Story set in an alternate timeline

>Story set in an alternate timeline
>Zeppelins everywhere for some fucking reason

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americans have this idea that if they didn't invent planes no one else would

realistically, this is probably true.

if americans didn't do it, computers would have never existed, neither would cell phones, any science breakthroughs. other countries will just never be capable of stuff like that.


There is this unspoken idea if the Hindenburg never blew up airships/baloons would be the future.

Zeppelins are pretty fucking cool though

Probably true. Other countries suck worse than Ted Danson

This, they're neat

>DUDE just ride this huge baloon lol what could go wrong

Dumb post, why did you make it? shaking my head...................................................

t. steampunk fans

yeah that american race of people sure is unique

Nah. There are reasons to want to make intercontinental flights quick. Two weeks to cross the Atlantic is and was too long, unless taking that much time is your job or your leisure.

Because dieselpunk.

Zeppelinz don't run on steam, sperg.

>airships are not the next step

Why is this a problem?

Go play Crimson Skies you dipshit, it's redpilled as fuck and awesome.

>ywn have a comfy airship to travel in

fellas we need more dieselpunk films/series

>buzzes your airship at Mach 9 with my 13/10 waifu blowing me

There are in fact projects, to revive the usage of zeppelins.

But the helium became expensive as fuck, and hydrogen has obvious downsides

You now that military uses blimps to spy on citizens

What are you getting at? Yeah, unique in the sense that we're intelligentilly superior

it did about 10 years ago, then stopped the funding.
rights are back with Bruce Dickinson


USA biggest advantage is access to almost unlimited resources. Japs woudldn't be nuked in time if not for the Hoover Dam eletricity

Ron Paul had a blimp too

Reminds me of that one book Airborne (they might have made some movie but it's probably bad) set in an alternate earth where there's this reasonably common element called hydrium, which is as lighter than hydrogen and also not flammable. So there are tons of airships. The villain is some pirate guy

Just thought it was an interesting concept.

That's a huge advantage, but when you compare w/ what the Amerinds did, it becomes obvious that that's not even nearly the "biggest" one.

But Brazilians invented the airplane though

DC and Marvel uses them to watch their movies in theaters

USA is what happens, when various european people are given shitload of resources and work together. It was destined to succed

airfoils aren't even right huemonkey

> lighter than hydrogen

So they didn't even attempt a middle school level of science? Or in this universe is the entire periodic table shifted +1?

come back to Sup Forums huebro

>americans actualy believe this

This. These things should replace most alternatives for more local travel. Reduce the amount of upkeep on roadways, reduce the number of vehicles that need to be fueled, and maybe even increase travel time in some cases (as the crow flies). But this is a case by case situation; some places are more suited for this kind of travel then others.

lol, yeah, it just struck me. Hydrogen is a single protonium with electron. If it was any lighter, it woudln't really be an atom, but something like that
only stable


no, it couldn't compete in the travel department. The most rational application is long distance product shippping. They are much more energy efficient than planes, and if the shipment is not time-sensitive it could prove to be a superior solution

Nah. The airships would have to be far too large to ship a decent amount of non-human cargo. Wouldn't compete with trains on land and ships by sea. Planes only compete with them because they are faster.

But your seriously misjudging how much money is put into road networks per year in some places. The future should be about reducing the amount of energy being used as much as possible (more ppl means more energy needed). Vehicles per person/family isn't the future and neither are those meme techs Musk keeps blabbing on about (infrastructure and maintenance costs thru the roof). Air ships represent the most simple and economic way to transport ppl over relatively small distances.

>2 weeks to cross the atlantic
The thing would have to go 10 miles per hour to take that long. Internet says Hindenburg and contemporaries averaged around 60. Couple days' trip, much faster than ocean liners, but way slower than planes obviously. They probably would've died out along with ocean liners anyway.

Those aren't my own thoughts
>It’s currently working on a prototype of the Aeroscraft, a new airship capable of hauling up to 66 tons, with a cruising speed of 120 knots and a range of over 5,000 miles; there are plans, too, for a larger version that can haul 250 tons. It will also be roughly three times as fuel efficient as shipping in airplanes. While it’ll still be less efficient than land or sea shipping, company representatives are hoping its landing capabilities will give it an advantage in hauling cargo to remote areas with little infrastructure.

Althought you are apparently right about land and sea transport

>from Hawaii
>no interisland ferry because muh whales and concerns about fishermen traveling interisland with their coolers and depleting fish populations (idk how valid that one is)
>just had the idea of an airship ferry service
I think it could work and it'd be such a great relaxing ride. Distances max out at a couple hundred miles, would only be a few hours at Hindenburg-tier speeds. Sick of having to get on a shitty airplane to go to other islands.

Add that to my list of ideas for once I've made a fortune somehow I guess

For safety reasons, that fucker better be a floating boat or just have common sense and build another vessel.

>remote areas

That's the only area it would shine. But that's only because the infrastructure isn't built to transport by rail/road to those places. If you could magically erase the infrastructure we have now and then devise the best solution, airships would be right up there. The problem with making them a reality now though is that we have the infrastructure (from years and years of slowly building it and constantly maintaining it). But it isn't getting any easier to maintain and if things keep going as they are with no new solution, it will be unsustainable as population grows (more ppl demanding the same lifestyles we take for granted now).

The science regarding that is basically just ignored to make the plot work in the book.

Fringe was pretty good

>The airships would have to be far too large to ship a decent amount of non-human cargo
thats exactly what theyre doing. The Airlander 50 will carry cargo

Bruce Dickinson? Iron Maiden singer.

>we're intelligentilly superior

yes. he has a fascination with airships for some reason..

>not taking any excuse to have awesome fucking airships everywhere

Think you meant to say Britain there lad



I can still hear it bros

Hmm no wonder he composed that almost 20 minutes song about R101 crash then
Knew he is pilot, but airships... hmm

The best spell check program in the world, still doesn't know the words definitions.

Dat ass sweet Jesus ggggnnnnnnn

>american believes they exist
>check your frequencies my geocuck

>tfw 100% irrational phobia of hot air balloons, airships and ships
If I ever was in the same place as this or this guy, I'd have a stroke then and there

>energy efficient

Aren't we running out of helium?

>the words definitions


user I...
It's energy efficient because it doesn't require additional energy to stay afloat, like helicopters for example. Helium gets more and more expensive, because it's pretty rare on Earth (despite being second most common element in the Universe) and have an ever increasing number of applications. Coolant for superconducting electromagnets for example

Your post implies that airships use helium for energy production. They are baloons with combustion engines, not nuclear fusion reactors

>Aren't we running out of helium?
nuclear fusion won't come soon enough

Mass Effect 2 HD looks to be coming along nicely


Private space companies need to find a way to bring helium to earth then there will be near unlimited supply.

If they will ever make nuclear fusion work, then who knows. Almost all of the helium on Earth comes from alpha decay of thorium and uranium. As a last resort, we could attempt to produce it in nuclear facilities

>he thinks private space companies wont artificially control supply and keep the price high.

Computers were invented by British faggot

>20 000 cubic meters of ass and pussy

>makes large kite that vaguely looks like a plane
>calls it an airplane
stick things you're good at, like eating monkey soup and killing each other over garbage in favelas

I have a Brazilian flatmate who tried to preach this to me

>Americlaps steal the ideas of a genius inventor
>Claim they were the ones who made it
It happened with Edison and it happened with the Wright Brothers, they just can't stop doing it.

Zeppelins are so fucking cool, they're like flying whales that transport people

Hindenburg wasn't the only accident that put people off zepplins

>"looks like we've got a gas leak captin'!"

It is a childrens book...

>imagine being THIS autistic

It's the hammer of the gods or something.

Particularly when you look at the amount of Nazi scientists that Americans brought over and conveniently forgot their pasts

Americans are to Europeans as Europeans are to Africans. Think about it.

That's a bit strong but we are different. People who gave up their lives and struck out for the New World (and found success) self-selected for optimism, ambition, hardiness and so on. I do think we sapped a lot of the prime genetic material from Europe in that sense. Then the wars and communism finished the job more or less.


That's it, it's time for round 3. Germans invented computers!

Could you build an airship and fill it with a vacuum instead of helium or hydrogen? I'm guessing there's no material strong enough to support it

>A big black plane

I know we meme about this here, but in Brazil they really do believe this shit, it's pretty funny.

You couldn't build one light enough.

>The airships would have to be far too large to ship a decent amount of non-human cargo

Too large for what? I mean yeah, they'd be extremely large, you get only 6-7 lbs of lift per thousand cubic feet of gas, but why is that a problem? We build big things all the time, and the envelope is mostly empty space.

criminally underrated post


I miss zeppelins

Too large for the square cube law. You can't just keep making larger and larger objects indefinitely
