ITT: films about subhumans

ITT: films about subhumans

Donald Trump Biopic

Blade Runner.

Also, Kids is great.

such a hot flick imo

Addio Africa

>hey guys we made a coming of age movie in the middle of the AIDS scare, better make sure to have everyone contract HIV by looking at a vagina.
movie ruined

City of God
Blood Diamond
American Sniper
Any japanese film


anything with Americans as protagonists

Birth of a Nation (the remake, not the original)


most Korine flicks

actually all Korine flicks

What about Trash Humpers?


I remember being a kid and hearing all these great things about this movie. Then I watched it.

It's fucking trash.

Ah, kids.

>they all end up with AIDSSSSS

That's what you get for trusting plebs

They aren't subhumans, they are teenagers growing up in the world. You have mental issues OP.

Only 1 person contracts it in the film, 1 person has it when the film begins. Plenty of characters are disease free.

Honestly, if you can't enjoy Kids, you're probably subhuman.

>They aren't subhumans

faggot detected


>hiv is contracted during heterosexual sex
>this is realistic

Teenagers who have those kind of experiences growing up should be castrated and their parents executed.

I know you guys are memeing, I hope, otherwise you have not seen the movie.

You had to have a normal social life as a young teenager to relate to it. Maybe you can make a movie about a faggot that watches anime and sits in his room all day for people here to relate to.



Why do these types of flicks trigger me so much?

your mothers sex tape

Reminds me of childhood too lol



ITT: assmad virgin anime faggots

Only good thing about this flick is that the soundtrack had Slint on it, revealing Slint's god tier music to the world

Literally greasy Italians and niggers: the movie.




Blade Runner 2049 was that, the Harrison Ford stuff was basically just a Szechuan Sauce quest.

LMAO this sooooo much! #resist

>Hating anime on an anime discussion forum

Who was in the wrong here?

Birth of a Nation, the original.

fuck skaters

because real kids don't grow up like that.