Parademons on SUICIDE WATCH


Do you know who else is on suicide watch?

Zack Snyder.

>"How long until the Batmobile finishes rendering?"
>"Well, it's not going to be quick to render something to look completely realistic"
>"Fuck it, just put it in the movie as it is now."
>"But it's just going to look like an ugly block of incomprehensible polygons at this stage."
>"And do the same for Cyborg, too."
>"God damn you Joss. We worked so hard on these designs."
>"There is no God, kid. And I wipe my ass with your cool designs."
>*tips fedora and walks away*

Know who else?

Warner Bros.


>defining character trait is "do not kill"
>50 cal and Gatling guns on custom transport



>We want the videogame audience
Say no more

>26 movies and barely doing better than based Disney which has 9
Like I said

Eh, i've always thought of this Batman as the Dark Knight Returns Batman who kills people

>Disney has almost the same amount from 9 movies to Warner Bros 26
Holy Christ

>based Disney

Wrong one babe

Know you can't compete world wide, eh DChump?

By the way condolences in advanced for when Thor crushes JUSTshit League

Out of all the arcs they go with this?


Did he? I only remember TDK batman maiming people. He didn't even kill the super mutant.

I care what pajeet watches?

I thought that was his daughter

Bruh. Look at this dood

So am I after Joss Whedon fucked up Justice League.


>le the movie was great before but then joss whedon totally ruined it meme


>an oscar for a fake category that couldn't even get four nominees like everyone else
Is that supposed to be impressive?

Someone skipped their watch on her then

What else would they do? NWO arc with the white Martians?


Gotta have that bland, generic, disposable army for the heroes to fight before the main boss.

those special effects are as bad as a Transformers movie...

>its even worse
Good God.

Batman doesn't kill anyone in The Dark Knight Returns.

Transformers movies have good special effects. That looks like shit


>and yet marvel couldn't even get that in 8 yrs of films


Jesus Fucking Christ I genuinely thought this was the Arkham game

Yep. The movie is pretty much a retelling of the first Justice League arc after the New 52 reboot, minus Green Lantern and with Steppenwolf replacing Darkseid.

Looks like a shitty Terminator.



Stay seething, Mickey's Clubhouse.

And there is nothing wrong with that. If you wanted a realistic shitty batman that could barely crawl out a window go rewatch Nolan bats

Yeah, because "badly rendered PS3 cutscene" and "grimdark Nolan" are the only two possible ways to do it. Retard.

They are actually coming out with a new Arkham game. Here's part of a cutscene


Someone needs to re-edits this with the Justice League poster

Sup Forums memes are becoming extremely HD

Someone should do a side by side comparison of this and one of the Batmobile cutscenes from Arkham Knight.

>This is a movie in 2017

These are shill-made though

>I'm angry!
>but I don't know why!

The shit is fine, cry elsewhere

He shoots a guy. It looks like the mutants shot each other so the police don't charge Batman, but he definitely shoots a guy.

Batfleck is DKR crazy, but he's supposed to be better in JL. I don't think Parademons count though. They've never really counted

>The shit is fine
Sure :^)


This! The favorable lighting barely conceals the horrific CG, and horrible aesthetic. CG I bet the computer goons had to work on for months, and everyone on sets tells them "you still got it" and "damn the Batmobile looks like that!" Because they are not the ones that have to make a decent movie out of this convoluted mess, And you know you could kill everyone in set before Anita comes to check your privilege, but you are Josh Weddon and you are not going to ruin the possibility of being invited to Dan Schneider's camp, so you sit there and take it.

>guns are the tools of cowards
>let's put a fucking tank gun on my car and use gatling guns!
And here I was, thinking the only thing Batman would never do is use a gun to kill.

>Know you can't compete world wide, eh DChump?
we get the most money where it matters. Not like anybody of those curry niggers watch movies anyway. They just want to dance in a building with air conditioning for 2 hours.

stop being such a nerd, guns are cool
t. /k/ommando

Flash better time travel in this

weuw these game cutscenes whats the budget for this shit?


nice nalgas Ezra