"Cletus, you're the best Husband, Brother and Son a gal ever had."

"Cletus, you're the best Husband, Brother and Son a gal ever had."

What the hell did she mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:



Cletus is an upstanding husband, an exemplary brother and an ideal son to her.

She gave birth to him still inside the womb of her mother?

She had sex with her father and then married her child.

So...she got preged by her dad and married her brother/son.

Nah he did pretty poorly in the Jewish demo.

Basically her father impregnated her and she gave birth to Cletus. Because of the fact that her father impregnated her, Cletus is both her brother and son. And the husband part is self-explanatory.

Not OP but thank you.

He's a great husband to his wife, a great brother to his sister and a great son to his mother. She didn't say she was his mother, sister and wife, just that he's the best for any unspecified gal.

He fucked his mom to have her, than married her later. Brother, father, and husband all in one.

she must be pretty old

But wouldn't that make him her Husband, Half-brother, and son?

does the order make a difference? lol

Her father impregnated her, later they escaped their abusive father/grnadfather and decided to marry and make an healthier family together.

>Nah, she was 14 when she had Cletus.

Pic related

You fucker delete that right now

Just put a ribbon in her hair.


No no no no no no no no nooooooooooo

They had to change their names for witness protection.

Your average Drumpf supporters

She got knocked up by her dad, then gave birth to Cletus and then married him.

Is it me or does he seem like he would be voiced by Stephen Colbert

He is probably based off Colbert so...

Not order, half-brother, not brother.

Who is this character?

Well, in the state of Alabama...

Brandine's mother remarried to Cletus's father making them step sibblings
Brandline ended up getting with her step dad at some point, making Cletus her step son
and then married Cletus making him her husband
no incest at all, love works in mysterious ways

oh god fucking dammit, also nice trips

She had Cletus with her own father and then married him

They are british

Clarissa' s dad

It is acceptable for a blue board since it is only implications but better safe than sorry. I don't want a ban.

She meant that the Simpsons is written by upper middle-class urbanites who sneer at rural people as incestuous trash.

that he is his own grandpa


>lol people in rural areas are retarded racist and incestuous amirite guys?
Things like this is why Trump won

Her mother adopted him. So he's legally her brother.

I always thought of him more as a Maurice LaMarche but his whiny/nerdy voice.

Incest: it's all relative.

Your average Gumballfags

She fucked her father and gave birth to Cletus.

A brother is a brother. The only reason you should call a sibling a half-brother or half-sister is if you're not close to them or want to avoid association.