north needs men it doesnt have and needs food they cant grow for most of the season

The war of 5 kings only started after Joff cut off Ned's head, and that was his choice, even Cersei protested it

Stannis would be a good king and the throne was his by right

It just happens that Tywin is better at it

If Joffrey isn't a bastard then Ned doesn't try to remove him from the thrown, Stannis and Renly don't proclaim themselves king, etc.

there isn't a communist grain redistribution policy in westeros even if they did need foreign grain for winter (which they didn't in the past however many thousand years) they would still have to pay for it.

white or western? targs are inbred foreigners with foreign ways, if you were trying to make a jew analogy you succeeded

>there isn't a communist grain redistribution policy in westeros
never said they did
trading works without communism


Threatening to kill the crown prince is treason. Robert and Ned would've raised an army anyway, Rickard would've also if Aerys hadn't killed him.

Mad? No. First Blood? Yes. Rhaegar is at fault

westeros is like america, it's a western nation across a big ocean that has been ruled by foreigners for hundreds of years with a genocided native population (children). Her family is basically from the europe of westeros (valyria) and they came to america (westeros) to reestablish their control far away from the established powers.

>allowing your son to ''kidnap'' a girl promised to someone else when he's already married with children but expecting to consiquences
>even though the peple you angered are the lords of the most powerfull kingdoms in westeros
Rhaegar is the main retard that's responsible

rhaegar being a retard explains why Jon is a retard


Lies, strike them down.

Aerys always knew war in as coming, might as well take first blood. Baratheons and Starks and everyone else would've rosen up anyway

He didnt know shit
He expected to just solve his problems by burning everyone he suspected would betray him

which was fucking everyone

there are photos showing US blacks were much more civilized during slavery and during the early 1900s versus the absolute retards they are today.

civil rights movement is what turned blacks into the raging "hate whitey" type today.

the daenerys character panders to the shitlibs who think freeing slaves is good, despite the fact that most people are now currently WAGEslaves and dumbfuck consumers anyway. same dynamic but different system (at least we're getting dat paaayperrrr now)

fucking dumb niggers everywhere now.

only generals are banned

trading works without paying taxes to a monarch too

>it was better when the blacks knew their place as third rate citizens
No wonder america has serious race issues

I am having real trouble following what your argument is supposed to be, also the children werent genocided

that dany's attempt to conquer slaver's bay was like America's Operation Iraqi Freedom and this example works because westeros is the america of this world

ok but then who is israel?


Yes he did know, that's why he went to the Tourney at Harrenhal

That tourney was suspect as fuck, biggest one ever? Every major House there? All the major Houses are marrying across kingdoms? Fuckers were conspiring


but if targs = america = jews = the ones who wanted op iraqi freedom and israel = braavos
then israel is the former slaves of jews who destroyed their nation...israel?

It's so much better now that they have the opportunity to be first rate citizens and many choose to be third rate though huh. I would rather have LITERAL monkeys coexisting with us. Actually just about every animal is more useful to human society than the nigger.



do you have a centrist one?

why, so you can post a generic reaction image the next time your master race tells you how it is?

no because I want to send it to a centrist friend as a joke

maybe you should listen to your centrist friend and become a centrist yourself instead of showing him a reactionary assmad picture made by peasan-*cough* partisans that's just going to anger him