Who will direct the inevitable four chan movie and how will Sup Forums be portrayed?

Who will direct the inevitable four chan movie and how will Sup Forums be portrayed?

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It's called Blade Runner 2049.

The whole thing would be about Sup Forums and you know it.




I hope it will be better than the tv show

Such a lazy fight club plot with dude le ebin chinese transexual hackers

It will start focused on Sup Forums and then after Moot leaves will focus on Sup Forums, since Sup Forums is irrelevant these days.

Sup Forums and other boards would be an afterthought to all the cringey redditors screaming "Shadilay" and being overweight, which are more interesting from a normalfag documentary audience who wants to see a freak show

The movie depicts the dystopian effect of the sexual revolution. The "replicants", i.e. alienated postmodern man, can indulge in as much sex and fantasy as he likes, but he cannot have children and he must obey the system which alienates him. To be born and raised in a family is to have a soul. To be a "liberated individual" detached from the family is really to be a robotic slave of the state/economy. The underground replicants want to use Deckard's daughter as a tool of political revolution, and to this end they are willing to kill Deckard himself; but K, through his interaction with JOI, realizes the importance of love and family; so he rescues Deckard and reunites him with his daughter, thus restoring the natural order of things. The way that postmodern society works is to convince man that he is just a soulless biological machine that can be satisfied with material goods and indulgence in pleasures/fantasies. K is confronted with this lie in the form of billboard JOI at the end of the film, but he rejects it and affirms his personhood/soul. He dies in peace.

K's JOI is a mere hologram because postmodern society says that feminine women who want to be wives & mothers are inferior beings. Ironically, JOI is the most natural woman in the film, and it's her love for K that brings him out of his alienation and causes him to embrace his personhood. JOI is K's saviour.

Already happened


Sup Forums wont be in it.
It will be all about the deplora/pol/s

This guy will play the 400lb hacker known as Sup Forums.

make it /o/ and we agree



The whole thing will be about Sup Forums with maybe a little bit on Sup Forums in the first act.


Blade Runner 2049 already came out user

I want to be portrayed by an ethnic luchador.

actually pretty good

>The Anti-social Network
>Directed by Refn
>Staring Michael Cera as m00t
>With Paul Dano as Snacks


>not an all female cast

The sequel's better

>>The Anti-social Network
fuck me that's a perfect title

Needs to be updated.

Poor effort tbqhfamalam

fuck off reddit

>kids on Sup Forums sperged out and went ballistic because sony made a film about emojis
>these same faggots unironically want a Sup Forums movie to be made

Holy shit it aint me is already 2 years old?

>unironically want

Will be nothing more than normie views of Hollywood style nerds. The movie would be focused on Sup Forums alone, a group of dangerous hackers who need to be stopped before they remotely blow up a factory that creates vans. Anons from Sup Forums will be shown as fat and whiny comic book fans, anons from Sup Forums will be shown as misogynist male teens. No other board will even be acknowledged. Our heroes of the story, a group from reddit, will include a black chad with more knowledge about Batman's uncle than the king Sup Forumsckgobbler, leaving him flabbergasted. There will also be a smug gamer girl who blows the chief Sup Forumsirgins high score at GTA away, making him cry. Eventually they out-troll the king of Sup Forums with an epic Big Bang Theory reference and save not only the internet, but the world.

What part will Sam Hyde play in the inevitable Sup Forums biopic?

Harmony Korine

Oliver Stone

It'll focus on moot and hiroshima and a couple of boards will be namedropped