/Zoo/ general

How much bat-shit crazier can Zoo get in season 4? I'm hoping the wild ride never ends.

This plot literally sounds retarded.

Who even watches this?

The fuck is this?

I will, thanks OP.

You've no idea how retarded it really is.

>James Wolk portrays Jackson Oz, a renegade American zoologist overseeing safaris in Africa
>renegade zoologist
I've never heard of this
It's it stupid enough to be fun?

Think Gotham levels of stupid.

Ive refrained from watching Gotham because it sounded stupid in a not fun way

A woman holds her own baby hostage with a gun while it's still in her womb and they drive a car out of a plane and into a volcano kinds of stupid

No. I won't look it up, but that can't be true.

Ok, 60ft invisible pythons, sloths that cause earthquakes and dinosaur hybrids.

I only watched this for the actual sci-fi stuff, but I finally had to stop watching it because it was simply too fucking stupid to watch. The entire show is nothing but one shark jump after another and not in a good way like say True Blood. This is a train wreck you just can't bare to watch.

Did that happen this season? Because it is plausible that it did happen, but I stopped watching it.

ok youve convinced me
im gonna watch it now
is it on netflix?

That sounds awesome.

Yeah it was season 3

Seasons 1 and 2 are on netflix, season 3 just ended

k i found it on netflix im watchin the first episode whilst shitposting
the dialogue is already making me cringe

It simply does not stop snowballing once it gets started.

Season 1 tries to be kind of sensible, season 2 and 3 are when it goes nuts

hes currently fighting off poachers with james browns get on up

>How much bat-shit crazier can Zoo get in season 4? I'm hoping the wild ride never ends.
Melting arctic ice uncovers an ancient city.

Not bad really. How about said city was actually built and run by animals who did genetics and created mankind?

Watching first ep. Lots of big kittehs.

Posting best girl

This thread also made me start this show. Good job OP you're dragging all of us down with you

So hot

You've never known such suffering.

Now this seems like the kind of trainwreck I can get into.

By the end of season two you'll be making this face.

That picture reminds me of the scene with the killer horses and the motorbike from nowhere