ITT: Good modern horror

Lookin for a good spook from a movie made in the last 5-6 years.

Any suggestions?

Other urls found in this thread:

It follows

go on 4plebs (the Sup Forums archive) and go to the X paranormal board, search for opening threads with 'horror' or 'modern horror' in the text, check the imdb for every suggestion, make a list of 20 ones you want to watch.

We are still here (2015)
Let the right on in (almost 10 yo tho)

>Don't Breathe
>It Follows
Every fucking horror thread.

is Raw a good film Sup Forums ?

I don't normally post here. I saw Don't Breathe in theaters and haven't seen a good horror since. If you have anything to suggest instead of these films you can always contribute.

Are there any other Detriot kinos out there?
Other than robocop?

You're Don't Breathe and Get It Follows Next Out in the Woods was pretty good

As memey as some people say it is Cabin in the Woods is a pretty great horror film

They're not bad. Neither are the Conjuring films compared to the micro-budget nothing-happens-so-call-it-steady-dread garbage that Sup Forums will insist are better horror films

Now's the part where someone mentions Get Out.

Feel free to suggest something else fag


Next time pick a movie people have actually seen


If you liked Get Out, you might also enjoy What We Split in the Sinister Shadows Follows the Witch in the Woods Le Me Breathe in You're Next Lights 2

Also IT.

The Borderlands (probably one of the best horror movies of the last 10 years or so as far as I'm concerned)
I Can See You
Across the River
They Look Like People
The Tunnel (2011)
Noroi: The Curse
The Innkeepers
Black Mountain Side

Seconding We Are Still Here

It's a nice movie, it's probably close to perfection for what it wanted to be - but that doesn't mean it's a masterpiece in general

Get Out was unironically kino

Nobody has mentioned The Hills Have Eyes? Its pretty decent!

that movie was 10 years ago. read the op.



Don't Breathe isn't real horror. It's just an old blind guy defending his house from the rotten burglar protagonists.

I heard it isn't actually horror, more so SciFi thriller
Like in creepshow

You forgot
>basting a turkey
>putting a bun in the oven
>forceful impregnation fetish
God damn the sexual tension

The Blackcoat's Daughter

Went into it knowing pretty much nothing about it and was very impressed. It's one of those horror films where it's all about the atmosphere though and is really slow paced, so be warned.

This. Top comfy.

Says more about the current state of horror films than anything else

There's The Witch (2015)

I've seen every film mentioned in this thread and they all are a 7/10 at best

Wtf guys

Yeah but horror is shit in general, at least in the past decade. Any recommendations?

The Void