IvX storytime, wherein Beast was a cuck, and the Inhumans got cucked

IvX storytime, wherein Beast was a cuck, and the Inhumans got cucked



Weird how Synapse is here even though Uncanny Avengers isn't tying into this at all.





Why is everyone acting like beating Sabretooth is an impressive achievement? He's no weakling, but not that tough in the grand scheme of things.




Soule had him beat Jonnny so he is tough as shit in this






>Soule had him beat Jonnny
That's some real bullshit right there. Why would he let him come anywhere close to him? he can fly.


Damn Medusa has a lot more hair than usual.
>Ahura won't help


Wait, I thought that the M-Pox even killed Healing Factors.

>Johnny's face in third panel

And what is up with that hand gesture.



It does what it wants, when it wants.

He can melt his flesh off his bones with no care.


I know that most humans were excited at the prospect of getting superpowers via cloud but I'm not convinced they'd be so willing to join the race war just like that.

That sounds like ISIS giving me an anti-tank rifle and me going "FUCK YEA, TIME TO USE THIS ON SOME AMERICANS WOOO"





>cape vs cape conflicts don't make sense
It has been like that since comics came into existence.There is almost never a good reason for the extended community to get involved with these types of events.


Oh shit they're making him play the occulus rift



Not that this Daisy would give a fuck.

user she has been one for I think couple years now.

And is that mosaic on the side? Why can we see him andwhy would he even be there.

>Why can we see him
Who knows
>why would he even be there.
His solo is set before CW2, he seems to have gotten closer with family since then. The family apparently helps him out soon in his book.

Maybe I should have guessed about all that.

Maybe he acts like an asshole who doesn't give a shit in solo, so I couldnt have guessed about that.

So why didn't the smartest person of the Marvel Universe find a cure to M-pox?

>giant cloud that's killing all muties
>wanting to stop that

wait what, they're literally called the NuHumans?

Gee, Storm, are you sure there's NO OTHER WAY to destroy A CLOUD OF VAPOR that's moving through the ATMOSPHERE as if it were part of a natural WEATHER PATTERN?


Nothing you can think of?


...it's JUST A FUCKING CLOUD OF TERRIGEN GAS. It doesn't actually HAVE super-powers, it just gives them to people.

It has been explained that it adapts itself to each different mutant. The funny thing is how nobody but the mutants care about a supervirus travelling about the world selftailoring itself to kill people.

Like for sure, it won't start killing something else except humans. Not one of all the dangerous groups around the world will change it to be used as a bioweapon.

It's cultural heritage. Let it fly around.


He hasn't even figured out how to have a physical body yet in his comic, and was shown to be a kinda assholish self-centered guy, what the fuck is he doing there?

Weird how Guido is here considering how X-Factor has been cancelled for years.

Well the excuse is that now it saturating the soil so its literally going to be everywhere. But yea I agree, the mutant have been pretty dumb about this whole ordeal.

Hell they even said they could leave the planet and be safe. And after all the prejudice and random crap that happen on earth at a daily basis, that may not be such a bad option. Why not just chill on the moon or one planets that owe the X-men till they find a solution or something?

Nah, that too much common sense and not entertaining enough. Lets have a race war instead!

As usual, I beg for spoilers.

It's bizarre and repulsive that all of these Inhumans like Kamala and company would be so willing to work together to stop the mutants from saving themselves from dying in hideous agony.

It's one thing for Medusa and company. This is their whole life. I get it.

But for these characters who grew up outside of that society, how is there not one of them saying "This isn't worth fighting for."

It actually would make for an interesting conversation with Teen Scott, who still has this deranged idea that his older self "went crazy and evil" for trying to save his people from a horrifying, preventable death.

Kamala is now spearheading that very extinction.

it can be compressed and contained..

FFS, THAT alone would solve everyones fucking problem.

It's even weirder with Moon Girl, who herself hates terrigen mists

dat ass

was fat

>Why are all the nuhumans that just happen to have currently running books here
Gee guys I don't know.
>Ahura won't help
>have a way to contain the mist without destroying and still try to destroy
>Storm and Crystal not using their powers to help
>All these people being out of character
This is one crazy event

this issue felt very short to me

floppies are really bad value

I'm still waiting for Marvel to explain why should anyone support the Inhumans.

>Reed Richards is dead
>Von Doom is too busy trying to be a hero
>Tony Stark is either dead or having a civil war atm, im not sure about timelines
>Bruce Banner is dead
>Hank Pym is merged with ultron and might be dead?
>Cho is too busy having erections over a synthesoid
>Beast is a fucking traitor
Who did I miss?

Javier draws a pretty sure Kamala and Quake, at least secret warriors has that going for it.

Because it is a normal size comic at event comic price.

I love Kamala, but I hate that shes' an inhuman and has to be dragged in to this mess.


Best boy joins the fray

ive been kind of turned off of marvel since the incursion/battleword bs. so is doom not a god anymore? is earth normal earth now and not a gabbledegook of different earths?

The ones that are only like 1% inhuman and got their powers from going through the Terrigen Cloud are called NuHumans to differentiate them from the pure-bred actual Inhumans like those from Attilan and Orollan.

At least you can mark another point in bing-o

Miles gave Moleculeman a burger which is why he is in 616
Doom conceded the fact that Reed was better than him
Reed remade 616 before all that shit happened

Thank you mr. shill, for answering a rhetorical question

Doesn't count, square was derail her solo.

speaking of, someone has the chart updated?

couldnt emma mind rape old beast into helping young beast?

>ask a question
>get answer
wew lad. Maybe stick to Sup Forums. It's probably a bit more your speed.


fuck off mr. shill

>The terrigen mists unlocks their true selves and creatures a future for their race

Shouldn't that be creates? Is this how low marvel editors have fucking sunk to? Ike might as well just fire them if they're not gonna do any work

This is such a fucking "good guys" squad that it makes me sick to my stomach.

I guess the mutants are just a bunch of fucking meanies for not lying down and dying an awful death.

>so is doom not a god anymore? is earth normal earth now and not a gabbledegook of different earths?
That hasn't been the case since Secret Wars ended. Now Reed is God and Doom is Iron Man.

His comic takes place pre-Civil War II since he was already helping the Inhumans in his first appearance which came out months ago. Poor timing and all that.

That would actually make old Beast likeable so no, he has to suffer by being written like an asshole so he can die and young Beast would become a demon again.

>Let's just leave the fucking planet we live in
>When these are the guys who originally came from the moon
Why should they leave you fucking Inhuman-Apologists?

>When these are the guys who originally came from the moon
But... they didn't. They lived in the Himalayas and didn't move to the moon until after the fact.

All these straight white men. You shitlord. the top 37 smartest people are nonwhite women.

>good guys
>mosaic and reader

An I wing to be unabashedly routing for the mutants? Like, didn't the inhumans start this shit in the first place by leaving the moon?

>What you mean not all mutants are the same? They look the same to me

they should have stayed there

I was talking about Moon Girl

>Why not just chill on the moon
Planetary mass evacuation sounds kinda hard, dont you think? They can easily convince people already in their group but what about random mutants or their enemies?

There's the problem of actual location. Its not like there's a billion places in space that can take in the mutant population right here, right now.

And lastly, they're not just "chilling" in space. What you're suggesting is exile. Did you seriously think that the inhumans are making efforts into removing it?

Even more so strange, why the fuck is Synapse there? When she first met Medusa, she suggested burning the damn cloud out of the sky and saw first hand the effect it has on mutants. This page is full of pure stupidity

not to mention that she was against inhumans in deapool mercs tie-in

Favourite X-Man vs favourite Inhuman

Now they need to kill Moongirl and it is easily my favourite event since relaunch.

>Big strong heroic inhumans teaming up to take down evil X-Men

You can't convince me the Inhumans aren't fucking villains at this point Marvel. I don't care what you're doing. Did the two inhumans that blew up Forge's machine know that they were helping along a genocide? Are they proud of serving their genocide masters?

Oh no, the mutant genocide cloud that we don't actually need but is just kinda cool to us might be lost, we must take out the X-men for this disgrace! The first issue of this crossover showed that the Inhumans were already planning to take out the X-Men if nothing else could be done.

You can't really salvage them after Death of X, you failed and made the entire thing too lopsided. Stop trying to put heroes on their side, don't act like we're supposed to root for them either. The Inhumans need to take a bit of shit.

Nobody except the X-men know they all mutants will die in two weeks

But everyone knows what happens when you try to mess with the mists. Therefore, fuck inhumans

>Editors failing at their job
News to me

>Like for sure, it won't start killing something else except humans.
For the starters, Inhumans themselves, after secondary terrigenesis kicks in.

If it makes you feel better, the Inhumans lose the event and get kicked off Earth.

I would feel better, if inhumans didn't appear in monsters unleashed and secret empire events.
I would also feel even better, if they had only one book post ivx instead of 3.

And I would cum buckets if Ewing was writing something X-Men (like Cable), instead of being wasted on royals